Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Journal:Budget cuts mean more fundraising for OFA

School Fundraising Getting Bigger
Fundraising has been an innate part of extracurricular activities and usually the first step in the creation of a new organization. Is funding for all these organizations coming out of State Aide? 7/8 grade activity fund, 7/8 grade council, Varsity Club, Earth Fund, NJHS have always been supported by fund raisers. I would like to know how much of the funding for these programs actually came out of last year's budget?

Mr. Bushey, also spoke on the $2,826,780 proposed for buildings and grounds; William Cavanaugh, Technology Coordinator discussed another $611,993 budgeted for computer-assisted technology. Now this is the money part of the budget process, the $92K of fundraising makes up approximately 1/300 of the budget.

Journal Fundraising


Anonymous said...

Let a concessionaire/ contractor run and operate the damn DOME and then the school can AVOID the costs associated with it and take a share of the bottom line up front.

Cut the fluff out of the budget -- PAID coaches -- REALLY !! a time for that to end . Have all PE instructors coach a sport AS PART OF THEIR REGULAR JOB . Paying stipends is no longer viable . OFA needs to get real with what constitutes a GOOD EDUCATION . Athletics has ZERO impact on a kids future in terms of specific measurability and outcomes assessment at the program level

OH in case your wondering i played 3 sports in HS and one at the varsity level in college.and have coached multiple sports ( as a volunteer) .

Anonymous said...

I think the school used to be part of the city in the old days. Maybe we could go back to that, and the city council and city controller could use their financial expertise to get the school budget straightened out.

Anonymous said...

There is only one reason that the Ogdensburg School District has money problems. NYSUT has the school board, BEAN, in their back pocket.

Anonymous said...

The Ogdensburg School Board is just an extension of the teacher employees, OFA staff , and teachers union !! Its all one BIG HAPPY family. The Board has never represented the CHILDREN Taxpayers or Businesses of Ogdensburg. They are like PIGS at the biggest trough ever.... eating tax dollars!!! Their greed in a few years will drain the system they created ! Don't forget the big lie they have always said... IT"S FOR THE CHILDREN!!

Anonymous said...

It just proves that when a voting block is formed of family and friends .. control is lost ! The school board in Ogdensburg will never be balanced ! We lose again !!

Anonymous said...

In what system do you get:

• 30 step raises (this does not include contract raises)
• pay $25.00 a paycheck for family health insurance
• get raises in bad economic times
• then lose to layoffs the next year
• give administrators higher raises, and $20,000 for a 2 year retirement notice
• work less that 8 hrs/day
• work 180 days/year
• get paid for every extra hr worked(basketball games, sports, dances, proms)

Have you figured it out yet, Ogdensburg Education System. An education system that ranks #1 in the cost/student in the country.

Anonymous said...

Post 8:11 Your 100% Right on.
But how about a little " ITS ALL FOR THE CHILDREN " just a jab - because they think were all STUPID! WHICH we are to put up with all this CRAP!!! VOTE FOR A NEW BOARD !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Come on TEACHERS and OFA STAFF aren't you going to defend what your doing! Your silence speaks volumnes. Its for the children.