Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Construction In City Up Building Permits Show $9 Million In 2010, $2 Million Over 2009

This is some good news for the tax payers in Ogdensburg.  With nine million in new construction I wonder how that will effect next year's tax rate.  Business usually get some kind of tax breaks, which may be misleading on how much the tax base in Ogdensburg will increase.  NYS has created an anti-business environment, directly relating to high tax rates, fees, and restrictive regulations, which have force new business to relocate in other states. 

It is disappointing that only 4 new houses were constructed in Ogdensburg.  This is another sign that are young continue to flee from their hometown.  There are a few new jobs at the Tractor Supply Store but not the kind of jobs our young college graduates are looking for. 

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

It is very disappointing . But study the facts.. At one time Ogdensburg had several industries. They also had a RailRoad that serviced these industries. Some ships also utilized docks suchas Diamond National..Then in the late sixties and early seventys the thinking changed.. Greedy merchants did what they could to keep a mall out of Ogdensburg and only after the mall agreed not to compete with individual merchants did we get one... Downtown as we knew it was demolished (Mistake) They threw up a arterial hwy around Ogdensburg(Mistake).. The industries slowly left us when the Railroad left.. Politicans did nothing (Mistake) During the Lockwood administration correctional facilities were lobbied for and gotten. The local newspaper and our local politicans hid the complaints and any attempt to keep them out.. Our Psyc center dowsized and most of the people who were there walk the streets today.. Sexual predators units were sought and not fought.. Jobs, Jobs, Payroll Payroll Pension days off.. What come with them was the social decay in our city. That more than jobs makes our youth move away.. SLums started to appear and are gaining momenteum every day.. Landlords are not held accountable.. The City now competes with landlords with our taxdollars.. drugs everywhere because of a failed justice system and a weak police force. City council that is more interested how the waterfront looks to the well to do boaters who use it than what the city looks like generally.. A mayor the two city councilors who repeately try and slow down progress on the four lane hwy at our expense. A city manager who picks and chooses who the local laws are applied on... Thats the short list of things.. But dont give up.. Every November we get a chance to replace deadwood in City Hall.. Lets do it and start Ogdensburg back on the right track..
Ignore the spin they give us.. Demand answers not I,ll get back to you then give up.....

Anonymous said...

You are certainly correct with that accounting.. To go a bit further with the politicans.. We dont need the charter for a city this size. We dont need a city manager who makes three times what normal people up here make. We do need police. We need volunteer police put in place to help the existing force... We need the laws and codes applied evenly and failrly with no exceptions.. Chadwick reality is making a fool of the council and they just ignore it.. The Council sits by and lets the manager harrass Mr. Rose and does nothing to help in and the other residents.. City DPW crews have become lazy and sloppy in their work.. Reason lack of supervison and too much union input. We have a city planner who is disliked by everyone and isnt accountable only to the Manager..

Poly Information said...

Focus, the city councilors have lost it...continually concentrate on big projects like waterfront construction and misses the quality of life issues.

The city manager has to go. He has been a poor manager and has done nothing to consolidate offices, put the police department on point, and be a leader for the community. Too many inside politics.

Anonymous said...

Agreed the manager should be fired , the council should be replaced by competant individuals and departmental consolidation and specific , measureable goals for each office need to be made transparent and managers held accountable for desired results .

Anonymous said...

They had two snow storms last year, I wonder what happened to the sand, salt and OT in last years budget. They did not get it plowing the streets they got it fixing vehicles and getting ready to plow the streets.

The same old same old.