Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Journal:CountyTax Levy Raise Approved

Not in Our County, 5.5% Tax Levy
We think we have problems! The County raised the tax levy 5.5%, over twice the 2% cap legislated. One of the few that attended the meeting insinuated that the members of the County Board are "entwined with their own relatives and union affiliations to look out for the taxpayer."

Legislator Lightfoot believed the Board should be more involved in developing the County's Budget. Sending direction to the Department Heads and not just listening to Department Heads justifying their budget sounds like a great idea. Things appear a little ass backwards at the County level.

Journal Tax Levy


Anonymous said...

Its been that way for years donkey or elephant.. Every since the County manager job started the problems started..
I do agree with Mr. Lightfoot on this one however.. Cuts must be made to all departments, we the taxpayer will understand.
The city of Ogdensburg will also go over the two percent legisl,ated by Patty Ritchie... That speaks volumes for Nelson and Morley...
The biggest problems with the County is they dont want to lay anyone off. They pussy foot around with the unions and end up with an unfair labor charge which will cost us dearly compliments of the Republican canidate for the 118th DAvid Forsthe.. He should have stayed with letting pheasants go in front of hunters so they could display tropheys..

Anonymous said...

To anon 10:10:
The City has voted on its budget and stayed under the two percent cap. Maybe you ought to read the newspaper a little better, that is if you can read.
With your intelligence, you may be better off on the topix site.

Anonymous said...

This blog hit the nail on the head, members are entwined with their own relatives and union affiliations to look out for the tax payer" enough said.

Anonymous said...

The degree of featherbedding and nepotism and cronyism at the county needs to halted . The county like most governmental organizations has an imbalance in the ratio of payroll costs to actual service costs excluding payroll or in accounting speak ( Other than personal services) . The payroll must be trimmed to reflect current benchmarked BEST practices for counties across the North East .

That is a function of the minimum number of FTE positions required to deliver comparable service units .

Government is no place now for the weak-kneed , good ole boy/girl style of representation that is reflective of what the SLC legislature has become . DO YOUR JOBS -- bring this budget under control by making the difficult decisions NOW .

Lead or get out of the way !!!