Sunday, December 12, 2010

Journal:Salvation Army Donations Down Captain Concerned That People In Need May Be Turned Away

Tis the holiday season and many budgets are tight. St Lawrence has the highest unemployment rate in the State, excluding some burrows in NYC.  The Salvation Army is now paying bell ringers for the red kettles for the lack of volunteers.  It is hard to believe, with the unemployment rate so high that people would refuse jobs due to the weather...all are located at the front door of a store.   

We need to remember that the Salvation Army does a lot of good for our community.  They are first to the aide families that have been devistated by home fires, they are first to respond to disasters, and they should be the first in your heart during the holiday season. They contribute to the local communittee and I encourge everyone to make a donation and if times are tight donate some time as a bell ringer.  There is a bell ringer at every door and I find it tough not to give something everytime I enter a store. 

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

Its bound to happen. With the economy the way it is someone is constantly asking for donations. People are finding it hard to donate anything. Salvation Army is a good cause and should be supported. Others like the Fort, and Community performance, gardenclub need to quit begging for the peoples support. Making people feel embarressed is not the way to go.. Chamber of Commerce needs to cut back a little also. Like I said people need to step up if they can but their families come first then organizations like Salvation Army

Anonymous said...

This really bothers most of us. But one thing that bothers me is the money just spent on elections. Matt Dohney just spent two million dollars of his own money and over a million more of donated money for election to a job that pays one hundred and seventy five thousand dollars a year. Where is the consience of people like him. For self rightous reasons people like this can spend this amount on themselves then let people go without.. Let this be a reminder what people like Doheny are about

Poly Information said...

Anon 3:13 Owens spent the same amount or more but it was financed by everyone else. The dems in the state took out over 2 millions in loans with little means to pay it back.

You should not cast stones when all spend money, I think it is better they spend their own money. I think it means more when it comes out of your own pocket.

Anonymous said...

Went to Walmart tonight, no one ringing the bell. Did not see anyone at price chopper either.

Anonymous said...

604.. Not throwing stones just giving a fact... This was Dohenys own money. He preached he wanted to help Norther New York.. Owens was liked by more people who offered him help. My personal feeling was that the laws should be passed about how much can be spent...
Walmart with no bell ringers thats discusting... How about all of the COs taking turns.. The community took part in saving their jobs by rallying behind their effort. Now the COs could give a little help to the community.. Each one volunteer for on shift.

Anonymous said...

Good point 10:14 the CO's all want our support - Time for serious PAYBACK

Anonymous said...

Poly someone is answering for me. I know you bleed GOP but havnt heard much since election time from yourself... How are you?
I am not trying to make a political statement. I dont have a list of well to do people in this area but Doheny stuck out in my mine. This man bragged about wanting to help northern NY. H spent endless hours on the road with the people and claims to have felt the pain of these people. He marched in every parade throwing footballs and telling everyone how wonderfull he was. The people seen it differently and voted for his opponent.. He spent over two million of his own money why could he come up with some donation to charatible organizations to help the same people who he claimed he wanted to help. There are many people in or around most communities who have the rescources to assist.. The Carlisle firm in Ogdensburg is constantly helping the needy in this area. A couple of years ago Doheny gave Nick Vaugh a thousand dollars so Vaugh could donate it to the Fort and get on its board. Why cant the wealthy think of other than themselves.

Poly Information said...

I agree those that have should be gracious to those that do not. Everyone should give back proportional to their ability.

Anonymous said...

Someone has written about COs not giving.. I agree to this extent. The community rallied around them locally we need them and their payroll. Personall I oppose prisons anywhere around me and I stated that years ago. The community I grew up in haschanged socially because of these prisons. Someone can take offense if they want but thos individualls who make a living off my taxdollars could donate to the needy in many different ways. Not just money but time spent...These people have it made and have a very decent living. Somone also suggested recently they donate their time in some manner as peace officers to the community. Acting as a volunteer police agent.. This should be looked at by our council, the chief of police and the police union should also have some input... These people must step up and help this comminity and organizations sucha s the salvation army.... Come on guys please step up...

Anonymous said...

FYI there is an angle tree in the lobby of OCF. Every angle has been taken and the employees are very generous. The facility also sponsers MADD (Make a Difference Day) that works year round raising money to give to various local organizations. Everyone comes together this time a year and it is no time to point out who does and who does not give.

We should all step to the plate and do the right thing.