Friday, December 30, 2011

Journal:Children's Librarian Sought

Another Librarian?

Hiring a another Librarian is a tough sell when the position was not filled last year to balance the budget. Would this position require a Masters in Library Science (MLS) to run the children's programs? The replacement of Mrs. Wright would receive a $4K raise from day one.

I support the library, but would question this decision. Maybe the readers have a better insight.

Journal Librarian


Anonymous said...

If a library is not mandated a librarian isnt needed in my book. They got quite a jump in funding this year from taxpayers dollars. The only one opposing this was Morley but he cant read anyway so it dosnt matter to him.

Anonymous said...

Does the school have a library? Do they have a librarian? If so some way of merging the two all into the public library downtown wuld be wonderful seeing we already pay for this service. Do we need both??
With so much technology available on the internet do we need to maintain a library at the school??
I am not looking for a controversy in this matter I would like someone to explain to me what purpose both serve.

Anonymous said...

There are many teacher's looking for a job. They would jump at this opportunity. This may be a job for a teacher's aide. Reading to kids, plays, and games.

Anonymous said...

In High School a "librarian" is mandated by NYS, in the private sector it might be ruled by Civil Service. If you hire someone and there doing the work of a Librarian then pay them a wage of a librarian.