Monday, January 17, 2011

Journal:Solar Panels Coming To City

Richard Lockwood Arena

Ogdensburg is entering into the era of green energy.  Installed by city employees and funded by a grant from New York State Energy Research and Development Agency, this has to be a win win for the city.  The Lockwood center has never generated enough revenue to meet costs.  This green program should cut costs and lighten the burden on the tax payers in the City. 

This would be a great idea for the school system.  With what appears to be a cut to education funding, property tax caps looming in the near future, and the teachers getting three years of consecutive raises something needs to offset the cost to the taxpayers.

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

Have you all noticed.. Now that Senator Ritchie, you know the one that was going to change things is in office The teachers still get their raises, the state police higher up get their raises which by the way are higher that most people in NNY make in a year. Cuomo will try and Skelos and Richie and others will block him at every crossroad..
These panels are great news. Are we going to have some public input on how to use them or is the status quo crowd at city hall going to dicatate how they are used.

Anonymous said...

Agreed there is a gap between the campaign rhetoric and actual performance . She needs to DELIVER and NOT cater to the special interests , unions and maintain the status quo or else be replaced. WE VOTED for CHANGE -- SYSTEMIC change

Poly Information said...

Nothing for nothing but the teachers getting raises is at the local level. When the Federal and State is decreased then we will see teachers getting laid off. You can thank the school board for almost 3% raise per year. Then again the teachers are paying $500.00/year for a family plan plus co-pays. I think the raises the teachers receive more than cover the nominal contribution to health insurance.

The higher ups in the State police are M/C management confidential and they work for the governor.

I do agree time will tell all. It just feel it is a bit too early to derail Ritchie's agenda.

Anonymous said...

The school board appears compromised ,

Somemay have family , relatives CLOSE friends in the system making it IMPOSSIBLE for them to be OBJECTIVE . They should recuse themselves on all votes involving salaries and benefits.

The system is OVERBUILT , and frankly in need of a re-organization to reflect LEANER times . Not much strategic thinking going on within the board , too much maintenance of the Status Quo ,
Ogddensburg NEEDS to hire superintendents form OUTSIDE the district that bring a depth and breath of experience and who HAVE NO TIES to local good ole boy network . NYSUT is NOT all about the children-- IT is ALL ABOUT Vested Interest -- AND THAT"S NEVER GOOD FOR THE TAXPAYER

TIME for a 1% property tax cap similar to the state of Indiana

Anonymous said...

This school board is run by the teachers union period.. Fred Bean bucked them a few years ago and they campaigned against him and got him out for a few years. It wont happen again as Fred and others are in line now..
I disagree with the out of town theory of hiring but possibly the next school board whould elect out of towners with no ties to the board or school.
No one employeed by the school ststen should be able to hold this office of school board for a period of years after their employment. That includes and especially teacher4s.