Thursday, March 24, 2011

News 7:2010 Census: St. Lawrence Gains 13 People in A Decade

13 more people in St. Lawrence County
Thirteen, where will we put them?  With the loss of thousands of inmates in the correctional facilities and population unchanged re-districting will be majorly impacted.  This will significantly increase the size of the districts for Senator Ritchie, Assemblymen Blankenbush, and Assemblywomen Russell.  How much larger can they get? 

Districts should be set-up like the Federal Government.  The Assembly would be based on population and each county and borough would have a Senator.  Never happen, but it was an idea. 

St. Lawrence County has not seen much growth in the last 10 years.  Jobs and new businesses have bypassed the county, therefore so have the people.  That is why our economy is not impacted in economic boom or bust; we always stay around 10% unemployment. 

News 7 Article

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