Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WDT:Journalist appointed recreation director

Mr. Curatolo, Rec. Director
It appears the City of Ogdensuburg had found their Recreation Director, Matt Curatolo.  Mr. Curatolo, will bring a lot of energy to the position and has great writing skills.  The salary is $42,900.00/year is a nice salary for NNY.  I wonder how many interviewed for the position? 

Well the best man got the job, good luck Matt!

WDT Article


Anonymous said...

I dont know this guy so I cant say hes the best man such as you do. In one article you imply Rupp is the best qualified for a job because shes on the job and in the next article you claim this guy is the best man for this job. What about the others that held this type of job before? I dont understand your thought...

Oburg said...

Honestly, I was wondering how many people actually applied for this job. It is a good job and Mr. Curatolo had a minimal skill set based on the article. I do not know him personally but have had contact with many that support him and his ability.

He has the job at this point and I do wish him good luck and hopefully the recreation department will be better with him at the helm. Time will tell and if he fails we will read about it.

I have had many business related contacts with Mrs. Rupp at the county clerk's office she is very capable, hard working, and understands a multifaceted office. During Mrs. Ritchie's Race for the Senate Mrs. Rupp was the backbone of the office and has done a remarkable job.

moby dick said...

I agree, but you dont hire people to replace people when theres a possiblity that she or he could be laid off immediately. All for the sake of politics. Nancy Martin is creating a panic when in fact there is none. If the Democrats get their guy in office he will either work out or not. The people will decide that in November. Simply writing that the Dems want and make them look like their the problem is wrong on your part. It in fact is the GOP legislators and Martin that are worried and causing the politics..