Friday, December 23, 2011

Journal:Enrollment Downward Trend Continues

School Enrollment Down

There has been a 40% decrease in student enrollment since 1976, "school consolidation" may become reality. In 1976 we had approximately 27,000 students enrolled in our public school system which has decreased to about 16,000. This year's school enrollment was down by 213 students. This is not a significant change and only 7 of the 213 are from the Ogdensburg School district. The problem is this trend has continued over the last 30 years.

Schools are getting very expensive to run, especially when some schools are graduating under 30 students. Our graduating class was well over 200 and we are currently graduating just over 100 students. This is about a 50% decrease in student enrollment in the Ogdensburg School system. The school is still the same size and we still have the same number of teachers and administration, consolidation seems like the right choice.

Economies of scale for a school system would figure the cost to educate a student based on the size of the graduating class. Graduating 25 students and trying to offer elective classes or advanced placement courses are not very cost effective when only 7 students are enroll. Hiring a School Administrator, and multiple principals also increase the cost and takes from the students. We should strive for the ideal school size, that maximizes educational opportunities, and brings down costs by consolidating within our school systems. There must be models out there that we could pattern our school system on.

Journal Enrollment  


Anonymous said...

The public education system is so top heavy its unrealistic.. Yes cutting administrative costs is a must but how do we do it when for instance the Ogdensburg School board gives out raises of ten thousand dollars to their admiistratior and his assistant.
I hope you have noticed its the teachers cut and the kids penalized because of it but not the principals and supers and their assistants and administrative assistants and their secretatys and the secretarys to the secratarys

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:35 they all received raises, they are all accountable in their actions. Teachers get a step raise every year of their contract (built in raises) plus add the raises they are granted by the BOE. They are looking at 5 - 10% increase in pay depending which step they are in.

They decide to take the raises and they lost teachers. It must be about the kids. The BOE is no better how do you think they get re-elected every year. They give raises to the admin and teachers.

They have the best insurance for the money, they work 185 days a year, and they have admin and the BOE in their back pocket. NO better deal than that!

Time for a voucher system.

Anonymous said...

To 10:08
A voucher is only good if you have options. If you don't like OFA, where are you going to go? Only public schools exist, unless you would like to enroll you kids in the English as a second language school.

Anonymous said...

Can we send them to Mater dei with the chinese cult coming here.

Anonymous said...

Chinese cult?

Over the past several months, James Ma and his friends have invested over $3.5 million into the Ogdensburg area with the purchase of Mater Dei College, Sholettes Restaurant and three very expensive homes.
Mater Dei was sitting empty for several years. It's roofs were leaking and the floors of some of the buildings were heaving. If Mr. Ma had not come along, it would not have survived many more North country winters.
If it's a cult, it's made up of millionaires and I want to know how I can sign up.
Mr. Ma has announced plans to spend another $3.5 million to renovate the facilities at Mater Dei. A lot of local contractors are going to get jobs next spring when he awards contracts.
It's obvious some of you drop outs need to grasp that when someone is spending $7 million in your area, that represents good news.

Anonymous said...

It's apparent that some of the drop outs are so busy making up rumors and believing racist lies, they missed the real news. Mr. Ma and his friends are investing in the future of the Ogdensburg area because they like this community and the people they've met.
When they open their school, it will create over 100 new jobs in the Ogdensburg area. The students will pump $15 to $20 million into the local economy.
Cults don't have millions of dollars to invest. It would be a scam if their checks had not cleared the bank.
Wake up!
It's the best news Ogdensburg has had in a long time, as long as the intelligent people stand up and welcome our new wealthy investors into our community .
Unfortunately, the drop outs and racists are too busy making up rumors and believing fabrications.

Anonymous said...

Drop outs and racists are realists.. You must be Allison Chadwick making all of the money. Art Sciorra met and took this Mr. Ma all over. Is that who he liked and admired...
We will see how many LOCAL people get jobs here at that school. The Chinese restraunt might do alright but it will close one thats here now for sure.
We will see how much business picks up here in Ogdensburg.. How many new stores do you expect? How many local people will get jobs there.. No more than twenty or so if that... The word cult scares people but go on line and research cults and see how many are oriental and chinese at that...

Poly Information said...

Change scares everyone but calling something a cult because you do not understand it is not the way to go.

Mr. Ma has made a major investment in Ogdensburg, looks like it is time to learn a little Chinese.

I here he is going to build a bunch of homes on the Lee Road.
Lumber, food, hardware, cars, service must come from the area.
this will have a major impact on Ogdensburg.

I would think any change would be good compared to the sex offenders, drug dealers, and murderers we have been catering to.

Anonymous said...

Actually you might want to get outside St. Lawrence County once in a while so that you don't look so foolish.
In most cults, the members don't each get a $500,000 house. The members can't write $1.5 million dollar checks to buy colleges.
If you actually checked out the facts before you fabricated lies about people who are trying to bring new business and opportunity to this area, you'd discover that you don't have to speak Chinese to teach English as a Second Laguage.
There are a lot of people in St. Lawrence County who already have the certification to teach at an ESL school.
Last summer, SUNY Canton had Chinese students attending an ESL program.
The students who will be coming to Ogdensburg will know quite a lot of English. They just won't be fluent enough in it to study at an American college.
If you did a little research, instead of fabricating nonsense, you'd understand that for non-English speakers to be admitted into a U.S. college, you have to take an examination for English as a Second Language.
The kids who will be coming will be studying to improve their scores so they can get admitted to a U.S. college.

Anonymous said...

If you understood simple economics, you would understand that if you put $15 million to $20 million into our area, it helps the entire economy.
Construction workers get jobs building homes,contractors get jobs fixing up existing homes, restaurants, stores and hotels get new customers, allowing them to add more jobs.
There's nothing realistic about fabricating lies about people you've never met just because you are unable to understand what any business person already knows.
The school hopes to start with 200students and hopes to grow to 500 students. Those kids will be shopping, eating out, buying cars, gas, buying clothes and their purchases will have a spin off effect through the economy.
The school will have cooks, cleaning people, maintenance workers, teachers, administrators, groundskeepers, dorm parents, activities people, coaches and counselors.
I suspect that you'll see a lot of local people getting jobs.
When people get jobs, they buy houses, When people buy houses, they buy furniture and a variety of items to outfit their home.
If you had an open mind, you'd realize that lots of people you know or their parents were originally from somewhere else. Our community is richer because they moved here.

Anonymous said...

I have met these people.. They are friendly and personable but so was Billy the Kid and the Rev James Jones. With all of your great knowledge and writing I dont understand why you dont research the internet and find out why they were run out of other areas of this Country.. Thats interesting that certain people will make a lot of money with them but most wont benifit a bit.
Just doing a little reseach would help then you can make your own conclusions.... Mr. Sciorra has already assured himself of a very lucrative job with them and Allison chadwick is doing alright.. I dont see any Targots or Kohls coming of course they will come pmce Olive Garden and Ponderosa decide to set up her..Or is it the other way...
Only time will tell who is right but I know right now I am....

Anonymous said...

Reading the blog above I am amused how one person can assume Cult...
On the second hand, I cant believe how fast people responded to it without having a clue to whats going on..
Who is making money.. Allison Chadwick... Nothing wrong with that.. Home owners making lots of money.. Property owners making lots of money..
Town of Oswegatchi making money in the future..
Some trickel affect for Ogdensburg..
I checked the internet and they were turned away from at least two possible three areas for very much the same reasons...
This reminds me of the Art Sciorra saga.. Hire him in a hurry, when the negative info was right in front of us.. Why??
Because we listened to the people with all the money..
I dont believe cult is the correct term but I do assure you of this.. Their money is our taxes coming back to our area..

Anonymous said...

For six months you have been making baseless accusations without offering a shred of proof to back any of it up. I checked the internet and it's obvious there's nothing except a few racists babbling to each other.
Over and over again, we've seen you just make up claims when the facts show otherwise.
Sadly, a handful of the slow witted have a tendency to believe your fabrications.

Anonymous said...

If you say I cant back up what I say, I,ll reply can youo prove otherwise.?.. Its on the internet.If you cant use a computer its not my fault.. Oh are you looking under Mr. Ma.. Try something else??
This has been in the news for less than three months so whats been said for the previous three months.. You said six months didnt you... You are just what I am talking about .. You want this so bad you will say anything.. How does the money affect you Allison. I will post my name in time once the appropriate authoritites are in place to protect my family until then I remain Anom like you..

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how you just make up lie after lie.
Now someone is using tax money to buy $500,000 homes?
It's obvious you can't prove your fabrications, much like you haven't been able to back up anything else you say.
I think people are beginning to see through you.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious he can't prove anything. Once again, it's obvious that he just makes these things up.
And when you call him on it, he just makes up something new.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what he'll make up next? Probably that Art is the secret leader of the oriental cult and that the city council members were all members.
And sadly, some of the halfwits will believe him.

Anonymous said...

I want a $500,000 house! Where do I sign up?

Anonymous said...

It's probably why none of his candidates for city council won.

It's actually humorous how he keeps making new things up when the community keeps showing no sensible people believe him.

Anonymous said...

Except for his pals that he met when he was riding the short bus.

Anonymous said...

How many votes did his pal, Jim McCoy, get?

People were just lining up to vote for him and his pal, Gavin!

Anonymous said...

Now he'll tell us about the two advanced degrees he got.

Anonymous said...

It's a pretty impressive accomplishment since he was riding the short bus.

Anonymous said...

Actually cults are quite rich in the United States and the majority of them are of Oriental roots. There are more Oriental cults in United States than there are American Cults in the entire continent of Asia and Europe combined.
I dont actually know what the beliefs of Mr Ma is however he tried this exact thing twice in the last three years in the United states and couldnt get through the door..
I dont blame the people making all of the money for yelling and trying to quell this claim but its completely on the internet.
This particular group of people has about five people making in excess of five hundred thousand yearly. At least 20 of them make in excess of one hundred thousand. The tax dollars I refer to is our politicans allowing our tax dollars to create the parodox of them selling cheap imports here for very high dollars while our products are taxed dearly over there..
Will they bring harm to the area?I dont know. Am I a racist? I think not. Are you guys worried? Yes.. Why? they have already invested, you can take your money and move. Most of us cant.
I live just outside the City and I dont expect it to affect me much but the good people of Oswegatchi may be in for a very rude awakening if its not a good group.
Just for a little thought Art Sciorra will probably get a job with these people and laugh at all of you folks in Ogdensburg while Nelson continues to sink the Burg.

Anonymous said...

You people in Ogdensburg are a joke. You keep voting on school budgets that pass everytime. When you have Fred Bean in power and his teacher friends they are going to vote themselves nice raises.

Anonymous said...

Let's see. Both of you now admit that you don't live in Ogdensburg. I have been pointing that out for quite a while. Glad to see you finally admit it.
Now you are making up a new lie that Art is going to go to work for them. For someone who spends his every waking moment denouncing Art, and making up lies about our new Chinese residents, do you really expect us to believe that either Art or James Ma have confided in you?
It's good to see you finally admit that you don't know anything about James Ma' beliefs. You also seem to know even less about them and their finances.
It's good to see that you are also admitting that you can't back aything else you say up except that there's something about some Chinese on the Internet.
Everything other lie you have fabricated you have put on the Internet so we see how worthwhile those claims are

Anonymous said...

Remember when the prisons wanted to come here in the 80s. I was a teenager at that time. First the DOC came here and checked the area out. They then made some investment in so much as propaganda at the time.. They were haveing a frightful time in Watertown area in convincing citizens of the good they bring. Letter after letter filled the papers with protests happening often.. In Ogdensburg the leaders used another approach. They lied to the people.. The paper agreed not to print any letters of protest. The council wouldnt talk about the negative points. Then legislator Al Rishe stated out of the side of his mouth they would only be temporary they would bring many jobs to our local people.. When Occ opened it brought 28 people locally jobs the rest come from downstate, Riverveiw was a different story.. They used the approach that NYC would pay for everything etc no letters of protest.. Look what thirty some years has gotten us.. Higher taxes, more unemployement , drugs crime rates that our locals cant handle, lower rent however so all the undesireables want and need to come here.. We also got us a brand new Pervert Palace something every community can be proud of. We have a liar for a city manager and a liar for a mayor and a council that backs him no questions asked. If this guy is right about a cult it should be looked into . There are organizations that do this for people and communities..
We had a legislator by the name of Wilson that wanted to possibly use this Mater Dei property for a jail to save money... NO couldnt do that... He wanted to use OCC as a possible jail No we couldnt do that.. No OCC is on its way out..
Our leaders check nothing out.. Others benifit from others grief and misfortune. They get rich, then move..
Its the same mentality that they used when the Mall was built.. The leaders religious and business decided the stores in the Mall could not sell anything cheaper than the shops in the city.. See what happened there..

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you admit that you are clueless about the prisons. Most of the people who work at the prisons are from Ogdensburg.
If you recall, several months before the first prison opened in Ogdensburg, an exam was held at the Golden Dome and over 600 people took the test. Many of them were called up, went to the academy in Albany, worked downstate and transferred home.
No one lied to the people. Why do you think several hundred people took the test if they were not aware of how the system worked.
The newspaper has always printed everybody's letters, especially ones that are critical of the editors - as long as they are signed.
Assmblyman John O'Neil conducted
a poll at all the local banks that gave people a chance to say whether they wanted the prison to come.
It came in overwhelmingly in favor.
The New York Times sent a reporter to Ogdensburg to try to find someone who opposed the prison. He found that everybody he talked to thought it was a good idea.
You seem to be clueless that the problems you are citing have no relationship to each other, except for people like yourself who award yourself two advanced degrees in crackerjack boxes.
We are all on to your lies and the way your story changes everytime your facts are challenged. That's why no one supports your candidates. You and they do not have our best interests in mind.

Anonymous said...

Now you expect us to believe that James Ma has disclosed to you that five of his friends "make in excess of five hundred thousand yearly. At least 20 of them make in excess of one hundred thousand."


The big question people need to ask is just what evil things these people are trying to do?

Their only crime seems to be that they are wealthy and they are willing to invest in Ogdensburg and you seem to hate Ogdensburg and everyone in it.

So you make up lies about anyone and anything and then when your lies are exposed, you make up new ones hope no one is keeping track of how your story changes.

Anonymous said...

No wonder Ogdensburg is in the toilet. Look at the idiots who live here.

You people look at any potential of economic development and scream that it is a waste of taxpayer money.

I think we should dissolve Ogdensburg, fire all city staff, and just let this little piece of fetid swamp at the confluence of the Oswegatchie and the St. Lawrence fester and rot into nothingness, and let all the ignorant, filthy, backward scum who live here go with it.

Anonymous said...

You people are easy....
Your local troll