Wednesday, December 1, 2010

WDT:Ritchie uncertain about staff spending

Well it looks like St. Lawrence County will be represented by Senator Ritchie.  It appears she will establish her main office in the largest county in the state.  Mrs. Ritchie has grown up in this county, and raised her family in this county and should represent the area well.  Mr. Aubertine's strong hold was in Watertown and had less to do with St. Lawrence County and Oswego counties.  Mrs. Ritchie will have to court Jefferson and Owego Counties.  These area amass the majority of the district voters and should not be ignored. 

Senator Ritchie is inheriting a budget that had never balanced, combined with faultering economy it should be a tough first 2 years.  With two Senate Districts undecided it will hard to decide money available for Senator Ritchie to establish her offices.  Facing a difficult budget years these Senators should be on the ground running come January 1, 2011. 

The last two years have been disastrous for NNY.  Senator Aubertine was embattled with his own party to preserve jobs and maintain our way of life. If he was not fighting gun control, dorm closures in NNY, prison closures, unfounded mandates on fire fighters North of NYC, he was supporting legislation that continually released inmates, raised taxes, raised fees, support legislation to increase NYC's representation, and supply a lot of members money just before election. 

WDT Article


Anonymous said...

This will be a boondoggle into the new year. Albany needs to change and hopefully Mrs. Ritchie will not fall pray to the preditors of the senate.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Aubertine represented the north country well. His problem was he had a conservative nature and was in a very liberal party.

If he would of stuck to his guns and voted with the north country he would of still been office. That is what happens when they buy and sell you like beef.

He was weight, wrapped, and bought with at the expense of the tax payers.

Anonymous said...

730 anom... I to wish for ggod luck for her but I am certain she is already indebted to the powers to be in the Senate. I see two more years of head nodding the same as leadership except it will be to the GOP heads. This rich guy in ABay that tried to buy the election but lost. Delany or something and others have donated quite a bit of money to her... Where will her office be and her staff I hope she picks it not Nancy Martin.

Anonymous said...

Why is this an issue at this point ? She should have had a staffing PLAN well in advance and then tailor it according to whatever the allocation turns out to be . Planning should Drive Budgeting , not vice/versa. It is a matter of priorities and you can adjust the plan to budget figures but to sit on one's hands and worse yet to not have a strategy to implement as she takes off is very questionable as to WHO is calling the shots here

Anonymous said...

927.. Dean Skelos for one.. Doheny will also get in his licks. She has no plan nor has she any clue what to do. What a fiasco this turned out to be..You are correct in saying she should have had a plan but her entire campaign highlighted her campaign.. No CLue.. Watch now when the straight party voting happens. It will look like City Council where Powers and Vaugh vote whichever way Nelson indicates..

Anonymous said...

Oh 2:47, make no mistake i agree with most of what you say . Big Hat no cattle is the operative phrase here as it applys to this situation. . The LI downstate ratpack will run amok in the Senate . look for stalemate during the next several years . our taxes and fees will continue to climb and the Legislature will continue fiddle and blow smoke and spin out of control as Rome continues to melt down.

The song remains the same 3 guys in the room will tell and sell their minions in the LEG What How and When to do stuff ----mostly "free stuff" to the SPECIAL interests that massively funded the various campaigns

Anonymous said...

anon 4:56 then it is time to vote out our legislators that do not fulfill their obligation and promises.

Anonymous said...

Yep-- no more free passes !!!!!!!