Sunday, February 6, 2011

Journal:Ogdensburg man admits to burglaries

  Roger D. Keith II, Pleas to Robbery Charges
Plea bargain, to be expected but maybe this is his first burglary, and probation may be appropriate.  Were they buildings or houses and why did he break into these buildings?  Was it because he has a drug habit and if so, it needs to be addressed.  If not, he will continue to commit criminal acts to support his habit. 

I was wondering, what ever happened to our last murder that evolved drugs?  Did they catch the masked men?  Three murders in Ogdensburg and nothing has come from any of them. 



Anonymous said...

My area has been bothered by petit thieves for over three years. All because of drugs.. Selling of drugs from the corner of ST Lawrence Ave and King St along with ciggerettes. Selling of drugs in two houses on the five hundred block of Rens Ave. Two houses on the six hundred block of Rens Ave... Corner of Albany ave and Rens Ave also a much frequented spot along with now the corner of Mansion and Rens AVe.. Whats being done about it
Neighborhood watches dont work period end of conversation.. Cops on the beat work.. Some one suggested a citizens patrol such as the Sheriff had.. Has it been looked into? Sheriff Jarvis and Sheriff Wells could be consulted about it.
Whats funny is if someone went to city hall and asked it might be researched.. How come suggestions from these sites are not entertained? I know the counsilors read them but dont like responding because they can tend to get critical of ill performance such as we get at times.
This Chief has his hands full but its time to step up and assign officers to been seen in the area of these houses and the others constantly... Can citizens take pictures of people entering a house and or leaving then post them or is this harrassment...
If someone writes a critical letter in the paper it gets some response from officals why not a blog such as this? I think its the fact that most people want to remain anom or private in these matters.

Anonymous said...

We are NO longer SAFE in our own homes . Drugg addled criminal roam free and harass decent citizens

I live on Morris St and am very concerned . NOTHING is done by the city that has lasting effect relative to solving these crimes , Crime is rampant , the city is a disaster and Sciorra and the Council screw around with meaningless drivel and surveys .

Anonymous said...

Scoria is useless as a manager Woods is useless in any capasity.. I,m begining to believe the police are useless..

Anonymous said...

There are people who wrk at the DAs office that claim the cases they recieve from the OPD are so weak at times they have no alternative to plea bargain. If this is true its up to the City Manager to get together with the Chief and clean this dept up.

Anonymous said...

The Manager and Council are failing , and will continue to fail. They must all be removed from office .

The city is in a major tailspin, unsolved murders , unabated drug -addled crime on the streets , deteriorating neighborhoods and infrastructure , weak enforcement, 27% OF THE TAX BASE CARIIES 100 % OF THE TAX BURDEN , unenlightened leadership , and absolutely no idea of what to do to turn any of this around .

These "worthies" have had their yrs in office , have presided over this decline and are only there to fatten their retirements .

Get rid of them all in the voting booth next time unless they get the situation UNDER CONTROL and IMPROVE the Quality of Life

Anonymous said...

Your wrong about the entire council. There is those on there that live in the real world and know real world experiences. Whats their problem? They are not good speakers> Notice the mayor, notice Mr. Powers and Mr. Vuagh.. They can speak well and articulate very well, and at times the others just fall in line... Listen sometimes when Nelson speaks and he can make you believe we live in an improving enviorement up here. To here him sometimes we could believe we are safe and snug and our police to a great job... Rah rah rah.. Powers in his big booming voice spins alot, and puts on the tough guy act alot but really hasnt a clue of anything outside of prison walls. Vaugh learnt well in College, learn well and speak well, and jump on everybandwagon you can and it will get you through.
The bottom line is thta these three control the others but their control has made things bad for us and has to end.
I like the idea of a looking at the citizens patrol as the Sheriff used years ago.. In fact in the late fiftys and early sixtys we had something similar here to patrol the streets mostly at night.
I like the idea of looking at disolvement and its pros and cons.
Possibly this author would care strt an online petition to look into both.
In closing this I say we need to get out of this rut we are in. We need someone to step forward with some new ideas..We need some elected officals that want to work for us and not themselves. Quit the posturing and posing for the camera like Nick Vaugh and do something.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i totally disagree the ENTIRE council is at fault-- no one gets a pass . They are elected to ACT , Speak up and Lead and in the immortal words of the Bard


If you can't speak up you have NO RIGHT to be on the Council

Your analysis gives them a pass and soft-balls the fact that rank amateurs have been elected here by a very complacent and disengaged public .

You GET what YOU deserve by electing people who while they may hunt and fish and drink beer and smile nicely haven't got either the leadership skills or intellectual capability to govern in very difficult times .

Real leaders set VERY high expectations and goals and terminate chronic under-achievers and demand RESULTS as far as improving Ogdensburg's situation . Why are things continually deteriorating here?

The answer is clear: -Low or No expectations and NO leadership and worship of the Status Quo by all

The sooner these people are out of office the better.

Anonymous said...

Do you know a crack addict? They have no sole. they will do next to anything for the money to buy their next hit.They steal from their mothers and fathers. They steal from their children and they are fathers. The addicts wife and or husband tolerate it because they love this person. They run in packs.. The drug dealers most of whom never worked a day in their life have all their toys as most of them dont use their product. The cops here in town are a poor excuse for officers. They use the poor addict for stooleys to get some headlines. They catch peoplelike Mr. Keith by other ratting him out then they get a pass.. They enter your house at night and they steal, steal and whatever comes after that. All for a fix. Yet the cops tolerate it because without these people they cant get their headline once in a while. We have no competant investigators. Why bother, but them back in uniform and let them walk a beat.. Do you notice they never arrest a significant drug dealer only the real trash.. Ever notice after an arrest they are realeased then you see their name countless times again for the same thing.. Ever actually investigate why? Girls and I mean pretty girls get a pass in this town. All and I mean ALL of the police have friends they see on occassions. Donut King and girls.. Its all happening becsuse of lack of supervision by the chief and lack of supervision on the chief by the council.

Anonymous said...

4 :31 If what you say is remotely true then it is time to raise hell at city council isn't it ?

Anonymous said...

I believe that this is an election year. I look forward to seeing your names on the ballot so the taxpayers will finally have a chance to elect someone with all the answers.