Northern Physical Therapy is the next victim of the many break ins that occur in Ogdensburg. Along with running the business, Tim now has to deal with a broken window and the theft of property, cash, and checks. If the taxes do not get you maybe the dope heads that need a fix will knock on your window until it breaks.
Many crimes go unreported if it is only a few dollars worth of changed or something missing from your garage or a few CDs from your car...if it is not nailed down, there is good chance it may turn up missing. In early October my neighbor had their lawn furniture stolen from their backyard. Truck pulled up in the middle of the night...made 3 trips to get all the furniture then sold it 4 blocks away. They put signs out and actually found their own furniture at that point they notified the police.
Police Blotter
Its a growing problem in all of NNY. Its happening because of the moral and physical decay of our society and the cheapest rent in the State. In Ogdensburg we have one of the most insufficient police depts in the country. Thats a fact... We have the most disinterested city council ever. Thats a fact.. We would rather fix up the waterfront, give Remington more money, sponsor the chamber of commerse than address our social problems such as drugs and petty crimes. We had a police chief who at least had a bad reputation for using drugs and made no bones about it. We have at least two police officals that are believed to be one the take or in other words keep local dealers informed on any pending raids etc.
We need an internal investigation done by an outside agency on our police force.
We need a police presence on the streets of the Burg again. We could use some input on possibly having volunteers help out the force in a limited way.. We need to think outside the status quo.. People like Mr. Powers and Mr. Nelson cry and spin on politics letting the criminals out of jail... Thats bullshit and we all know it. It is what it is and we have to adjust our ways.. Landlords have to do their part in this problem. If the police do make arrests landlords need to evict this criminals. Dept of Social services needs to step up and anyone on any services that is convicted of selling these drugs should also be prosecuted for welfare fraud.
Its also time to evaluate the possibility of having no city Manager or at most a part time city manager. Our population has decayed but the maangers salary has gone up and his and the planners duties lessening. Wake up Burgers it time for change. If this council wont change things time to change them.. All of them
Let me give you a small example of why things get so bad with the police not being able to function..
A couple of weeks ago one Brad Barlow was arrested at CAnton ATC for strangling his girlfriend and having a weapon a felony and other assorted charges.. He wasnt in jail in the AM of the crime.. Mom and Dad are connected to judges and Bradley connected to the police.. You see Mr. Barlow is one of Ogdensburgs most famous drug users... He spent the next few days giving the local law enforcement names of drug dealers, how drugs are purchased, some of the more prominent users and other information.. In turn for this the case is covered up somewhat and eventually will disappear like it didnt happen. Ny question about this case is how can a prior felon be working at ATC.. Dads connections>? Our police rely much to much on this type of tactic and not enough real effort.. Get one but have to let one slide in return.. Not the way to go..
Prior felons need to get the book thrown at them especially violent ones like Barlow not make deals with them.. Secnond felons get prison auto I believe. Iguess we will see...
All of this is most disturbing and might be true or partially true , but it may partially be urban legend . People's lives and reputations are at stake .
The drug problem in Ogdensburg has ruined this city and our leaders are asleep at the switch on this issue.
Quality of life and public safety has slid into the sewer for the past 25 yrs DUE to POOR decisions made by politicians in this city
This whole scenario of how effectivly law enforcement is being managed from arrest thru the court system may well warrant the attention of the NYS A.G.' s Office .
Council should act on the matter and get on the larger problem of restoring the safety of its citizenry. It has a moral and ethical responsibility to do so
and to get to the heart of the matter OBJECTIVELY.
People are afraid to walk on the city streets , robbery is a JR varsity sport now in Ogdensburg, and our best and brightest CAN"T GET OUT OF HERE FAST ENOUGH after college.
Time to get out and vote, vote for a change not the status quo.
At least vote for someone that is tough on crime.
No deals take them down. They all squeal but they know they can get a deal in St. Lawrence County.
Time to get out and vote, vote for a change not the status quo.
At least vote for someone that is tough on crime.
No deals take them down. They all squeal but they know they can get a deal in St. Lawrence County.
If convicted Barlow will have to go to prison. So dont count on any justice. Money and the attornies will sit down and make a deal. The cops will make some more minor drug arrests throughout the county and thats the way it is.. This system in this county is soft of crime. The good ole boy ststem is alive and well.. People have been getting away with rape and murder in this County for years because of this system.. Dont believe it just do some research..
Our council is only adding to the decay of the system by sitting and doing nothing to curb crime.
7:22 do you work in Law Enforcement or corrections, you seem to have insider info ?
Law Enforcement and Corrections are miles apart. Law Enforcement is simply appling the penal laws of the state and enforcing them. Corrections is being a peace officer and enforcing laws of the facility they work in.. No I am neither.. I have been thinking of entering Corrections. Insider info as you put it comes from listening to everyone and checking things out. If you have common sense its pretty easy to put two and two together. I odnt know what part you refer to but anyone named is a matter of public record in the NYS system.. You go from their..
Anytime I have refered to anyone by name its fact and can be proved. I have written trying to ge interest is possibly having a volunteer police dept to help out our paid officers. It wouldnt be easy but with a little effort from the council and chief of police it could be had and could be productive.It of course could have some negatives and they would have to be considered.
DARE program has failed time and time again so that might be a program to be reviewed carefully and possibly any monies used in that program could be applied elsewhere... Again thats an opinion but I no longer buy into that program and cant buy the response of If we can save one child.. Thats a crutch...
Powers and Nelson have been insinuating the problem with the drugs is with our state legislators and the Rockerfeller laws.. Farthest thing from the truth. This is simply a spin by a politican trying to keep jobs in this area and a CO who wants to keep his job. The real problem is
A. Inadequet police dept and has been for years
B. Really weak DA and staff and has been for years.. Work on the good ole boy status.
C. Legislators dont want to spend more on jail staff or Sheriffs dept so probabtion and home arrest are the way to go.
D. Too much time spent harrassing good citizens by Border Patrol, Immigration, State Police Sheriff and local forces by these fruitless traffic stops. In this city we need cops on the street, not at donut king daily. We need cops on the streets not chasing the girls.. We need cops on the street not dispatching. We need someone who can think out of the box and we need to back these people when things get rough...We need a council that cares about something besides boat docks and green belt areas.
I read yoor comments about a neighbor.. If this is the incident on Renesselaer Ave. it actually was stolen in the afternoon and they walked it down four blocks to their house and sold it there Pretty bold heh... Just this area near the old Washington school has at least four crack houses..On the five hundred block near Adams ave this guy has sold for years and nothing done... Want to know why.. His wife is a real good looking lady and two or three cops have been playing around trying to get on her good side.. Again Fact. The one up the street about five houses away has a good looking wife that a cop has been dating for about a year..
Then call the AG's office IF YOU HAVE THE FACTS !!!
Don't blog-------- ACT !!! If you have this documented do not depend on any of these LOCAL politicians they are weak and limited by their own Vested Self - Interest( self preservation on many levels) .
Again if you really HAVE THE FACTS as you claim then Call the State of NY AG's Office , Call The NY State Supt of State Police , . If its a federal Offense call the damn FBI or DEA -- BUT ACT do not wait or depend on the POLITICIANS to do anything !! - They ONLY Talk , but do not have the will to solve the problem
As many agree, They are weak on both quality of life and public safety issues and scared to expose the situation to any outside investigation for fear of damage to their reputations
Right on 949. Do something. Other bloggers or bitches as I see them call for volunteer police. There isn't a community that runs a volunteer police agancy due ti liability. Want to get involved contact officer Price and get your neighbors involved in a neighborhood watch. Report susipicious activity. Talk to your cops!! I think you would be surprised at their involvement. Remember the city just hired I believe 6 new officers that brings them up to adequate staffing. They have been shorthanded for years
Actually 427 your wrong.. Some communities have established just that and some Counties have operated this program sucessfully. It helps.. The police having six new people means little. It will end up meaning just more time off. More personal days more vacation days but your correct its going to help eventually with staffing problems and cut down on overtime but in the long run it will cost us taxpayers much more.
Liability would be slight and would reflect what they do. Officer Prices program helped before and will help now. The only problem their is its intimidation that stops this.
We all report suspicious activity and what happens. Nothing> I believe Ogdensburg indulged in an auxillery police force back in the late sixtys and seventys but I could be wrong..
Any volunteer force would have distinct duties and have training for these duties. The shouldnt be involved in arrests rather things like traffic control during arrests and running important errands that take up the time of full time officers. Patrol parking areas, help out as security during major events.... I think its worth looking into.. Get the pros and cons and try and make it work. By no means sshould they ever replace a regular officer
I live up on Renesselaer Ave. and the kids that walk the streets is out of control. I remember the stolen furniture, the people that bought it live in the next block. Now there are a bunch of kids harrassing the residents that live on the cornor of Rens and Mansion Ave. Cutting through back yards all times of the night.
They range from 16 to 20 and one is on electronic monitoring. When does this madness end.
Training costs money. Retaliation is a factor in all aspects of volunteering. You people complAin in a blog. Tell your officials at a meeting. I don't read about you folks in the paper addressing council. SPEAK. UP ask for substantive change I think your issues would be well received. This is your city take ownership GOD DAMN IT!!!
It pisses me off. Listening to you whine asses. I got involved two years ago and my neighbors are all involved and wqe have seen a change due to the fact that the criminal element has noticed that we Are on point here in the 2nd ward.
I just want to say I have seen the abuse that the people on Renss. Ave have had to go thru. Older teens have harrassed them, thrown things at their windows, threatened the wife, and tried to break in their home. It really is a shame, as they don't bother anyone. But also I need to say that we had people break into our home and steal several things. It was reported, but never put in the paper. We notified our insurance company, and guess what, we have to pay more insurance because we made a claim. This is wrong. We didn't do anything to have these imbicels steal from us except pay for everything we own. I think people should start having loaded guns in their homes and start taking the law in their own hands since nothing seems to be happening to the criminals.
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