Thursday, November 8, 2012

Journal:Sen. Patricia Ritchie retains the 48th district

This was an easy win for the Senator, indicating the voters are looking for tax relief and a control on unfunded mandates. Unfunded mandates, economic growth, and balancing budgets will be the next hurtle.

Mrs. Ritchie has a strong support group with her many family, friends and her staff; that started when she run for County Clerk against S. Teele, county legislator. Her supporters are sedulous and assiduous workers and they are a force to reckon with. Good job, Senator Ritchie!

Hats off to Ms. Tresidder for running a good campaign. A challenge is always good and keeps the incumbent on their toes.

Journal 48 district RITCHIE


Anonymous said...

Her staff works tirelessly its time for her to step up.. Get some help towards minimum wage increase for the poor in this county, home rule on the sales tax if thats what the people want.. Get some of these prisons thinned out of this area if they are inefficent like OCF.
Yes its almost a fact she will be working in the minority Senate this year and things will be tough. things would have been much better t\if the Republicans had held the majority but what went around last year came back around this year..
Addie Russell needs help from Ritchie not just constant differences from her to get things done for this area..
The star rebate she promised us is gone in smoke I believe so I think its time she broke from the traditional rich republican beliefs and helps us taxpayers..

Anonymous said...

If the Democrats take over the Senate, that would usually be bad for the North County. But with Grover Norquist's Patty powerless, we can get the much needed sales tax increase for our towns and villages.

Patty can continue doing what she did so effectively her first term. Which was to act nice, and have her picture taken.

Anonymous said...

yup... Senator Ritchie wins.. Senator Ritchie signs pac with Grover Norquist and NO New taxes teaparty..
Headlines this morning in Journal is that 32 SLC healthcare workers will be done away with....
Thank You Patty for caring for us in your homecounty.. Thank You for not wanting to tax the rich and not wanting SLC to recieve the same tax on sales as every other county but three in the state... Thank you for tirelessly working for Gramah Wise and the Republican Party and Tea Party.. Thank you for all the pictures you had taken with the Governor and your friends such as Doheny(the loser for Congress).. We all like you up here.. We all worship you up here. Soon another Senator and our Assembly woman will pick up the call and get us home rule so you and yours can lay claim to it as usuall.. Thank you Patty again and again

Anonymous said...

Don't you think you ought to give up this Grover guy. Senator Ritchie won with a 40 percent margin because most people appreciate her opposition to a sales tax increase, her support for the prisons and her unwillingness to roll over to pressure from bozos like you.

What you don't seem to grasp is Governor Cuomo won't sign a sales tax increase. He is holding up tax hikes and fee increases all over the state. Check it out.
Addie didn't pass the sales tax either because the Assembly was told not to make the governor look bad. Addie has just managed to con everybody into thinking she is trying to pass one. It's called lip service. You, of course, are so gullible you buy everything Addie says. That's called being clueless.

Anonymous said...

Ritchie wins 3 to 1 in the big county, where her opponent's number one issue was raising the sales tax, yet you continue to cling to the belief that this is what locals want? St. Lawrence County and the rest of the North Country are taxed enough! We're already seeing a replay of last year, when the threatened 30% tax hike was trimmed to near zero. Now we're seeing it again when our county legislators are being forced to do their jobs and balance the budget without adding to the load on us taxpayers. Go Senator Ritchie! Go Grover. And Elmer. And Ernie. And Big Bird.

Anonymous said...

Patty wins three to one because nobody really ran against her. It's when county services are cut, and people get upset, is when the truth will come out about Patty. Even the he other Republicans will not take the blame for her inaction.

Grover has gone the way of Karl Rove. The Republicans nationwide are now in favor of Obamacare (You can bet they NOW wished they had called it Romneycare). Patty is on the wrong side of the equqtion, and it will be fun to watch her change her stripes!

Anonymous said...

Boy are these grapes sour.

Addie Russell goes all in for "nobody," even appearing in her TV ad. Ritchie beats Amy AND Addie in her own Assembly district in SL county.

And Addie REALLY had nobody running against her, as in "unopposed."

Face it. Ritchie's here to stay as long as she wants. Fred, Sallie, Karen and most of the commenters on this blog better get used to the idea.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused with the sales tax issue, PattyPlate carried the request for sales tax in Jefferson County, then the County of Jefferson ponies up $5 million to DANC, thanks PP