Tuesday, February 15, 2011

WDT:St. Lawrence coroner faces DWI charge

 STOP DWI, no one is exempt but some get breaks and others get multiple breaks.  Every time you get behind the wheel you take a chance on ruining your life and possibly some innocent bystander's life and/or family.  These are needless odds and it appears Mr. Lawrence failed multiple field sobriety tests and refused to take a alcohol breath test.  How will he do his job without a driver's license? 

This will be a case to watch, maybe he could go to drug court!!!

WDT Article


Anonymous said...

This all falls under ST Lawrence Countys circus.. Why should he be treated any differently than anybody else. Why does Duve need a special prosecutor. Simply do her job for a change. They cant prove the DWI but without his liscence he cannot perform his duties and should be relieved with no pay. Remember the ast DA John Collins drunk and leaving the scene. Richards gave him a chosice quit or be fired he did.Versnyer fired for drinking, Another fired for sexual stalking, Two let go in personnel for changing civil service scores but kept quiet. Several deputies over the years fired for hanky panky. One fired for playing on his desktop with his secretary.. Wish I could remember his name. Remember Peter Phalen

Anonymous said...

I think your talking about Bender who tied the guy up and put a shoker pm jos testicles.. Resigned
It wasnt a deputy fired for the secretary rather the guy resigned after getting caught smoking weed and having sex on the job.. His wife was a reporter for the times.
Anthing criminal with Lawrence is a seperate issue and is up to Duve. He should resign or be should be brought up on charges by the board of legislators and fired.

Anonymous said...

They wont remove him from his elected position.

An for sure the SLC Board will not.

The St.Lawrence County Sheriffs Dept has an officer on the road now who was fired from the dept for DWI and they hired him back. Ogdensburg Police Also has an officer who has had a DWI while Employed. People make mistakes all the time..