Friday, March 11, 2011

WDT:St. Lawrence Couny Republican: Trade the millionaire's tax for prisons, education and healthcare cuts

          Mr. Vaugh the Blue is Showing Through
With age comes experience, knowledge, and wisdom.  Mr. Vaugh still a little young and appears to be waffling between Republican  ideologies and Addie Russell's position on issues.  Does anyone know what her position is?  She changes her mind every time the wind blows but she has stood strong on Micro-Stamping.  Mr. Vaugh should be concentration on issues that face the City Council. 

WDT Article


Anonymous said...

Check the hisotry of Nick Vaugh. He is a poser and likes publicity even at the cost of looking like an idiot. I can only speak for myself but during the next election cycle he wont be re-elected. Hes been in now for over three years. His acomplishments wont take long. Nothing>>>>
Week after week of absolutely nothing from him. Then he suddenly didnt show up for four or five meetings. Another councilor wanted him fired but Nelson saved him.. His excuse was his wisdom teeth were taken out and he couldnt talk. The truth came out later and he took a vacation, and helped Matt Doheny out for five or six weeks in his failed attempt to gain the Republican cbid for the 23rd.. After Doheny failed Nick came back and again another year of nothing. Then he started a Twitter campaign against Addie Russell and soon announced his plans to run for the 118th district for state assembly.. More posturing then he announced he quit the race in the 118 because of a private family matter. Two days latter he told the world in a press conference that he was going to work for Matt Doheny.. Which excuse was it Nick??
Doheny lost to Mr. Owens and we all found out that his only function for Doheny was getting things or in other words a gopher.. He has constantly tried to attach to every GOP canidate in SLC in hopes of gaining attention. He has neglected his duties as councilman and his credibility in this area is zero. He attaches and postures to issues he dosnt understand the menaing of nor the consequences of..
This is a young inmature boy with the ambition of being a lifetime politican. We dont need him on our council as he is a good share of the problem with Ogdensburg and no part of any solution. The other councilorss certainly dont like or respect him ultimently not being able to work with him. The general public dont like him or trust him thus making our council less credible
I certainly hope he gets a real job pays some taxes perhab gets married and has children so he could understand the pain of everyday life. Im from another generation but have taken time to talk to many young people of his generation. They dont like him nor trust his ambitions. His classmates think hes odd to say the least... Nancy Martin has absolutely no respect for him and Ritchie and some of the other elected GOP use him to carry messages they choose not to announce themselves...
This is certainly a person we need to vote out this year.

Anonymous said...

854.. Pretty accurate I believe. You forgot the fact that is mearly is a puppett for Nelson and Sciora. Any time they go somewhere he attaches (at his own expense). This is where he comes back with his bright ideas.

Anonymous said...

Like you say the blue is showing through. The GOP obviously has shunned this young wannabe so he is taking a page from Addies playbook. With his re=election being a challange he needs supoort from the COs union and Teachers union.. Comman guys dont be fooled what his true intentions are.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Vaugh should tend to his elected duties in Ogdensburg.
Its obvious that this area is highly union. With teachers and COs being used to balance the budget and the popular chant statewide to make them the scapegoats for the budget, Mr VAugh is mearly sucking up to the people that will elect him or vote him out.
Outside of his posing for the media his opinions on these matters is ilrevelant. Nancy will put him back in line soon.

Anonymous said...

One thing about our democracy.. Even a FOOL is given an opinion.

Anonymous said...

Nicky, Get a job earn your stripes then try to accomplish your goals. This is a posture joke at best and do you really think anyone would ever fall for it? Good luck on your re run for city council.

NorthCountryLiberal said...

Anonymous said...

Nick is an empty vessel, a poser , an abysmal failure who has zero talent for leadership . He has yet to complete any substantial task that has improved the Quality of Life for TAXPAYERS in this city . We can no longer suffer fools in government .

He should Get a real Job , Grow up and PAY his dues .

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:30 he is all that, a little harsh but that is politics. He needs a little hair on his chest, lol. We should also take him off the mayors left one.

Anonymous said...

Actually 734 your remark is right on your a little confused. Nick has the right one Powers has the left one reserved.
Its time they started working for us. we pay the taxes, we suffer because of their showboating. __ _ck the opinions on the State and National charade. Get this city straightend out...

Anonymous said...

It's 6:34 again :
Look while some may say Mr Vaugh is OK as a Person i don't know i can only judge PERFORMANCE or in this case Lack of same .

The times we live in are extremely tenuous and not the place for actors or dreamers. We serious ACHIEVERS who assess .plan and THEN GET THE JOB ACCOMPLISHED

The economy's impact on the severity of the local situation coupled with the rise of drug addled crime and street level security of our citizens at risk and the deterioration of neighborhoods and the social fabric, a completely indefensible situation where but 27 % of the assessed valuatiion pays 100 % of the tax load , a rampant and continuing increase in both water and sewer rates coupled with political grandstanding and posing and lack of RESOLVE to ameliorate ANY of these situations MERITS a WAKE UP CALL not a feel good , nice guy , slap 'em on the back , shake their hands and kiss their babies approach that we have by the local pols .

We read daily of the corruption of many state legislators and others at various levels of government -- WE MUST HOLD our local and regionals feet to the FIRE and demand Performance -- no more talk its High time for resolution of the above-mentioned local PROBLEMS

Time for Action not Political grandstanding; LEAD , FOLLOW or GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY -- end of rant

Anonymous said...

Hes not going to get out of anyones way> Hes determined to be a career politican. He iwll kiss --- posture, pose, lie, whatever it takes to get his agenda. he wants to work and be a politican. Hes being led by the nose so far by Nelson, Martin, and some proffessors with an agenda from CLarkson.. He has no credibility to the electroate of Ogdensburg.
Most of us dont give a rats ass about millionaires tax, electoral college,cutting prisons, cutting edujcational programs or teachers. We expect our elected officals to do what necessary to balance the budget, control our taxes, generally just make life better for us.. This a--hole neither has ever held a job, owned property and felt the tax crunch, had kids and gone without to raise them so they oculd enjoy their lives.. Nos instead he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth. Got a Clarkson degree, hangs out with anyone affiliated with politics instead of friends and is just downright a liar that says whatever it takes to keep his name in the news.. Your day is comming in November Nick

Anonymous said...

His presentation two weeks ago about the electoral voting was pathetic.. He dosnt even underestand what he said and supports..
Of course the thing I most disliked was he kept Refering to Patty said and Patty did... He addressens Nelson as your honor or mayor I feel a little respect for your elders and your betters is in line with this phony.... Even Powers addresses Nelson as your honor but calls our senator Patty

Anonymous said...

Hehehehehehe... That last comment is true . Senator Ritchie is proper for all of us, NOW... When you visit the bishop Nick kiss his ring. When you visit Patty, just bow a little or nod your head.. When Nelson sees you kiss his a-- as you have been;.. You will get it some day kid. Until then good luck and keep up the good work for Nancy