Monday, November 15, 2010

Journal:Council Sets 2011 Budget Public Hearing For Dec. 6

Tough Budget This Year in Ogdensburg
The city manager is looking to increase our property taxes by 3.87%.  The city budget is going to increase by almost 5%, amounting to almost 1 million in increased spending. Mr. Sciorra brags that our tax rate has not been this low since 2004 and lower rates were recorded back in 1995.

I am not sure but were we at full assessment back then?  Properties are being assessed every time you turn around.  I waited in line at city hall. with many others to contest my assessment that increased by 60%. 

Ogdensburg's Budget - Just an Idea
All this adds up to is a house appraised at full assessment + a little lower tax rate + majorly increased assessments = Us paying higher taxes, even with a lower rate.  I always say if there is smoke there is fire, and if it smells like fish it stinks.  One million dollars in extra spending stinks!

Let us not forget the water rates are also going up $5.00.

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

That scenario is the typical "SMOKE and Mirrors" routine handed out by budgeteers and politicians.

IMO it's purposely designed to OBFUSCATE the reality that spending is UP.

While the rest of us are FEELING the impacts in our personal budgets ( ZERO CPI for 2010and 2011 thus no increase in SS) these public entities continue to burrow deeper into our pockets .

They raise FEES as a REVENUE generator ( tax alternative )to play a shell game with the tax rate

In the meantime the town is turning into a nightmare. People do not feel safe driving or walking on these streets day or night now .

Many streets are pothole infested and with the numbers of oversized vehicles parking on BOTH sides of the street or on the sidewalks it is nearly impossible to navigate , especially in winter

Everyone KNOWS about the drug problem here and the police are doing what they can but they NEED Additional HELP .

The out of pocket cost for TAXES AND FEES that the 27 % of US that PAY taxes HAS CONTINUALLY GONE UP. We have the CANCELLED checks that illustrate what we pay, inspite of the rhetoric from city hall .

Advice to the COUNCIL :: CUT the BUDGET to the parallel the CPI ( zero increase in SS for 2010 AND 2011 according to the FED GOVT) , re-allocate $$ from lower priorities and SOLVE the CRIME on our streets but Live within your means

The State of INDIANA has property taxes CAPPED at ONE PERCENT of assessed value . If your home is assessed for $50,000 Your TOTAL tax bill is $500 INCLUDING school taxes.

We NEED that kind of capping here in NY

Anonymous said...

We need to elect someone to get control of these jokers. We will never get a real cap, it will be compromised to so much per year.

The problem is they will continue to raise assessments. Which seems to be the cities mission.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Time to raise our assessments again. The 100 that complain get theirs lowered a little and the rest take it up the a$$.

Bend over here it comes.

Anonymous said...

This is time for City Council to take a hard look at spending. A million increase in spending just does not add up.
You should not be driving a Lexus if you can only afford a pinto. The services the city provides should not out way our ability to pay for them.