Sunday, December 4, 2011

Journal:Tired of Gridlock, Voters Leave Major Parties

Can We Trust Our Party?

What member of any political party has not felt the frustrations of the party leaders or candidates
Mike Long, Conservative Chairperson went against local endorsements which created much acrimony among the membership. These examples exist in every political party and we see this locally every election year.

Political organizations and politicians will do and say whatever to retain power or office. Core beliefs of party and politician will be abandoned to retain a position of stature. So the cycle continues until the voters base their vote on substance, not name recognition, not on one issue, and not popularity but on the issues that continue to hamper efficient and open government.

We elect a new City Council and no one knows what their position is on a tax increase but everyone knows that a family lived in a City owned house on Knox Street for three years rent free. Which of these two issues will impact us the most? What has happened to the quality of life on the streets of Ogdensburg? Granted, Knox St. opened up a door and a little house cleaning was accomplished, but what are the bigger issues.

Journal Parties


Anonymous said...

The bigger issues of Ogdensburg will never be solved. You people elected the wrong people for your city council. None of the new council members gave a position on any issue. They spoke in general terms which worked to get them elected. That way if you speak in general terms you never have to be held accountable for your actions as a council member.

If you run for any political office never never bring out subjects like the Knox St. No one likes to hear the truth. Never give an option on tax issues. That way you can always blame someone else.

So now Ogdensburg live with your choices and good luck in the coming years.

Anonymous said...

Your correct in your statement but watch out.. We have a spelling and grammar freak that supports the council and all that says they are satisfied with the status quo. He/she is satisfied with the police work in the city and is happy to watch the firemen sit around doing nothing.. Of course we also should bow down and get on our knees for all at the psyc center and prisons... Happy person this spelling freak...

Anonymous said...

The biggest issue right now is drugs.. Drugs being sold and used everywhere.. Police unable to curb the crime..Its a big deal to the local cops if they catch a couple of low level drug sellers.. They get busted, plea bargain, go to drug court then do it again only smarter the second time around.Crime is on the streets, not in the Donut King or station and thats where we need to cops.
Someone had mentioned a volunteer group to assist the police with a program such as the Sheriff had a few years ago.. Hasnt interested anyone however.. I asked two different retired Sheriff employees and they both said the program worked well.. The union and the legislators had input of what they could do and couldnt do.. Liability was a risk but all of todays jobs have risks..

Poly Information said...

The quality of life in the River City is in the dumpster. Drugies and freaks are all over town. Take a walk by the step by step and ask the area businesses about the clientele that roam the area. Not safe for anyone.

We need to shake down the drug dealers...why does everyone in town know who is dealing but the police.

Anonymous said...

Fire them if they are NOT effective . No more excuses , no more delays . We must take our city back from the druggies and pervs and criminals .

Get off your lazy posteriors Mayor , Councilors , City Mgr and Police chief and solve this serious problem its been a yr now and you haven't even solved the murders .

Get going

Anonymous said...

First of all nothing will change with the new council. The police chief is one of the good old boys. He does not like to have the men looking for trouble and they stay safe at the Police Station. They only answer calls as they are received at the station.

The Mayor does not make changes in enforcement efforts by the cops. The manager is to busy trying to keep his lies in order. So good luck Ogdensburg. This is a drug haven for users and sellers.

Anonymous said...

If we didn't have the prisons, we wouldn't have as big of a problem with drugs and crime - the families and friends of the incarcerated follow them to prison towns like Ogdensburg and bring down the standard of living for everyone. I am all for jobs and economic development, but prisons are destructive to our way of life.

Anonymous said...

Close the prisons , BTW do any of our politicians own slum housing that it rented to Ogdensburg's drug addled criminals ?

Why has there been no attempt to list landlords who rent to these creeps and why no public pressure to rid Ogdensburg of these creeps .

Whay aren't our politicians and police more aggressive in SOLVING these problems

Why are citizens here SO PASSIVE and defeatest on demanding these issues be solved ? Why are citizens so passive and willing to let this city turn into a drug-addled dung heap ?

Anonymous said...

I agree that drugs seem to be the biggest issue seeing it directly relates to crime. We need help in the law enforcement . TAxes have always been an issue but feek and rate hikes amount to new taxes with different names.
The blogger asks why people here ae so passive and defestest.. I,ll give you a prime example of what happens.
I stated an opinion on this blog last week. I was attacked by someone who questioned my grammar and spelling and stated I must be a Democrat then stated I was a complainer.. All of the above are very true.. My spelling and my grammar at times are awful but I still have a right to complain agasinst things that I percieve as wrong.. The spelling freak is a prime example of what these people do to others. The status quo people who are ocntent sit and ridicule the people who arnt happy.. Not enough of us go to meetings and complain. We are content to let the Nelsons Vaughs and Powers run things their way. Nelson made us smelll blood last month and we filled the hall with fury.. He got elected now its an issue they will let go to sleep. Nelson was accused of living out of the city against the law.. He does.. Nothings been done. Why/ Hes a liar in that respect and we accept it.. Why///

Anonymous said...

Ogdensburg has a third party! The MORON PARTY ! Hesded by Daniel Skamperele and spokesman Nickolas Vaugn. This party is chaired and owned by President Art Scorria.

Anonymous said...

did anyone happen to hear what happened at the council meeting last night? word on the street has Nelson called on everyone to see who released the report to the media. They all said it they did not for the record....then Powers asked for an investigation from the law firm they hired to determine the individual or individual's who actually released it.

Anonymous said...

more charades that will just keep uncle art in charge forever. what a sad fate for this city!

Anonymous said...

only in ogdensburg

Anonymous said...

only in ogdensburg