Wednesday, November 14, 2012

North Country Public Radio:GOP gains a Democrat in NYS Senate

We seen what the democrats did the last time they controlled the Senate. The majority of democrats are from NYC and have shown their bias for their area. Many of the jails were closed North of the throughway and we may see it again. Time will tell what riff will come from this but some of the Democrats North of the City are aligning themselves with the Republicans.

Hold on!

Senate on Hold


Anonymous said...

Thats certainly a positive thing seeing NYC is usually causing limbo in the Senate.. Skelos will no longer be in control and thats a great thing. Cuomo will lose his magic touch this year and some new overdue things like minimum wage will get done under Democrat rule.. I think the Star Rebate will be done forever but only time will tell this. Again our local Senators must help our county obtain home rule on the sales tax and Ritchie will habve to get of her butt and help.. No excuses this term Patty Plate.. You promised a lot but came through on nothing. Time to shape up or get out in 2014.. We know our assembly represenatives will back us and at least one Senator..
Our legislators are making some real tough cuts to the workforce but its time for them to step up and cut some of the frills of the Sheriffs Dept and theirs plenty of them to cut.. Public health and hwy dept shouldnt be the brunt of the cuts...

Anonymous said...

Thats absolutely correct.. We gained some support from the democrats but certainly lost any we were to get from Republican Patty Ritchie.

Anonymous said...

Oh! The injustice! To think that the areas that pay the most into the state government and have the majority of the population should get a proportionately large share of funds!

Face it - the north country is greedy. It is poor. It is sparsely populated. The real injustice is that so much state and federal money is wasted in the north country, a place where nobody of any consequence lives.

Anonymous said...

Hey Patty: Senator Saxby Chambliss told Grover to stuff it. When are you going to step up to the plate, and help SLC?