Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journal:City Man To Be Considered For Drug Court

Here we go again, 2 years of the Liberal Democrats controlling the Senate and they passed legislation that gutted the judicial system.  They claimed the Rockefeller Laws were too strict but they were modified years ago.  Now every criminal is given a "Get Out of Jail Free" card, they call it Judicial Diversion Program.  In NYC they have organization like the Oasis Treatment Centers, that sit in courtrooms and petition the judge to release drug dealers into their care. 

Problem with Mr. Kennedy is he was not arrested on CPCS (Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance) or CSCS (Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance), he was arrested for two counts of felony fourth degree criminal possession of stolen property and one count of misdemeanor fifth degree criminal possession of stolen property.  Something is wrong here! The public defender would not even comment if drugs were used or part of the crime...if I was arrested for robbery I would blame it on my drug problem, just so I could go to a judicial diversion program (GET OUT OF JAIL FREE).  Mr. Kennedy, must be connected to the system somehow. 

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

It starts with the CSEA and the other STAte unions. Workers who work for us the taxpayers make a lot of money and can affort their habits. Unlike Mr. Kennedy who probably dont work and cant affort his habit.. Once caught the state worker who can afford his habit cant be fired he just states he has a habit and the state puts him/her in rehab at our expense. After a shor period of time they are put back to work again..The person who steals to support their habit does the same cycle and then returns to crimes after the rehab. Regardless its all at our expense. This is what is wrong..
As far aa blaming the Rockerfeller laws thats a crutch for people like Nelson Powers to spin about. This has been going on since Pataki era...
I know some people would like all people in jail so everyone up here could get a job as a babysitter but thats not going to happen. We need privatization of at least the minimum and medium security jails in this state. Lessen the mandate for the offenders and let the owners of the jails run them in a somewaht humane way. As inmates about these facilities.. Vacation time only. There is no fear of going to these facilities or our County Jail... Lets change all of this first.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kennedy undoubtly has connections to the system. I cant believe that he and the Kennedys on the PD arnt connected.
Thats not the problem. I cant believe anyone would insinuate that there is wrongdoing here. Its the system plain and simple. The previous blogger hit it right on the head. POLITICS. I however disagree with the author of the site that its the fault of the liberal democrats rather I blame the entire GOP Pataki regime for this lack. As stated above the state workers get a pass for anything they do. They just yell my habit made me do it and they get a pass and get to keep their job.. Why blame just the criminal system.
Privatization of the jails probably would help as long as their was a relief from inmate rights.tHEY ARE criminals and their rights are at our descrition depending on what they did.
Starting at the police level. We need more presence on the streets especially at night.
Arrest the a00holes dont deal with them for names and info.
To the judge.. Put them in jail for a period then let probabion get them out.
To the Sheriff. When their put in jail make their stay there not enjoyable as it is but very uncomfortable.
To probabtion when they are on your watch do your job job..
To the DA.. Dont plea wit them go after them hard.. All of them dont pick and choose who gets the breaks
To the lawyers that have to defend these jerks. Back off and quit grabbing for every straw to tie the system up. ESPECIALLY THOSE THAT WORK FOR US.
I could babble for ever. Its not going to change much in the near future.
What going to happen is some poor inocent person is going to be robbed somenight and grab a gun and shoot someone. Then every cop will want to investigate. Every lawyer get his anme in the paper. DA will go whole hog to convict and the good guy will be punished to the laws fullest with no pleas allowed or drug courts to go to.. Only the people in the system can change that system.

Bruce said...

you freakin people are oblivoius tothe whole situation. Blogger number 1. whether yoy agree or not the fact is the Democrats have removed the laws that allow a dreg like this Kennedy kid to be eligible for the drug court. How about the victims of the robbery aOOhole!! the thousands of dollars worth of heirloom jewelry stolen from people who adhere to the laws of the LEGISLATURE. they pass the laws and judges sent them to jail stop blaming the unions for defending their people, if they were in control maybe you would have a job LOSER!! instead of blogging all day. I am under the impression that you might of at one time had a job with the state and lost it due to your ingnorance.

Bruce said...

Anon number 2 I agree with some of what you say. you unlike number 1 have a mind that looks beyond the politics of the situation and demands solutions. KUDOS to you!!

Anonymous said...

In a recent blog by Mayor Graham of Watertwon he discussed the mayor of Alex Bay and his recent comments about not wanting bikers in ABay. He recieved the most responses to any article he ever posted.
My point about this site is that the mayor of Watertown is selectively omitting any comments about Matt Doheny of ABAy . Some of my comments and comments of my friends have been negative however proven true. It is a point of view relating to Mr. Dohenys personality and the actions he has indulged in during his life.
Your site seems to be open for people critizising as well as favorable to personalities and for that I commend you... Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting subject. He obviously claiming a drug habit... Make him prove a habit. Test him if it can be done. Then question him. Make him give up whomever he bought the drugs from. Make him give up at least one or two other dealers and make him agree to give up a couple of users he knows. Take this info to court and try to obtain warrants for some related arrests. Once all of the above falls into compliance then and only then allow him any leaway on bargaining... The system is soft.. Interesting
Also the last commentator is correct about Mayor Graham.. He selectively hides any negativity about our Congressional canidate and the GOP helpers he has.
His most recent tangle with law enforcement has been completely hushed.

Anonymous said...

I have listened to the State workers get slammed by the Governor, bloggers, and everyone including their brothers but they did not create this mess. They did not create the legislation that increased prison population that required new jobs. They did not create the boondoggle of buracracies, the top heavy departments, they provide the daily services to NYS citizens.

State employees, benefits, and retirement make up about 12% of the entire budget. Education and Medicaid make-up over 2/3 of the budget. Medicaid in NYS is better than Obamacare, it is the best in the country.

State needs to right size and if that means laying off works, so be it. The DEC layed off 100s of workers but not one supervisor, what is wrong with this picture? We bash CSEA, PEF, NYSCOBA, Council 82, UUP and other state unions because of their great pay. Great for NNY, but not so great downstate. That is why state orgainzations run better in the North country, because they are considered good jobs here, not their.