Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Journal:Three Council Members Oppose Sale

Dream House Free
When did the City get into the business of buying houses and giving them away? I can understand grant money to help with the down payment but buying a $51,000.00 house with taxpayer's money is a little over the top. I have to agree with Mr. Skamperle, "that's ludicrous." and unfair to everyone that has a mortgage.

Mr. Sciorra claims he did not know the house was being purchased with grant money only. Is Mr. Sciorra running the City or is it running itself?

Ownership is obtained when someone has a vested interest in a piece of property. Paying for the whole house would be a gift from the taxpayers to the Burkes. Most first time homeowner grants are 10 - 20 thousand, I never heard of one that paid for the whole house.

The City picked the house up for back taxes, therefore they can pocket the profit in grant money.  Something sounds totally wrong with this picture. City Council needs to start working for the taxpayer and stop playing politics. 

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

This is yet another example of a city that is adrift and leaderless !

THIS ENTIRE FIASCO IS SHAMEFUL and getting worse by the minute . WE need a state level investigation of what in hell is going on in this city!

The Mayor and Council have been asleep on this and several OTHER issues in the last 5 years. This manager is a disaster .

Anonymous said...

Yes we need and want a independant investigation. Obviously money is gone obviously money is being mis-used under Bill Nelson and our council..
I dont want to find out in two or three months that I paid for Nelsons Aurba trip
I do know for a fact that Vaugh while working for congrssional canidate Doheny had Woods .introduced. Doheny was showing Woods how to move money and invest the moved money. Then he was showed how to put the money back keeping the divinds himself. That has come out from Vaughs friends that have heard him brag about that fact.
I know Doheny was a Wall St person for years and helps people set up private portfolios but I cant imagine a council getting taken like this if its true.

Rosie said...

Stop the press! (Mayor and Council NO CLUE whats going on)Forget about them!!!) Once again and think! Scorria & Woods in charge they get AHC grants $9000 and AHC grants $ 400,000. and HAVE to FOLLOW SLC Housing Rules!
Paid to James O'Neil and Jen Ashley 15% or $60,000 for delivery and Administration. Plus Jen is the sub-contractor. this is the spot where money is made!! Thousands $$$ .To Qualitfy you must be a 1st time home owner!! the city can not own this house and apply!Check the ahc and nsp Grant applications!! ILLEGAL -819 Knox St who was the lean filed on for $ 51,000? When was this NSP Grant signed to the City ? Who signed it? ILLEGAL . You get the money but have to follow SLC Housing Rules or ILLEGAL! This is the way to go !! Scorria/Woods/O Neil/ Ashley/ lots of loot!!!

Rosie said...

Actually Nelson was not informed and Morley either - I don't think the rest of the bunch has any clue of anything - they trusted & even bonded with Art Scorria the CEO , he is in CHARGE. Skamperele has no clue -Vaugn has NO clue - Doug at least Knows what Scorria is possibleof doing and not to trust him!!! These guys are playing politics and no LISTENING!!

Rosie said...

Mayor and Council not entirely gulity - but bad blood, politics and never working together is a big problem - IN THE NUTSHELL
Morley -always knew Scorrias ways of corrupt and misuse of staff and forever changing things his way -Mike learned the repeating process of doing business at city hall and Scorria was doing things his way with out council approval.This stuck out because of Mikes years of experiance.
Doug figured it out also, with help from X-council Hannon and Wears x Attorney and citizens. Doug smelled something and was un comforterable with process changing and Scorrias over bearing and in charge ways!
Bill Nelson - just plain dropped the ball, is a good guy, trusted Scorria , until now! He was not listening thought Scorria was sincere and could handle the job. Now after Scorria gutting city hall and making it dysfunctional
with election -getting out in the public Bill wakes up!
Storm -newer to council- the quiet one - will not rock any boat unless provoked - He knows what this Scorria is like and capable of doing. He should do the best for Ogdensburg.
Skamperele - for some reason he thinks Scorria is the gift from God- I and other people have repeatly spoke to him on issues and showed facks against Scorria but alaways he states give Art a Chance or I need more information. And a Nelson HATER!
Nick -will 100% go with Scorria and has a BOND! Any information I or anyone comes up with instead of listening he run's right to Scorria and helps all coverups - Used to like Nelson But Bill turned on his mentor!
Powers -is disappearing out of the council picture always like
Nelson let Scorria have his compele control -hes the wild card here- Mikes perplexed - but he is capable of doing the right thing and if more out in the public get informed. A thought" Mike once said as we this council chamber gets full of people - we need to act - its a problem!"

By going to council meeting and watching and listening these are
my thoughts! and talking to them personally!

Anonymous said...

Since people started calling for the canidates to get on this site using their names and giving their positions we have had
Jim McCoy and James Amo respond
Stevenson, Ashley and Hosmer are yet to repond . They apparently fear the voters. What posiions would they be taking on these issues that would worry voters
Nelson is running way behind McGrath in muy opinion..

Some Wisdom said...

The Best way to Explain Manager Art Scorria is ! An Airplane piolet switches on the autopiolet jumps up and leaves the cockpit and has a few drinks and dinner ! The plane crashes! Who's at fault! --Scorrias answer is the auto piolet.So we should fire the auto piolet! COME ON PEOPLE FILL CITY HALL -PICKET- SCREAM !!!!



A Voter said...

McCOY AND AMO GET MY VOTES and the 3rd vote gets thrown away!

To Bad I want to be informed!

Anonymous said...

Look Rosie et al you are well intended BUT blind-sided here , ALL the council is culpable -- they were asleep at the switch , faile to act when and IF they had suspicions UNTIL Mr. McCoy ACTED .

So these council members and the Mayor are either aslepp before McCOy's disclosure OR they went along with it !

Simple , straightforward logic here -- you can't be a little pregnant guys.

So which is it incompetant or they knew about it and DID nothing until McCoy spilled the beans ?

Iam Fedup said...

I wont support this mayor any more. Hes led us down this road with his inattention to his job. In the last four o five years all he does is smile into cameras. He nor half of that council has given a crap about nothing but outside inteests.. Powers the prision and getting elected into the State Officer job. Vaugh campaigning and helping anyone that could stand him. Nelson waants that state mayors job he would sell his children for it..Yes I,ll support this one decision for the manager to get out but no I wont support Nelson.. Im voting McGrath, Amo McCoy.. The rest arnt worthy of our vote..

ROSIE to NO NAME said...

First of all No Name - No sense HIDE! I have Never said they weren't responsible! You give no credit that people are blind sided! Two years ago I Was! What I have is fact and has legal teeth! Have you sat in both camps and talked to all the people involved? You are pregant and in the McCoy camp obviously this will get you no where with me ! you play politics with the rest. I want the city to come first not individual CREDIT which you are promoting! Sincerely

Your gotcha question at the end is terrible if you are a politican. Simple answer 7 people-knew some did not- Art informs council- So read what I wrote - blame the person in charge - NO POLITICS!

Mike Morley said...

Keep putting these programs into the hands of outside agencies with no oversight by City Council. This is what happens. You cannot control things you have no knowledge of.Try as you might to ask questions and get answers, there is no way of knowing if what you are being told is the truth. Put City people back in charge of the programs. Make the information accessable to Councilors again. Art has gutted City Hall staffing.

Anonymous said...

Rosie calm down you're going to blow a gasket !

First i'm neither a political operative nor a candidate BUT a citizen who has experienced FIRST hand on more than one occasion the inadequacy of this council and mayor on issues over the past 5 yrs .

Moreover, my question is NOT meant as a gotcha, it is designed to GET AT THE TRUTH .

Hurling insults at me may be your style but frankly it has no impact.

I too want only the TRUTH and the BEST for we taxpayers not these failed politicians

A.J. said...

I want to know where to get my
$80,000 to pay off my mortage,taxes and do some updates! At least I have paid taxes for the last 25 years.

Anonymous said...

Rrom Art Scorria

Anonymous said...

This entire affair smells like kickbacks for all... No one will make me think otherwise..
Morleys comment is true. Outside agencies are alright but control and transparency to coucil is a must. This I blame on Bill Nelson and Nelson only...

Rosie said...

To anonymous ! How does that Question get at any truth. What if the council was never was informed? Do you react on things you know nothing about! As a citizen that has sat for 5 years lets hear more - get your name out here and lead!!Thts what o- burg needs !!

Anonymous said...

Council HAS the OBLIGATION to make transparancy a policy mandate Rosie that is how .

In modern managerial practice Council has an OBLIGATION to Require Management( Sciorra) to set specific and measureable goals.

One of those goals should be transparancy and posting the managerial Metrics on everything that is to disclosed in monthly reports to the Council ( Project by project) . They approve warrants for expenditures how in blazed can approve any expenditures IF YOU DON"T HAVE A CLUE what is going on .

Rosie this is the stuff of real boards ! That is what i mean , these guys while nice guys have NEVER run anything and are being lead around by the nose by the manager and mayor .

Again nice folks but clueless and not assertive in pressing for policy changes that REQUIRE the city manager to disclose .

Any questions ??

Rosie said...

Scorria as Manager Has never been transparent to the Council in Ogdensburg since day one!This council has always worked for the Manager - with exception of maybe 2 persons.They have beaten their heads to the wall to change this. Always with a 5 to 2 vote . So citizens have gone along with it. Provisions of the charter are even violated but the manager with the attorney advising council it is always pushed throught.In your thoughts how do they alway get away with it. Anything real important goe to excutive session and they discuss god only what! sometime they will talk about 10 to 15 items !Why does the attorney not advise council? On rules and procedures?
5 years ago the attorney was always present at council meetings - what stoped that?

Anonymous said...

The council by law or the charter does NOT work for the manager,.If they are weak they let the Mgr get away with it . They need to stand together and force this policy change through. they have to be tough and not worry what others may think about them .

I share your concerns i really do and feel COUNCIL member need to be well versed in both their responsib nility and their assertivenes in order to reverse what has been going on ,

At any rate what we DO agree on are the following :

1. We all want what is BEST for Taxpayers

2. We all want a new Mayor and an ACTIVE involved council and citizenry

3. We want a new city manager

4. We want a charter review by an entirely new and fresh set of eyes looking at it from the residents of this city . Not some group of folks who are the Mayors friends

5 . We want to be proud again of both the city and those we elect to WORK for US

6. We want transparency in ALL operations of this city government

7 We want to elect intelligent problem solver who will work tirelessly to address and SOLVE the tax imbalance of only 27% PAYING FOR 100% , TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF DETERIORATING NEIGHBORHOODS AND INCREASING DRUG RELATED CRIME


Rosie and the others who offer comment here i tip my hats to you for your willingness to air your thoughts and ideas ---------TOGETHER maybe we can get this thing turned around

Rosie said...

EXCELLANT LIST--Thank You ! No Name This is what O-burg needs !!! You and others need to get out and stimulate the citizens of O-burg! For 2+ years I have tried to do things properly and threw the right channels - but bounce off and accomplish little - Now I am going into things hacking, slicing and dicing. Upsetting apple carts these people are actually cowards and hiding under desks - but they have to be accountable!! Even the New want-a -bees don't take stands and they are ahead in polls! when elected they go with the flow!
I am not a politican gut I know right from wrong ! The worst SOB in O-urg is Scorria he has to be Exterminated ASAP - We can't do that - Then mayor & bad council menbers vote out! Last week I found out there is no procedure in buying property - its fly by night Scorria System Now!!

People get organized -go out on your front porch and scream-- while you still can . FIGHT

Got it ! said...

To the person Rosie is talking to(No Name)Your knowledge the McCoy Story is interesting -but Ok he hands it To Dan Skamperele and what? This guy sits up in bed, his head spins in circles and pea soup starts flys all over! This is incriminating Art Scorria -- his bud -- so he burries it -- and blames it on Nelson political rival -- Scorria is the devil! Skamperele has got Art's back -whose got mine the dumb Taxpayer!

Rosie said...

Scorria is playing the Numbers Game! He has got them all flipfloping. 7 votes you need 4 to get rid of him !!

Pressure needs to go on Powers and Cilley

Now its 3 for Scorria

and its 2 for him gone ??

Call the two above and give them your opinion !!!!

Iam Fedup said...

Nelson reluctantly had to do this beause hes so far behind McGrath.. That sends the clearest message toall of us that the taxpayers need change.
Actually Hosmer, Ashley andStevenson are hiding from comments and decsiions now what can we expect once elected for four years...
Hosmer only got into this to benefit himself and his marina
Ashley got into this to protect his public servant bennies and voyte yest or no with Nelson
Stevenson got into this to replace Chadwick as the no one profit makeer in the city with real estate..
Comman folks smell the roses and vote for change in November.. Also during the process for new manager lets not overlook the local canidates this time

M. Dolengy said...

Another point about Nelson that should be made very clear to everyone is that if he were to be re=elected his position as mayor he would be given the leadership role in the NYS mayors association.
This is very prestigious o Nelson and means a lot towrds getting him elected to a higher office in the future.
As leader of the mayors assocaition he wll have lots of responsibilities that would require his attention thus letting his duties here lag. The deputy mayor would basicly run this city for the next year.
Thats anothe reason I,m voting for Jack Mcgrath. He will devote his entire time to the office which we elect him not to an office of prestige tha you are appointed to..
Weneed people not afraid to express themselves not afraid to stand up for people and who can distinquish be tween right and wrong...
I,ll vote Mcgrath McCoy and Amo.. The others arnt worthy of my vote.

JAMES R. AMO said...



JAMES R. AMO said...


Anonymous said...

ow bout ALL the OTHER problems Mr AMO ??? Hope you aren't a one trick pony.

Specifically tell us How will you increase the tax base , draw business and lower the street crime rates and reduce the drug dealing ? What will you DO

. Firing the Manager is a no obrainer -- how bout these long-standing problems -- how will you and ALL the other political candidates solve our chronic problems

BTW i am NOT a candidate and have ZERO interst in political party BS.

M. Dolengy said...

Todays journal states the contract the manager signed may be binding.
This falls totally on Nelsons shoulders.. Hes the one that has preached and preached not to interfere with he manager in any manner... This attitude then the sleepy attitude of the rest of council has let them back off on thir responsibility to us.
If th manager has sgned other agreements thats hes not authorized to we should know about them. I think by allowing him to enter into agreements even those that requires councils vote it makes the agreement binding.
I,m sure the Burkes will thank Art and Bill in person when this concludes..
Again our charter must be reviewed and changed. The powers of the manager limited.. Term limits for cuncil and mayor wouldnt hurt either.

A Tired Flower said...

`The City Charter states that no property sold or leases are made without consent of the council.

Art Scorria , signed , a Purchase/Sale Agreement for real
state on 29th Day April 2011

Bal. on Closing $ 51,000.00
Closing Date May 31 ,2011

It also states if you do not understand this agreementor any portion of it, you should consult an attorney before signing!

Art Signed/ his secetary notorized/ Seguin / and whitness

What the said thing is we the taxpayer need an attorney ( our is taken by art ) or were not represented! O_ BOY - Chew on this out there in Blog land!

Iam Fedup said...

Just when most of us have come to the conclusson our mayor and manager need to be replaced we get more info to chew on.
A lynching may be more suitable for Nelson and Sciorra and life in OCF for the rest..
ALSO REMEMBER Wayne Ashley, Hosmer nor Stevenson have commented or opinionated on this blog site aboutr this issue or any others..
The only conclussion is they feel they are above us or they only answeer to Fred Bean or they have nothing to say.. Of course thisis what has been serving us for four years now.

Anonymous said...

So organize a write -in campaign and lets vote for a decent , honest citizen who has the strength of character and intelligence to not be CONTROLLED by political party bosses

Anonymous said...

Mr.Amo, By the looks of your spelling I am not sure you are the man for the job. This has been the problem in the past with others. Let us know your budget experience besides your checkbook, community service to date and tough decisions you have had to make.
Will you consider reducing fire department, which does not seem over worked. Would you push for longer working years than the 20 and out they have now.

Rosie said...

Excuse Me - Your Anoymous -WHY?
Im a construction worker /my spelling/ typing skills / computer knowledge / people skills/also are not up to par- so does this mean I'm dumb!

Stand with me understanding enginers / clients /reading blue prints / runing crews/ satisfying clients/ Makeing payroll/ Running payroll/ dealing with inspectors/ figuring out a never changing tax system to survive.

Great Questions but no personal attacks - your nameless -He has the nerve to run!

You Got To Be Kidding Me! said...

Sat . News
They do think they work for SCORRIA - taxpayers have NO representives!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vaugn wants Oct. 11 a resoultion Against Nelson And Morley for breaking the charter rules,
for wanting to look at items in the investigation! So Art Scorria Strikes Again , with always in his cornor Attorney Silver, Vaugn, Skamperele, and possible out of town councilor Doug Shollette!

Anonymous said...

Yes the eleventh should be a great night in the history books for citizens of Ogdensburg..
Vugh will bring up action aganst Nelson and or Morley and it will be beaten down.. Morley will intorduce a resolution to fire the city manager. It will end in defeat because Morley will only get three votes and only two will vote no one will abstain hich s a no vote.
Jack Mgrath will win the election and somone wll ask for a resolution soon after the first of the year at which time Sciorra will be put in a time vault at city hall
I also see a criminal investigation into Nelson, Woods Sciorra th three most prominent figures in this Debacle
Someone suggested a picket or demonstration at city hall.. If hes not fired this week we need to cooridiate such an event. We will ask Ashly, Hosmer and Stevenson to attend and give us some of their positions.


We got an election !

Nelson -- Fire Scorria then McGraph -- no comment? Hosmer & Ashley -top vote getters No Comment -Amo Fire Scorria - Stevenson & Friot -no comment - McCoy fire Scorria. THe top dogs want to HIDE!!! No guts no Glory!! Play it safe . I'm just sure its all politics. Will O-Burg every find a Good Reprensentive?

Good Debate said...

Mike Morley
Jim McCoy
James Amo

THANK YOU for comments on this site !! We would like to hear from everyone!!!!

Anonymous said...

This city is Doomed there are NO candidates who have uttered a word about HOW Tax imbalance problem will be solved with only 27% paying taxeds while the rest free load

No Cndidate is saying how they'll solve the drug crime wave that is overtaking the city.

No candidate is saying HOW they'll balance the budget and clean up city hall.

No candidate is saying how they,'' bring jobs to the city.

No candidate is saying How neighborhood deterioration will be quelled

ALL they want to talk about IF THEY talk at all is firing Sciorra -- that;s a no brainer

This leads me to believe one of two things either

1. THEY are incompetant and have NO ANSWERS


2. They are BEING Controlled BY PARTY Bosses.

Either way taxpayers loose .

Start a write in campaign , perhaps consider starting a TAX BOYCOTT if they don't begin to act responsibly . Starve them financially until things are addressed by these terrible politicians.

These people are hiding and have no answers . Lets find a third candidate as a write in and put a good person in office

Anonymous said...

7:56 again ; I want to say i do not advise a Tax Boycott -- J'm just extremely perplexed by the inaction of both the existing politicians in this city and the lack of statements from those seeking office as to what specifically they will do to address these long standing problems .

Pay your taxes BUT put these people on notice that RESULTS are expected on solving these problems -- no more happy face , gripping and grinning we need problem solvers NOT baby kissers

Rosie said...

I understand you frustration about all the real issues - but Art Scorria is hurting us on solving those real issues! Im not running but the 27% tax issue can be up to 35% in the future. if I were running!
1 ) Any new homes built I would give a tax break for 5 yrs. They would pay 20% 40% 60% 80% to full!
2) Relax codes and inforce important ones!
3 )Business all a cross the board need city hall's important people to let them invest there money there way not city hall way!
4) blah blah but as a sitting counclor forget it when CEO HOT SHOT ART SCORRIA IS IN CHARGE_ he wants to RUN the city not the Mayor and Council. We have to cut the head off this cancerous growth - SCORRIA !

JAMES R. AMO said...


Show Time said...

Tuesday - October 11 - 7pm

Go to the council meeting!


Starring - Nelson Mayor in Trouble fighting for his election.
Vaugn - wonder boy wearing his tights over his head!
Skamperele - scarecrow- if I only had a brain.
Morley - yippie- i told you we were in charge.
Cielly - sleppy im ready now boys.
Powers - wonder man -I 'll save the day.
Shollette- playing Flip - Flop

Anonymous said...

Hosmere Ashley Stevenson and Friot are afraid of the bosses as a previous blogger stated.
Marry l Rupp today suggested the people of this blog grow up as there is more important work for the Republican party to attend.
Pretty harsh words from someone that couldnt hold her job without her friend to protect her.

Chris said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Chris good job on everything to date on this issue.

A final thought : Whatever takes place at the next Council session MUST be fair and upfront to ALL parties concerned --this is the American Way .

The time for emotion has passed , the time for clear thinking based on facts and reasonable judgement is now at hand .

It is unfortunate that this entire fiasco happened, but it did and now clear heads must prevail to sort thru the mess and set a course of action for the future of the city.

The one shortcoming in process was the failure to get OUTSIDE help for any investigation and this is in no way a criticism of Atty Silver.

It is however something that probably would have been wise and prudent.

Trevor Dishaw said...

I did not know that this website was all about anonymous people bitching about other people's spelling errors while not noticing their own. I'll allow you a minute to go back up and check.........
Did you find them all? There are quite a few more than Mr. Amo's.
Now who looks like an idiot?

I'm voting for Amo and Ashley and I suggest everyone else does the same.

PS - Feel free to check this point for spelling and grammatical errors. You will not find any.

Anonymous said...

Council meetings always had Attorney Wears present and Mayor or Council could ask her Questions and be well informed!

Scorria & Wears had a problem! Like everyone else that Scorria deals with!

Scorria now controls Attorneys presence - And all Advise and conclusions are private. It is actually Scorrias Private Attorney!! He set this precedure in place and can cover up better! Mayor and Council should strip this privilage!

Independent investigation - silver should stand down .

This is no way Silvers fault!But he should step back or it becomes his fault!

Rosie said...

Today - Scorria's partner Vaugn is using the same tactics and words Scorria uses! Why for 2 weeks has Vaugn and Skamperele tried to keep doucments
sealed on tnis investigstion. Vaugn give me a break Scorria is to be investigated and he is to be in control of the evidence and the his acesss only attorney will be the judge! WHAT HAS SKAMP AND NICKY GOT TO HIDE ?

Anonymous said...

All previous attornies for the city got a set pay.. This one works part time for a set pay. Meetings and this investgation are extra and they arnt cheap.. I want to see what it cost per year for Wears and what it costs for Silvers.
I cannot imagine a person being investigated being in charge of the investigation. I cant imagine being investigated by a friend who was my employee..
What is wrong with Vaughs head. I know Skamperle has issues but Vaugh the career politican.. He must be getting his advise directly from the Democrats who have bought him for this occassion.

Rosie said...

After all this bull is over the clue to this is St Law. Co. Housing Athority. Follow the money. Rules and Regulations. $4000000.00 Scorria & Woods (pact)CW Augustine - James O'neil & Jen Ashley - Stevenson. Mis - appropriation of Funds - an Audit soon I hope!

Rosie said...

Sorry 400000.00 plus other grant

typing error !!

Anonymous said...

As a final thought on this matter the next meeting of the City Council needs to based on the forthright presentation of the facts., not a free for all.

The time for emotional outbursts has passed . Everyone has their strong opinions .

However, It is now time to get to the hard business of governing and discerning the truth of the matter .This is a difficult process and need not be further diminished by political grandstanding of either party or the audience.

Come together for the good of the city, do not play politics. Many citizens are fed up and now is the time to take the high road as elected representatives.

The meeting presentation should be factual and data driven and devoid of emotion. ALL parties concerned must be treated with a sense of American FAIR Play and dignity .

While it would have been better had this entire series of events never taken place, -- they did and now it is time to discern what is appropriate and review and evaluate all the data and make thoughtful recommendations after full and due consideration.

So councilors, PLEASE leave YOUR politics at the door, BE FAIR AND FORTHRIGHT CONSIDERING THE FACTS ,and as for the rest of us, while we all have strong opinions of the matter lets all CHECK our emotions at THE DOOR & let the FACTS speak for themselves .

As voters we can ALL make our decision in the privacy of the voting booth BASED ON FACTUAL and thoughful EVALUATION

Rosie said...

All Sounds good but thats in a perfect society ! The facts and truth are never given to the public. PPP - Parties- Politics
& Politician . You have to think past everyone to find the honest truth ! Money is usually the key-
control then the lust for power.
From the top Fed's to City. The bad out numbers the good! This is more of a blood sport! Election are even tampered with! These people are like playing with FIRE . BEEN BURNT!

Anonymous said...

Some Credit should go out to Chris Robbins of the News paper! a journalist can p-off both sides of a issue - he is doing his job. Lucky the paper found him and got rid of who was in his place!

Anonymous said...

Curtalon or whatever was who he replaced.. Matt only printed one side of the story. Nelson and Sciorras.. Thats why shit like this gets hid... Oh by th way Matt got his reward a nice job with the city.. Oh yes like Nelsons kid it isnt Nepotisim Art hired him

Rosie said...

Went over a year ago to Matt C.with several city e-mails memos-documents- disks incrimating Art Scorria and he never printed anything/ just asked for more/ so he could run back to ART . GREAT NEWSPAPERMAN! So now Art gets him a position - well thing go around. He works for us now !!!!!!!!!

Nick Friot said...

The more I get out and talk to the taxpayers here in the city the more I hear from them that they are very unhappy with the city manager and that they do not trust him, so therefore by their distrust in the city manager they also do not trust the people that put him there and gave him the power. So if what the majority of the people of Ogdensburg want is the replacement of the current city manager, then I would be inclined to agree with them, the city belongs to the tax payers, not political parties and by taking a seat in public office you are representing the interests of the people, and by the sounds of it, the people have spoken loudly and clearly, no more Art Sciorra. I would have to at this point agree with them irrespective of the current situation regarding Knox street.

M. Dolengy said...

Vote for Amo, Friot and McCoy for council.. At least they had the courage to give us opinions.
Ashley, Hosmer and Stevenson are obviously for the status quo. Wayne thinks he still works for the city..

Anonymous said...

Right ON !!!!!!!! In our home no one will vote for a candidate that refuses to take a position on the CRITICAL issues . Leadership/Tax imbalances/ crime / drug problem that generates crime and neighborhood deterioration .

Most say NOTHING the rest ONLY talk about the Knox St issue . I want MORE from any elected official .

HOW will you solve long term problems that have been left un attended for years ?

James R. Amo said...

Once normalcy is restored to the city of Ogdensburg, we will finally be able to focus on the issues at hand that have been put on the backburner in the past few months. One of the bigger things that come to mind is the amount of property that is not on the tax roll. I believe that we need to re-assess the restrictions regarding businesses wanting to locate to the city. We have gone from a thriving industrial community to a dying ghost town. The taxpayers are fed up with having to absorb all the untaxed property that the city continues to accumulate. As each year goes by, it seems like the taxes are going up constantly and there is no reciprocation. I would like to work on a plan, if elected, to bring new business here and work alongside them to make sure they will thrive in our community. Potential business owners should not be frightened to take the first step in making their idea possible.
People are so afraid to improve the outside or their home because they feel that the “assessment police” are outside their home waiting to reassess them immediately to an astronomical amount. We the taxpayers should not have to feel that we’re being held hostage by the city and it is a shame that nobody can update their property without having to pay a downright atrocious amount of money to do so. We realize that our properties have to be re-assessed after work has been done to it, however, sometimes the amount greatly exceeds what we think is a reasonable one. Remember, a lot of people that I have spoken to are on fixed incomes. We should devise a better system of reassessing properties and give homeowners some incentive to do so.
It is no secret that the amount of crime in Ogdensburg has spiraled out of control. I have complete faith in our police department. We have hired some new officers and Officer Pryce has started a neighborhood watch program that seems to be thriving and she is diligently trying to get the community to band together and be proactive. The community should embrace this idea and expand the neighborhood watch to cover the entire city and if you see something, call the police department. Remember, we only have so many officers on a shift and it is difficult to be at several different locations simultaneously. This is where the public could take a more active role in helping to prevent crimes from occurring.
In regards to the reason why the City Manager has not given an explanation to citizens who were granted money by the city and never received it, an independent state audit should be underway. If there is nothing to hide, why not start this immediately? We would like to know where the money is. I would also like to see a complete list of city-owned properties and know if there are any other families living rent and tax free in the city. With that being said, there is only one way that honesty, trust, and integrity can be restored to city hall and the taxpayers. (Mr. Sciorra, if you truly have the taxpayers’ best interest at heart, the best thing you can do is to resign and not make the city council fire you.) The council meeting on October 11th saw a record-setting attendance. A large majority of the taxpayers in attendance spoke in volumes that you need to go.
We need change on the council to bring a breath of fresh air. I intend to be 100% transparent, openly honest, have the taxpayers best interest at heart, total open communication, and if elected I intend to serve with integrity and sincerity. Vote for James R. Amo on November 8th for Ogdensburg City Council.