Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Journal:Cuomo Picks Regan For SLC Clerk Job

Gavin Regan first official act was to fire Republican Challeger Mary Lou Rupp
Gavin Regan, our new county clerk was appointed by Governor Cuomo.  His first official act was to fire Republican challenger Mary Lou Rupp. Mr. Ballardini, Democratic Committee Chairman was thrilled and indicated that Mary Lou would resume her job as 1st Deputy Clerk. Mr. Regan must of changed his mind, if this is his first act, I cannot wait to see his second act.  Mr. Regan decided to cut the head off his Republican challenger.  Mrs. Rupp has been an exceptional employee and being fired for no apparent cause is hard to explain, even in the political world.

Mary Lou has been very instrumental in maintaining continuity and understanding the processes in the clerk's office.  Firing Mary Lou leads me to believe he has inside support, due to the fact he has no clue how the office runs.  This should set the stage in November, Mary Lou fighting to restore lost income to her and her family and Mr. Regan trying to hold on to a gift from the Governor.  This has to be very devastating for Mrs. Rupp and her family. 

Mary Lou and Bill Rupp have been in the campaigning mode for years will Gavin be ready, he better hope his office insider and Mr. Ballardini are up for a political battle.   

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

I hope that karma comes back to bite him in the ass come election time.

Absolutely none of this makes good fiscal or managerial sense. Goes to show what type of manager this guy's going to be when he hasn't even learned the job and he gets rid of the person who actually knows it & does it.

Absolutely rediculous!

Anonymous said...

This is a man that has been locked in a room with a calculator too long. Instill fear and the rest will follow, usually right off the road and into the ditch.

When the going gets tough I can assure you Mr. and Mrs. Rupp will come back full force during the election.

Anonymous said...

People are SICK to death of this kind of nonsense , Cuomo 2.o is REALLY just Status Quo Mo -- NOT the REFORMER we voted in .

This new political appointee has zero experience and i am one DEM who will NOT vote for this person come next election.

WE NEED to send a strong message that this old time good ole boy politics HAS to STOP and that the BEST experienced people should be hired

I do not care HOW this has been done in the past -- THIS IS THE yr the governor elect promised REFORM.

-Time for him to ante up and DO what he said he was going to do

Anonymous said...

All you weeping eyes and sore GOP losers really are biased arent you.
This is a little piece of real life.
Mary lou Rupp was hired from the street and made Deputy Clerk by appointment. The same Regan was..
Mary Lou Rupp was made first Deptuy over a girl that had been there longer. But that alright Pat Ritchie did it.
Mary Lou Rupp is either stupid or she new the consequences of her acceptance of her position...
Mary Lou Rupp didnt shut her mouth and let Nancy Martin spell her doom..
Mary Lou Rupp tried to bump another Civil Servant when in fact she couldnt.. But thats OK heh
Pat Richie had very little experience when she won the election for this job. She won it because she was popular.
Ritchie was popular and also did an excellent job. She got to make her appointments, which the law allowed her too with no Nancy Martin or the local media second guessing or critizing her..
Rupp was one of these appointments.
Now the local media who one hundred percent support Republicans will knowingly knowck him for months and make a martor out of her. The author of this blog is Republican to the bone will knowck him. and the legislators on the GOP side will attempt to hanstring him.
I believe this guy will have his chance and win in the end.
Its really funny that when the shoe goes on the other foot it dosnt fit, the people wearing it squeal like little pigs isnt it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah BUT THIS TIME we have a governor WHO PROMISED REFORM, not the same old political crap .

That's the differance

Anonymous said...

Its the law of the State. The governor gets to appoint.....
Its the law of the state Regan is in charge now
Its the law of the state he gets to hire and fire Deputies for his own reasons...
You want reform in the laws see Pat Ritchie she is your elected lawmaker...
When she won the county clerk job in the election no one hollered for her head.
She appointed her own clerks no one hollered
She appointed a friend Rupp to her post, no one hollered
Rupp stepped past current employees int a nice position no one hollered.
Now the Governor has exercised his right and everyone is upset
His appointee has exercised his right everyone is squealing like little pigs

Dont understand why?
Oh I forgot shes Republican that makes a difference. The law only pertains to Democrats and Conservatives or the rest of the voters not the Republicans./
Shut up Grow up and if he dosnt pan out vote him out..
Then Mary lou will appoint one of her friends to a deputy post but thats OK.

Anonymous said...

Won't shut up , i am Not a GOP type but am disgusted by this action

Now pig headed party loyalist and brain dead ideological zealot go pound salt !

Anonymous said...

1152.. You really are a moron and quite obviously a GOP supporter. When you are appointed to anything you can be replaced.
I hope you wernt appointed someones husband or wife because your spouse will certainly exercise her his rights.

Anonymous said...

5:38 IS OUT OF LINE for the following reasons :

1. In RITCHIES CASE, SHE WORKED in the office FOR MANY YRS BEFORE AND THEN WAS ELECTED to the office NOT appointed .

2.Then the campaign comes along with Cuomo 2.0 billing himself as a reformer -NOT

3. And then comes party hacks putting in a untested , inexperienced person with no prior elected or paid public service record who BTW tried twice for elective office AND LOST

4 This tells you that HIS district voters DID NOT think he was worthy of elective office and

5. BUT our REFORMER reverts to maintenance of the Status Quo

i'm a DEM have been for yrs , Voted for Status Quo MO and other Dems for several elections but have a difficult time with matching up the Gov's behavior with his campaign rhetoric.

I believe in holding politicians accountable for their actions not their words

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it have been better to have sat the office personel down and explained to them what needed to happen and why ? To step into an administrative position with what appears to be "no" administrative nor public relations skills and then blindside a very dedicated employee by firing her on his very first day sitting on his little stool definitely says tons about him and his character. Enjoy your eight months little man. You're going to be history "THANK GOD "

Anonymous said...

Anyone with Real Leadership ability would have not only done that * :42 but even beforehand there would have been a MBWA and serious assessment of both need and ability prior to ANY retrenchment or re-organization

BUT in THIS case :Good little "puppet boy" did as instructed .

Well we the voters , NOT THE PARTY HACKS, can decide what is BEST in the next election

Anonymous said...

934,, Have you seeked help.. Your sttaement is irrational and shows us your instability. I laugh at you and your initials accepted for every thing MBWA. I asked and most dont know what MBWA means .. Initaliztion today I am told is the thing to show your stuff.. Everyone has to ask what yyou are talking about and gives you more oppurtunity to show your vast intelligence...
Name me anyone you know in that type of position who would have kept her on, Zero.. thank yoo
I hear the raving about losing DMV money. BS as usual.. Thats a day to day thing that time will correct eventually when NYC figures out the revenue they are losing.
It will be an interesting race.. Good Luck Gavin...
Why didnt you cry the blues when Rupp was appointed to first deputy over Kathy Steeter who has been there much longer Why didnt you cry the blues when every other employee that was there got by passed for that job when Pat Ritchie appointed her friend.
You complainers are a funny lot of people when the scales tip against you...
If they would have had layoffs Rupp would have stayed and more senior employees laid off.. All because she was a friend of the boss and appointed.
There have been pepole let go for various reason over there before with no public outcry.. Actually there is no public outcry, just a small jealous group of GOP lovers and hacks doing this.

Anonymous said...

Calm down You seem to need some objectivity in your thinking . I'm strictly dealing with observed behavior and measurinfg it against WHAT was promised or in this case Lack of same

I am Not Gop never was but a life long Dem who frankly specifically doesn't care about Ms Rupp . BUT I DO care when a Governor who claims to initiate REFORM fails to do so .

MBWA btw is a well understood technique In MODERN management look it up It stands for Managing by Walking Around. Google it you MIGHT learn something .

The leader specifically engages in "active" rathewr than passive management . He/she makes a practice to get out of the office regularly TO engage and observe process, performance of people in their work environment . He/she solicits opinion , collects data and analyses performance B4 making ANY SUBSTANTIVE changes.

Don't be concerned for me. Be assured that both my financial and physical health are in peak performance shape .

Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

I have met and talked with Pattie Richie, Mary Lou Rupp and just yesterday was introduced to and shortly spoke with Gaven Reagen.

First of all, Pattie is amazing. Very nice, very good with people and the public, knows her stuff, and was just overall very good at her job. I'm a democrat, but I feel safe having her as a new york state senator, whether or not I agree with her ideas.

Mary Lou is also nice, and had a basic idea of how to be the county clerk. Not perfect, but good. What I didn't like about her being county clerk is that she never moved her deputy up to deputy one position, her deputy remained as deputy two and therefore was making less money. Not exactly fair.

Gaven is someone who I feel like will make the job work and learn it quickly, and he kept the second deputy and even moved her up to deputy one. Very pleasant person also, he's taking care of his new employees.

Firing Mary Lou was only logical; would you keep your political enemy there with you as your employee? Obviously Mary Lou will be running against him in November, politically speaking he wouldn't have a chance to learn his new job or keep it in november if she remained there as Mary Lou has a bit of a popular reputation.

Besides, Mary Lou didn't have nearly half the knowledge of how to do the job than the current deputy one does. Mary Lou was only county clerk because Pattie Richie suggested that she take over. The other deputy would have been better at it, but that's politics. At least that deputy is still there.

Stop crying about Reagen firing Rupp. That's politics, I'm sure any of us would have done the same if we were in that situation, its just not logical to keep your political enemy there close to you. Keep your enemies close and all that, yeah, but that's just too close. I wouldn't be able to go to work everyday and have to speak to, consult with, or even see the person whose job I just took from under their feet. Rupp should have expected it anyways, a republican in an easily replaceable position when or governor is democrat, really think that'll last?

Anonymous said...

Politics NEEDS to clean up its act - its a bottom feeder game yet and thats what we are concerned about with REFORM . We voted for CHANGE

Things need to change No one in business or the real world gives the top job in a dept to a neophyte with zero experience . .

Anonymous said...

Since the begining of time elected officals have appointed who they want to certain positions. Once they leave who should pick their replacement? Our system works. In this case the governor does and that person fills until the election. The same with Sheriff and Treasurer..
Like said above Rupp was forfilling her appointed job. She chose not to move Ms Steeter up to first Deputy. Why? To save money of course.
Rupp was a friend of the Ritchies and very close nit with Nancy Martin the GOP chair. Thats how she got her job.. The exact same manner as Regan did. Ritchie could and should have named Streeter first deputy but didnt. Steeter is much more competant than Rupp for that job... Again politics...
I simply say this.. Ritchies appointments wer ok with everyone right.. Rupp came in over others already there including Streeter and that was alright with the rightous. Steeter would be a much more suitable replacemnt for Ritchie . The Rupps can afford the campaign expense Streeter probably cant and thats ok also with the status quo GOP lovers...

Anonymous said...

Time for a change this fall!

Anonymous said...

Cathy Streeter had never met Gavin Regan before he was appointed. There was no agreement between them. I know the county clerks office decently well, Regan probably just didn't see Streeter as any sort of threat and, truly, he has no interest in firing everyone. Rupp was just an immediate threat as she's his opponent, and he must have felt that it was right to bring it back to one deputy rather than two, which does help the budget. Kill two birds with one stone right? Streeter is more competent than Rupp was anyways. Firing Rupp was a good, logical desion.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:36 you sound like a friend of Kathy, thus your opinion. I wonder how Mr. Regan figured Mrs. Streeter was more competent...the 2 hours on the job after Mrs. Streeter escorted him around the building. Something does not sound right.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't saying he knew she was more competent. I was saying that it was politically logical for Regan to fire Rupp, and to combine that with getting rid of the second deputy seat was an intelligent move. It's just fortunate that he fired Rupp rather than Cathy is what I was saying.

And she is a sort of friend of mine, and I can honestly say that all of her coworkers believe her to be very good at her job. Many wanted Cathy to take the place of county clerk after Richie, but as Richie pushed Rupp to do it Cathy backed down.


Anonymous said...

Duh All sounds like politics of the worst kind to me -- will be sure to vote against this kind of nonsense in the fall . Maybe the the whole county government needs a good broom sweep

Anonymous said...

1044.. It all boils down to acess to money and the ass kissing that has to be done to win an election.
Kathy Streeter has been passed over before by MRs. Rupp by Ritchie. She has worked over there longer and is MUCH more qualified to do the job than Rupp.
Mr. Regan is now in charge and Kathy will serve him and the taxpayers of SLC well for many years to come..
The Martins and the GOP elite in SLC has been hollering for weeks about the governor appointing the most qualified person.. Why didnt Nancy Martin look into qualification as well. If she had perhaps Streeter would have been their canidate.
Of course now that all this has happened I think the legislators should be looking into changing the laws pertaining to that office. Make a civil service test available and a strong criteria to follow in the future. It takes away this appointee crap. Grandfather Streeter in to her job and anyone in the future is going to take a test.. Sounds fair.. Will the GOP support this... Will the DEmocrats support this? We will see.

Anonymous said...

Anything that reduces the number of POLITICAL appointees is a WIN for the who actually PAY Taxes .

This whole back room , good ole boy/gal, cigar smokin , bree n'chadonnay drinkin stinking political dealing has to END .

We have been manipulated and effectively disenfranchised by party bosses and czars who promote this kind of appointment that puts un- elected neophytes or party acolytes in these jobs .

The Spoils System is alive and needs to be curtailed .

BOTH Parties are culpable but the deal here is that REFORM was the campaign agenda last fall .

We voted for it and EXPECTED it, not the return of the same ole TIRED backroom stuff.

We need to send a strong message whenever we an that this no longer acceptable behavior

Anonymous said...

921 is absolutely correct. Patty Ritchie had several years to get this straight with the County legislators and could have done it. Making this position civil service would have assured whoever had the job would have kept it.. Her appointed friend suffered the consequence. I really dont know who got bypassed when she was appointed but for sure someone was. Ritchie run with the pretense of change and reform.. Three and a half months in her term.. Still nothing.. Why?

Anonymous said...

I actually felt sorry for Mrs Rupp. After listening to both sides of this story I conclude the following
A. Rupp was an appointee herself
B. The GOP wanted Rupp to stay on the job and then take over .
C. The Governor exercised his rights to appoint who he wanted.
D. He appointed GAvin Regan who in turn exercised his right
E. Regan appears to be looking out for the taxpayers by letting the least competant one go
F. Ritchie appointed Rupp becaus4e of friendship and put her in charge because of Party loyality
G. The County board of legislators should (if they can) stop this practice by making these jobs civil service.. It has happened in the other departments.
MY conclussion is Regan acted within his authority and he needs no reason. He acted properly by keeping the more competant deputy.
Why would Ritchie have pushed the better qualified person for the job? Oh well thats friendship isnt it..

Anonymous said...

Regan simply perpetuated the problem , he will be toast come fall

Anonymous said...

At 843... Cathy (And it is with a C, not a K) felt bad about having to "switch loyalties". But that's the job, she either supports and works with the new county clerk or she's out like Rupp is now. Rupp wouldn't have supported Regan. Cathy Streeter may also be the mayor of Hermon, but that's not enough income to live off of. Of course she's going to stay in her job as deputy and work under Regan, whether she's republican or not, whether she'd rather be under Richie or Rupp rather than Regan or not, and whether she agrees with the situation or not. She can't exactly just say "no, I don't agree to this, I quit." Would you? Being the county clerks deputy has good income, and as long as Regan wants to keep her, of course she'll keep her job. There's nothing about ass kissing to it. In this economy, unless you're a politician in full or some other big wig, keeping your job is priority.

And 427, you're right in every single way there. Just wanted to support your comment.

Anonymous said...

Kathy with a C.. Cathy is a very responsible person. She simply does her job and does it good. Mr. Regan is not stupid as some would have you believe. The cream came to the top.. Hats off to Gavin Regan and his choice for the taxpayer.
And a little footnote.. From within Richies camp.. The Senator is already attempting to use politics to slow down the NYC funds flowing into SLC in order to make Regan look bad..

Anonymous said...

Well i had several commments about it AND we've all had our say now so it's time to move on .

I don't like the fact that the PROCESS has NOT changed BUT the election next will resolve it. Good points made on BOTH sides of this issue

Anonymous said...

We have to move on but we dont have to like the contravesy left for Mr. Regan to deal with. He is a good person who did what he thought best for his office. I cant dislike him for that. When the person who got let go, got her job by this identicle processI have no compassion for her.
It is time to move on from Pat Ritchie who if she had the best interests for these employees at heart would have had the legislators fix the problem.

Anonymous said...

We have to move on but we dont have to like the contravesy left for Mr. Regan to deal with. He is a good person who did what he thought best for his office. I cant dislike him for that. When the person who got let go, got her job by this identicle processI have no compassion for her.
It is time to move on from Pat Ritchie who if she had the best interests for these employees at heart would have had the legislators fix the problem.

Poly Information said...

That is the first time in 3 years I had a post removed from a blog. I still believe Mr. Regan did not have time as someone say, let the cream come to the top. 2-3 hours and he could tell who he should keep and let go. It was all political and that is why NYS is in the mess we are in now.

Fall will decide the fate of Mr. Regan and his actions.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to see others in todays Advance News also see this FOR WHAT IT WAS. Even the MSM get's it !

Anonymous said...

And old saying that is appropriate, those who live by the sword die by the sword. That certainly pertains to Mrs Rupp

Anonymous said...

6:18 ALSO to Mr. REgan this fall