Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jouirnal:OCF Steward: Gov. A Man Of His Word

The problem is Governor Cuomo will not be making these decisions.  Hopefully the legislature will do their homework and pick appropriate prisons, but we all know that is not the case.


Anonymous said...

There's not many politicians who are willing to keep their word if it expedites their political career...and I don't think he's thinking he's at his peak.

Anonymous said...

I,m willing to bet anything that OCF is on the hit list along with Watertown. If the Governor keeps his word the city will get quite a bit of money to use for economic development... Which to you think Nelson and comapny will want..

Poly Information said...

They will get 10 million dollars for redevelopment of the closed facility. They did nothing when they closed many of the facilities in Betty Little's district.

Think about it, 10 million with strings or 28 million in salaries. That is a no brainer and Nelson would want the jobs in the area, and so would the county. If they close OCF there would just be more vacant homes and more room for the sex offenders and drug dealers.

The closures have been pushed to the legislators. They will play the game and what district will be hit.