Thursday, December 15, 2011

Journal:City Lifts Parking Weather Exemption

Snow or No Snow, No Parking Here!
Enforcement of the parking band, during this snowless holiday season has made a lot of people unhappy in the River City. It almost appears to be a back door approach to generating revenue for legal representation, lol. The forecast for the week was mild, rainy, and temperature 40 or above for the can only imagine the faces of the working class heading to work that morning with a ticket under their wiper blade.

"Inclement weather is here," Mr. Polniak said. "That's why we're enforcing it now." If it is, Mr. Polniak is the only one who has seen it. Ticketing the cars would not have solved the problem, they were on the road for the night. What happen to that warning ticket that was put on your car when the weather starts to change.

All the drug dealers must have stayed in that night due to the inclement weather.

Journal Parking


Anonymous said...

Think Fellas, Think.. This will help pay Nelsons legal fees. The more tickets Rick writes the more Nelson can talk.... Certainly has been very quiet since he won the election.. Morley now doing all the talking..

Anonymous said...

Without new grant monies coming in, Art will be scrambling for revenues to keep basic services going.

Anonymous said...

Petty politics again.. Evryone should appear in court plead no guilty and make the court decide..The chief should find a few drug dealers and solve at least one of the local murders instead...
Dont blame this on Sciorra this is completely Nelson for his legal fees.

Anonymous said...

Another anonymous idiot. Sounds like Vaugh and Skamperle. Can you imagine those two leading the City?

Anonymous said...

Lil Nicky and Skamp. Only place Lil Nicky can lead you is straight to Papa Art's lap where he gets bottled and burped.

Anonymous said...

Vaugh and Skamp would be a disaster as heads of this city. But what have we got now.. Nelson
I agree somewhat about the enforcement issue but I have complained before about non=enforcement of laws.. Cops cant be allowed to pick and choose what they enforce. In this case when they enforce it...
How many leads on drug dealers were gotten that night or how much closer to closure on the Lawton Murder or the Shannon death or the Trickey Murder...

Poly Information said...

You can complain about non-enforcement but this has been the policy and procedure of the past. Cars can park on the street past Dec 1 as long as the weather is good. Someone made a bad decision in this case.

anon 10:27 you do not blame Sciorra but you can blame Nelson. This was the chief's call. Give me a break, everyone casting blame recklessly. Must be Nelson's fault the tree in front of City Halls has a couple bulbs out but why not blame the whole council and possibly Art.

Anonymous said...

Poly... ..
I agree with your thought. I know its policy of the past. I didnt come across correctly. I just dont believe that they should bend laws then pick and choose when enforced. If they are a law such as the sidewalk shoveling issue enforce them. Dont make exceptions. Like the issue of putting items in the road to be picked up like leaves ect. No one enforces it unless theres a accident.. If its a pile of trash in the road its illegal, wrong, against the law. The first step for enforcement would be not to pick it up.. Note the addresss its at and send a letter or warning. They take hours to make stupid ordinances and laws but no time spent enforceing them...
By the way I single out Nelson because he is supposed to be the mayor or the leader. Poor excuse however majority won..

Anonymous said...

Folks it is called selective enforcement. If you do not like receiving parking tickets call the Chief of Police. Then the Chief will call our CEO uncle Art who bill tell the Chief to blame channel 7 news.

PS If you do not pay your parking ticket no action will be taken against you. The parking laws do not go to court. You will receive threating letters in the mail but place them in the trash.