Monday, February 14, 2011

Journal:EPA Working To Avoid Milk As Oil Legislation

Major Milk Spill in Local Home
 This is just what the farmers need is another expense.  This will be another policy mandated by the EPA. These regulation cost money to implement and a milk clean-up could be as devastating as the Gulf Oil spill.  What would we do if 1000 gallons of butter fat milk was running wild on a farm.  We did have milk bi-products spread on the Lee Road that contaminated some wells.

I make light of this but how many tragic milk spills have we had in NYS.   We are the 3rd largest dairy state in the country, we have close to 1 million acres in farm land, and close to the 100,000 milking cows, sounds like a formula for disaster. 

We do have Senator Ritchie, Ag. Chairperson but this would be a federal issue which is hard for me to understand the correlation between a oil spill in the Gulf and a milk spill on a farm.  Federal Regulations running amuck!

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