Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Journal:Vernsey Issues School Budget Caution

Money Money Money....Kids Kids Kids
Mr. Vernsey and the rest of the staff are not going to pull a rabbit out of a hat but they should all be able to pull more money out of their pockets. We face a $1.5 million dollar deficit and this is after dipping into $1.8 million from the fund balance.

The BOE negotiated that last contract, giving raises to staff every year of their contract; that does not take into consideration the built in raises they get every year.  In return they had to pay a token amount for their health insurance. How much did the district save on health insurance from last year? It appears not enough!

It would not be right to blog about the school system if I did not say "It is all about the KIDS". It appears to me it is all about the money and by the time Mr. Vernsey retires, with his lucrative buy out, there will not be no fund balance.

Journal School Budget


Anonymous said...

Very simple reason.. Thanks Fred Bean and friends..

Anonymous said...

Typical Ogdensburg. Somebody always has to be "in the barrel" so The Journal can have a story.

Anonymous said...

The big question is pretty simple. State CSEA and State PEF have taken a three year pay freeze. That has allowed state government to actually reduce operational costs and avoid cutting essential services and laying off young employees.
Will school boards and teacher unions do the same and take a three year pay freeze.If they do, the schools can live within their means, stay within the property tax cap, keep all programs and avoid layoffs.
The schools whose teachers refuse to accept shared sacrifice for the good of the KIDS and their colleagues wll face tough times. They will blame the governor, they will blame the tax cap, they will blame the legislature, but no one should fall for their inability to follow the same sacrifizes that CSEA and PEF did for the state and their own members.

Anonymous said...

The school board MUST hold the line THIS time no new raises , cut the payroll to balance the budget . Bring staffing ratios in line with enrollment decline that has occurred over the long haul -- no excuses , no pandering.

Get to it BOard -- you work for the taxpayers NOT the school employees

Poly Information said...

The teachers have two more years of raises. Take that 2.95% raise add in the step raise and most will be getting over 7% raise every year. Steps raises vary depending on the number of years of employment. I think they have 30 steps until retirement. We can see from the last negotiations that it is about the money because teachers were willing to accept layoffs to get their raises. The BOE brags they got the teachers to contribute to their retirement which is about $25.00/check. At the same time they are receiving a 2.95% increase in pay, which is 3 times the total cost of the healthcare contribution. They need someone on the BOE that can look down the road.
Someone mentioned PEF and CSEA took 3 years of zero raises, let's not forget the 9 furlough days, a tier 5 system, and now the Governor wants tier 6. The BOE needs to look at long term savings, balancing a budget this year with the use of the fund balance and increase taxes just leads to the same solutions next year. A new tier system for the teachers would be a start. Tier 5 for state employees saves on retirement contributions and is expected to save the State 30 Billion over the next 30 years.

Anonymous said...

No one on the BOE will tackle this issue. Teachers must get their high pay or our children will suffer. Right Fred?

Fred you are a joke. You have never run for any elected office. You know you would not be elected. Just keep on playing around with Ms Peo. That will sooner or later will come to light.

Anonymous said...

85% of the time Ogdensburg has always had a self- sevving Board of Education. What to hell do you expect?

Anonymous said...

The School Board + plus The City Council = equals Taxpayers Broke!

Anonymous said...

Its "ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN" is all you ever hear! WELL the kids doing VS. how the teachers doing? Ogdensburgs got the teachers growing and kids going!!!

Anonymous said...

Two questions
1. Why dosnt the school board go into the housing like the city. They could take money fix up a house make it worth eighty two thousand then sell it for fifty one..

2. What does the school cop (resource officer do on snow days, weekends, and all summer)..>>>>>

Anonymous said...

Time for change ; why don't some of you run for the school board and CHANGE these situations ?

Anonymous said...

Because we are not teachers nor related to one. The union for the teachers would attempt to run us out of town ...

Anonymous said...

Poor excuse - where is your courage to act or do you simply want to bitch ?