Sunday, January 30, 2011

Journal:Nelson Bracing For State Budget

Mayor Nelson
 New York City appears to be losing 1 Billion dollars in State Aid.  I would have to agree Ogdensburg will also feel the pain in the decreased amount of State Aid.  Decreasing the projected AIM ( Aid and Incentives for Municipalities) by 10% in the City's budget,by Mayor Nelson,  was a good idea.  Considering the economic times, will it be enough?  What will City look to cut next if State Aid is decrease by more than 10%?

To think that Mr. Sciorra would budget the same amount of aid they received last year was sure to put the City's budget in the red.  I guess that is why we pay him the big money, to make the big decisions.  Tuesday will be the day of reckoning.

First Golf game of the year 85.

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

I believe he is bracing for the budget cuts projected for this year. Also for a potential closing or downsizing of OCF and the predator unit.
The journal and Nelson trying to intimidate the Governor about his promise about the closure. What about the promises we have had from local politicans especially Nelson over the years.
I dont believe OCF will close rather Watertown might get axed. OcF will come later this year. Predator unit will be cut if it can be consolodated somewhere else.
What sad is someone with vision and experience and will, cant run and win and help our area.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sciorra? Is this 2011?