Thursday, December 16, 2010

Journal:Montroys Charged In Alleged Crack Ring

Perfect timing for a Crack Bust in Belmont Courts.  The community has been clamoring over the number of drug dealers and criminals running the streets.  This is a start, and this arrest should lead to other arrests.  When one of the dealers get busted the rats run for cover and start looking for another dealer...most likely right around the corner.

The Montroys were also charged with child endangerment, a misdemeanor, which I believe should be a felony.  Living in Belmont one can assumed the Montroys, a man and wife drug dealer team, are on some kind of public assistance.  If this is the case they should also be prosecuted for welfare fraud.  Using taxpayer money to buy, sell, and use drugs does not settle well with me.   

This should be a priority of city council.  It is great to have a nice water front with a new community building but the streets are full of dope heads.  Many residents leave due to the lack of jobs but if this continues they will be leaving for safety reason...if things do not change they may be putting a fence around Ogdensburg.

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

Is that a picture of the evidence? Must have an inside or part of the OPD. That amount should get about 5 times in rehab. That gives them a couple years to sell to kids and individuals willing to rob your house to get their fix.

Anonymous said...

The previous commentator hits the problem right on the head.
The biggest problem we have is informants that get the bye on any arrests because they are informants. They dont get involved because they hae a cop that keeps them out of trouble for information on their competition. We have a couple possibly three bad cops on our force and most of us know who they are. Our courts actually are very considerate of these people also.. I never thought of welfare but your absolutely correct. If they are collection public assistnce of any kind they should be prosecuted for it... No plea bargains and no rolling each charge into one.. Seperate crimes seperate sentences.. Get the names of their customers and lets make them public..
Our council made us vunerable with their cutting of services and positions.. Too me a policeman is way more important than a planner... We need more of them and less jobs at city hall..

Anonymous said...

Council do anything. LIke what for instance. Talk about the problems form neighborhood watches. I totally believe the cops should make an high profile effort on the streets. No.. We need a high profile citizens patrol filled with volunteers from the prisons and taxpayers that are interested.. Council needs some research to be done... Opponents to the program will certain site liability, which there will be some but the good they could do would speak volumes for the program.. One of the councilors should introduce this as a potential problem helper.

Poly Information said...
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Poly Information said...

Norwood employs correctional officers to help during busy times and man power shortages. They could be hired per diem with no benefits and correctional officers already have peace officer status.
This would lessen the OT and would subsidize the OPD. OPD would not like their OT messed with so who knows how they would accept it. We need to use the resources that are available to thwart criminal activities in Ogdensburg.

Anonymous said...

Thats an idea but police officer status and peace officer status are completely different animals. I could see a lot of liability there. If they volunteered it would lessen the liability.. Citizens could also perform the duties designated by the Chief. The idea would to show a police presence and send a message in that manner. It could be worth a try... I know for a fact councilors read this blog so if enough of us keep this movement on one of them could present the idea for research.. If the officer union objects to this lets iron it out. If they wont listen then its time that look at a county wide police force and get rid of our local one.

Anonymous said...

Your right 451.. Police officers and peace officers have two different authority. Probation officers are also peace officers. It in all likely hood not work. First a citizen patrol should be volunteer. Should be trained at whatever funciton they are allowed or asked to do. Workwithin the guidelines of the City and Poolice Dept. They would have to have an extensive background check. They could help of with traffic control minimual jobs that take our officer4s off the street. They could ticket minor offenses such as parking offenses. Just their presence in a car or on the street would make a difference.

Anonymous said...

Poly... We sit here in agreement and trying to give ideas how to twart crimein the Maple City. Senator Ritchie has hire staff that includes a convicted criminal.. That dosnt set well with me.

Anonymous said...

Convicted of what and how long ago? Mr. Regan has been a support of Ritchie. Where can you access this crime.

Anonymous said...

The journal ran the story some time ago then everything was hushed by Chuck Kelly. I probably was a minor larceny so it could have been in a justice court or city court where he lives. This has to be back afew years because Richards has been judge for a few years now. He was District Attorney or possibly asst DA for Charles Gardner...

Anonymous said...

Freedom of Information.. If its an agency in the area their FOIL would by obligated to give you the records. Dept of Criminal Justice has thos records and or the Court of jurisdiction has those records. I remember the story being run years ago and it did cause the Journal some discomfort at the time. I guess it might come down to the fact that people who live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones... I,m sure her skeptic will unearth this soon.
He might better be like Mr. Doheny at get it out himself.