Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Journal:City Hires Counsel, May Need More

This is Going to Get Ugly
The voters want Mr. Sciorra fired and the voters will end up footing the bill due to a bungled and mishandled investigation on the Knox Street property. 

Who writes, who reviews, and who is responsible for the City entering into iron clad contracts that protect everyone but the City! The City Manager's contract has built in protection, and built in raises. I think it was a year after Mr. Sciorra took office and City Council enacted a raise that was missed.  
Mr. Sciorra is looking for his next contractual raise which states "he is entitled to any normal salary increases extended to other city employees". When did we stop basing raises on performance and did anyone read this contract besides Art?

Journal Hires Counsel


Anonymous said...

reprinted from last post:

I must say that I am distressed by Mr. Silver's role in perpetuating this. I know he is a respected attorney but I do not think he served the public interest too well here.

1) knew his report would be used for personnel matters from which he'd have to recuse himself.
2) did not refer city to free legal services offered by state for this type of matter.
3) does not appear to have provided fair, balanced discussion of pros, cons, and rationale for lease and eviction options. As an atty., this would have been a real service.
4) did not substantively address all relevant allegations made by woods.
5) urged against public disclosure even though public records are public property.

You have to read very very selectively to conclude that this report clears Art in any meaningful way. Worse, it accomplishes the task of costing money and saying nothing. All while our elected and appointed clowns continue to compete to see who can screw the city the hardest.

Anonymous said...

Its all in the charter... Revise the Charter and put the control back with the city... The county administrator dosnt have the control the city manager does thus they are much more responsible for his/her actions.
Bill Nelson has used this form of government to slide for years. The first city managers did an outstanding job so he got away with it.. This one is less than credible and Nelson is using this to hide behind now... Rid the city of Nelson and Sciorra and mindless puppetts like MM and we might start moving ahead.

Anonymous said...

Cant buy into this entire senereio yet.. I see where the manager is very weak and needs to be replaced but making Woods out to be some martar is wrong.. Cosmo and Gebo also had a lot of responibility in this but seem to be ignorned so far.
Nelson is the real clutz in this matter. He has openly supported this guy for years and only and I mean only when he realized he wasnt going to be elected did he turn on the manager in order to crusade for votes.
Nelson is getting a free ride by residents of this city in that hes no longer a resident of the city only on occassions that suit him. He holds meetings and seems to know Roberts rules of order well, hes well dressed and likes smiling at the camera during meetings but the substance needed in a man for the good of this city is no longer in him. Notice now at the meetings he sits quietly while his parrot Morley does all the babbeling..
We needed change but the majority wanted him to stay so get ready to pay your taxes on time and wait for the next screwup,

Anonymous said...

No one did their homework when they hired this clown Art Sciorra. If you check with the news media Star Gazette HorseHeads NY and the South Bend Tribune you will see this clown was run out of both places before he came to Ogdensburg. Also, remember who hired this clown, Billy, Sammy and a few others wanted this clown so bad that they gave him everything but the kitchen sink.

Now this is how you solve getting rid of Art Sciorra. You first of all grow a pair of balls. You fire him and change the locks on his office doors. Then you let him bring legal action on his own and using his own money. Folks this guy is an idiot. He has no basis for his notice of claim. Wake up city Council.

But that will not happen because no one on this city council has balls enough to tackle this man.

So Art Baby go for it. You got paid off in Horseheads and in Michigan so why not Ogdensburg.

Anonymous said...

Mike Morley as one of our councilors who uses this site on occassions would you go along with the following
I think rather than the form of the meetings they have now we need to have meetings held once a month where council sits and anyone with questions can ask them to the council. An answer is needed then.. The present you can go up front in the chambers and make a statement for five minutes. They sit like dumb asses and look at you and Nelson will thank you gets us nowhere.. We need an accountable council not one that can work for one month a year at election year.
These meetings are needed and soon. If we cant have this meeting we must have adequet time to speak and ask questions and get answers clear and precise at that time during regular meetings.. Thats accountablility.. What do you think Mike.. would you promote this in some form

Mike Morley said...

To Anon 6:17;
Yes, you have a good idea. I have never understood why people can't get at least some form of answer at the public address session. We still have to conduct the meeting as we do to get business done, but we should add a question and answer session to the meetings to assist the public in things they wish to know. Maybe a fifteen minute part set aside for this.

Anonymous said...

Mike Morley.. Thanks for the answer.. Bring this up some time. I by no means think it should interfere with the regular meeting but possibly under new business and old business.. Let the councilors speak first then allow any interested party to step up and address a quesiton in these sessions and get an honest answer.
You also make reference a while back to council keeping more control in certain areas.. I think the manager part of the charter possibly should be changed to keep the ultiment control with the council the same as the legislators do with the county manager. Hiring and firing approved by them... She runs the county but the legislature keeps the keys of control...

Mike Morley said...

To Anon 7:46:
I think we need more control in some areas, but hiring could lead to nepotism. I wish hiring was done by a non-government group, with City residents having first chance at jobs.
More control over grant applications and housing rehab would be a nice start, though.

Anonymous said...

These are good answers, Mike. I don't think you've handled this situation perfectly, but we know you're trying. It is hard to function on a council with bad apples like Nick and Dan.

I hope the incoming members will work professionally to get Art off our hands. I know he will stoop to any low but the current status quo of losing grant monies is already expensive. We now know definitively that grants were well run and that Art was therefore pretty dishonest in regard to the Wades, who are good citizens. I don't care about Knox Street but Art should be gone just for keeping all this bad press going...and having the gall to demand a raise.

The next CM cannot have a secret contract!!!

Anonymous said...

Hiring could be done by the manager.. Council would have to approve.. Nepotisim could be discussed there.. Nelsons son was hired offically by Sciorra but, really Mike who got him hired>

Anonymous said...

The thing that happened this week concerning tickets for overnight parking is typical Ogdensburg irrationality.. Police chief needs to be strung up for this... one hundred plus tickets over night because they need extra money in the budget... Everyone who got a ticket should appear in court and plead not guilty and go to trial.. If everyone did this it would send a message loud and clear.. Also everyone should be calling their councilors and complaining...
They want the city cleaned up but they try to put some people in the position of making their yards and the front of their house into a mudhole...
Come on Chief POlinak.. Solve some of the local murders and leave the parking tickets for when they are needed.

Anonymous said...

Talk about nepotism, how many Polniaks are on the Police Department. The recently promoted McCarthy is Nelson's cousin. Nelson also has his other cousin on the Growth fund that he illegally chairs. The citizen survey shows a declining trend in satisfaction with the department, but you can't touch them, can you Art? The Chief denies that the City has any problems. Fred Bean has told many people that the Chief needs to be fired for mismanaging the department. Now look at the Fire Department, well run but everyone is related. Little Chicago right in our back yard.

Anonymous said...

9:39 sounds like Skamperle. Hates the police department. Hates the fire department. Hates Nelson. Won't blame Art. Calls the city Little Chicago. Sounds like Skamperle to me.

Anonymous said...

Not Skamperele just an average citizen. Can you tell me what I said earlier is not true. You must be that scumbag Steve Rose. Will do anything to get Art fired, including ignoring any of the facts that take the attention off Art.

Smoke Jensen said...

Yep I'm convinced it's Skamperle, Anon: 10:43 and 9:39. He hates Rose 2. I thought at one time he would be a good man for the job! He's worried about the manager's reputation. He and Vaugh can't get past the fact that The Manager did not do his job! He let it go. whether you like him or not, he needs to go!! You represent the city and the taxpayer Dan. You voice your concern for the taxpayer , but you support a man who let thousands of dollars slip for three years, and then lied about it, by attempting to throw good people under the bus! You and your party are as crooked as the night is long! Get off your asses and fix this before the new council gets on board. Who is responsible Dan? You perhaps? This sitting council is a bunch of BOOBS!! EVERYONE OF THEM!

Anonymous said...

Whatever Mr. Rose, do you ever work or do you just sit at Morley's house and drink coffee and play on these sites. I agree the council is a bunch of idiots that are ruining our city. Employees take on the attributes of their leaders and if you look into what I said earlier you will find that it's true but you won't entertain that you just want to guess who I am and take the conversation back to Art. If it helps, I agree Art needs to go. The problem with corruption and mismanaged departments will surface when he does. The state has already pulled our Grant funding for the upcoming cycle and it is because of the Mayor and the bullshit council. Get a job Rose and take a bath.

Anonymous said...

Council meetings used to allow anyone to speak on any topic. Most of the time, it was civil and polite. The present mayor is the person who insisted on the system as it is now, where a person must register to speak in advance, in the city clerk's office, and state what agenda topic you plan to speak about. Mr. Morley, you were on the council when this change was made. Perhaps you don't remember, but I most certainly do.

Mike Morley said...

To 1:59,
You are on the right track. I believe the change you mean is the 5 minute time limit, introduced around 2001. I think people have had to sign in for a long time, though I won't swear to it.

Anonymous said...

I for one want this changed. If I want to address council it should be opened to the floor.. Nelson was afraid then and now that he might have to honestly say I dont know, but I,ll get back to you.. Hes to perfect for that... Morley said he wanted a different forum so possibly he will move for a resolution setting aside a portion of each council meeting for the public for a question and answer period...

Bruce McDonald said...

Hey anon 2:15pm I wonder loud mouth whether you even go to council meetings.. You claim to want change?!

Until recently, you couldn't get anyone to go to a council meeting. I watch the charade on TV every meeting to keep in tune with whats going on. You must be a disgruntled dept. head or more over just an idiot!! The anonymous bloggers here are more ridiculous than the council ever thought of being!!

Could you imagine how long the night would be if we coupled the morons that address council now!! John Oakes really?? Is he really a tax payer? Last I knew he lost his job for sexual misconduct in Lisbon school and he rents from one of the many slum lords in our city!!

You morons slay me!! I get more drama here than any soap opera or prime time TV..

Anonymous said...

Hey Bruce.. Good reading here on this blog.. Who sits you on their leg and reads to you.. Your more apt to find a match on Ogdensburg Topix... Do you even have a clue to whats being talked about at times.? Bruce if you could read people asked for a spot to talk. Morley suggest 15 minutes set aside. Of course you couldnt want this because your retention time in only about two minutes.

Bruce McDonald said...

Nice writing there Anon 6:31. My retention span is long enough to recognize unnecessary drama. I would entertain your request to meet you on topix, but, I would encounter your pathetic ass there as well wouldn't I? People can talk, they just don't deliver! Much like you anon!!

Anonymous said...

I,ve seen your rants against this blog from time to time. But you still keep reading it . Why?
I guess thats what its for expressing your thoughts about various things.
You dont seem to have a problem with the blog just the people who post on it. We should all be quiet pay our taxes and act like you . Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Anonymous said...

People should focus on Mr. Cheese Plant from Cassopolis, not insulting each other. Even worse than the fake defense jobs was the way he lied about the Wades and tried to make Justin look worse than he is (costing us 2012 grant money) for the sake of saving his hide. Now he's squawking about a raise. I say we give him ten thousand bucks for each townhouse he built us on the west side of town.

Saddest thing is that corrupt clowns like Bill kept us from getting rid of this cancer in a civilized way. Shouldn't we know all we need by the fact that his biggest defenders are Skamp and Lil Nicky?

Bruce McDonald said...

Anon 8:36- I read this blog and laugh at the ridiculous comments such as yours and all you other whine asses!! Stop being anon and take a stand- you bitches cry fro change and blog about it... I don't see you at the microphone at the meetings unless they edit you out!! Grow a set and make a difference!!