Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Vacation From Hell & I Lived Thourgh It!

Finally back, it was a vacation from hell.  Two nights in the Charlotte Airport.  Four flight cancelations and No cars, No rooms, No beds, No Blankets, and No place to sleep. It will take a couple days to get back on track.


Anonymous said...

While you were gone Nick Vaugh did a little posturing for the press about having a committee for sharing services.. I dont know what happened at the council meeting but this guy is certainly ridiculous in his wanting to get name recognition. First he was running for the 118th then was asked to step down.. He helped on several local campaigns he was also hired by Matt Doheny and given a title.. Found out he was their coffee donut deliver guy. They they had a falling out..
If he wants to get a good cause going why dosnt he look into disolvement for the city and see the pros and cons and how much would be saved.. We are supposed to be sharing services now or thats what we have been told for the last few years...

Anonymous said...

This boy needs a real job as was said when he ran for office . Who in their right mind would entrust a multi- million dollar business to someone with ZERO real world experience , never holding a fulltime job or having to face the financial realities of raising a family.

ONLY in the BURG . WE need to get QUALIFIED candidates to run this city has declined so rapidly and no one seems to worry about tthe future here as long as the damn prisons and perv palace stay open

Anonymous said...

I would normally say support your local council and politicans however we have been way too long going downhill to slow the trend up. Nelson won the election the last time because three people run and he got the most votes. Vuagh and Powers were new so people tried to go with fresh ideas and faces. I dont believe we were ready for the three Amigos voting almost all of the time in unison. We now have a few fighters on the council but they need to keep up the work they are doing. If you really want to see what Vaughs appearance is to his own age group read about him of Ogdensburg TOpix. Your correct to think his interests are elsewhere and he needs to be replaced this next election. His ideas almost totally have been somone elses since taking office.
I hope you enjoyed your trip however the weather was we were stuck in this sinking ship called Ogdensburg

Anonymous said...

I cant understand the city in the cheese business.. I would look at shutting the plant down and selling it while it still could make a profit.. These people from NYC are obiviously frauds.. They owe the city. They owe their employees, they owe the farmers who produce the milk, they owe National grid, they owe the bank theat put up the colladeral and they owe a lot more.. They obviously will go defunk probably after they ruin the building and made the equipment usless

Anonymous said...

Got to see the Governor today in Watertown and actually got in to here is speach and someof an interveiw he had with media..
Unless I,m totally mistaken OCF will be one of the prisons cut this year.
That would seem like a logical choice considering its age, location, and need of updating..

Anonymous said...

Your totally mistaken