Sunday, March 20, 2011

Journal:Pay Freeze For Teachers? Districts Asking Teachers To Accept Freeze In Pay, Help With Insurance

Is It About the Kids
Pay freeze for teachers, with hard economic times and jobs a scarce commodity, appears to be the only solution.  The teacher's union keep saying "it is about the kids".  Giving up raises would be the first step to keeping more teachers working...then we could say it is about the kids and not the money. Contributing to their insurance would also go a long way in the continuity of services for the kids.  I wonder if the teachers are willing to put the kids interest above their own?  I encourage Canton, Potsdam, and other school districts to be a leader in looking out for students.

Too late for the Ogdensburg School district they have negotiated close to 3% raises for the next 3 years.  We can see where their priorities are and it is not with the kids or their fellow teachers that will be laid off.  The only way to justify three consecutive pay raises...lay off teachers, staff, and raise TAXES. None of which seem much of a sacrifice for the kids.  

Journal Article  


Anonymous said...

Make the cuts Governor !!
That is the only way to INITIATE and IMPLEMENT systemic change that is needed .

According to the National Center for Education Statistics in 2009 ( last full yr for comparative analysis) Ogdensburg had a 11.5 to 1 ratio ( Full Time Equivalent/FTE) whereas the NATIONAL Normed ratio for ALL school districts was 15.9 to one FTE. These data say we are staff rich here in Ogdensburg.

Bring the data up to 2011 and again run the comparisons and while you're at it compare OUTCOMES like standardized test scores , Grad rates , College going rates etc

These benchmarks are a starting point to begin the transformational changes that will be required to ensure that CORE academics are preserved and enhanced whereas any fluffy programming and things like Athletics and Special Education which often cost 3 times more than Academic education are scrutinized and brought into cost and program effectiveness BASED on Fact not emotional arguments .

The fundamental question is : Given this state of affairs, Do we need to completely re- design how school policy is managed statewide or Can LOCAL boards put aside emotional decision making and personal bias and do an OBJECTIVE job based on normed benchmarking ?

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:15 said it all. I still do not understand the raises. They care little about their fellow teachers. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

nOT ALL ABUT the money... Its also about a cop being spared while school personel are being cut. We dont need a cop in our school system at these times get worse..
While they are cutting the board should go after the administrator and his assistant and some principles.. Dont always cut the bottom and the working stiff.... Fluff.... Sports needs to be cut some. No travel outside a preset radius of the city and common folks get real realize its not going to happen....

Anonymous said...

Some new local goals should be set. The teachers should sacrifice their raise for this year. More than that the principals should give back at least 5 to 7 percent for two years and the Superintendant and his assistants give back at least 6 to 8 percent . We all know it wont happen as its all about the kids...
All of these days off the kids have. Are they really necessary or is it just an excuse the Teachers unions have dreamed up over the years. Put these days off aside for children not doing well and let the teachers help the students not doing so well.. Thats all for the kids... Cancel spring break by at least half and do the same thing. Get rid of the Cop in the school.. Deadwood....Another thing that always amazed me was teachers dont have time for the little things any more... Make time.. Put in a full day of work for a change..