Friday, December 10, 2010

Journal:Jurors Tell Judge They Can't Decide

Jury Deliberating
It looks like the end is near.  Judge Richards sent the jurors back to keep deliberating.  If the jurors do not come to a decision in this case, what would the next step be?  Could this be a mistrial and would the county have to pay for another trial.  With various police officers changing their stories, I would believe that is "reasonable doubt".  If we cannot trust the police to get their stories straight then who do you trust. 
With a hung jury in the Tricky Murder, and the unexplained Shannon Death the City and the families would have no closure.  These would become to unsolved murders in the River City. 

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

It undoubtably be a hung jury. Thats no problem with me but what is a problem is the consistant changing of stories with law enforcement over the years up here in the North Country. These people lie and change stories consistantly and nothing is done. I have no problem with a little trickery by the law enforcement but actually lieing is downright wrong.The trial appears to be riddled with lies from officers. State police lied in the Whitton DWI manslaughter trial a few years ago. State police lied in the civil trial of a man they beat over a coat in canton a few years ago. Ogd PD sgt lied during a murder trial of a person from a fire on Hamilton st a few years ago. Massena PD and Border Patrol lied about why they pulled a car over near Massena.. Even though it had drugs in it they lied about why it was pulled over thus they were set free... A police Lt in Ogdensburg lied about his miranda reading in an Ogd murder on the Psyc center some time ago.. Two patients were tried. One ultimently went to prison and the other was set free because of the lie.
My question is why arnt they punished. By their employer and by the Judge Think about it folks...
Law enforcement feels its a tool to catch felons. DA now Judge Richards prosecuted a DEC officers afew years ago because of this kind of conduct to no avail. Why the inconsistancy in his thinking. How can any of us believe law enforcemtn anymore. What if they do it to you? How would you feel if you are innoscent
Bottom line, Court must punish these people harshly. DA must prosecute these people..
Oh... I forgot DA had phone call made against a witness in this trial and he was picked up in front of the Jury to disgrace him and make his testimony tainted..I guess they lie to... Just sit back and let it happen I guess.. express yourself here folks if not to council

Anonymous said...

This circus is costing the taxpayers a lot of money. These big case are a jump off for election time. When Miles was acting DA he was quick to jump to a conviction without much investigation. Great headlines when running for DA.
This is not a matter of guilty or not it is about a show, and how will this effect Duve's and Richard's chance of re-election. The first circus was more than enough to show neither knew what was going on.

Anonymous said...

Richards had the potential to be a great judge. That time has passed. He rather took the path of being opinionated. His opinions were all that was allowed in the first trial and they were wrong. His opinions on second ammendment rights within this state in this country has been forced on the people. Hes wrong in doing such.
The problem is neither he nor Duve are at fault for the outcome of this trial. Its the police. Lawenforcement cannot lie nor be allowed to give inaccurate statements which they change later. I am I,m sure most of you would find this disturbing if we were sitting as a jury on a trial where a mans life has been lost and anothers on the line for it. The oath states tell the truth and only the truth...
Cops use this inaccuracy thing when they have made the arrest and prosecuted the person they arrested and now they want to be jurors and convict the person. Thats wrong and also against the law. Nove Duve should do her job. She did her job a few years ago with an Ogd police Sgt who lied during court. The judge Nicandri at the time didnt..

Anonymous said...

Fresh off the News Line.. Bradley Barlow was arrested and charged with two felonies.. Lets see what wheeling and dealing they do in this case.. Hes going to rat everyone in the city of Ogdensburg out to get out of this one. This one will give you all a good veiw of the justice system. Report says he isnt in jail... Wonder Why?
A weapon on a felon isnt good.. We would all be in jail tonight.