Monday, November 5, 2012

Big Vote for Tomorrow!

Everyone should get out and vote tomorrow. The balance of the country is in the hands of the voters. Voting is a right many Americans take for granted, many have died to preserve this right.

Mitt Romney    or    Barack Obama
Matt Doneny    or    Bill Ownes
Patty Ritchie    or    Amy Tresidder

I am hoping for a couple of changes this election year, but continue to support Senator Ritchie.  As a freshman senator she has done well and will be that much stronger next year. 


Anonymous said...

Unlike the Republican blogmaster I dont want much change.. I like things similar to what we have.. I think its necessary to improve what we have like Social Security, Medicare, and who pays what, but I think these programs are essential for us and our future..
I am seventy years old. I would have never survived if Romney and Doehny had their way.. Things were so tough for us a younrg people we would have never saved a dime towards our retirement if it wernt for our government(Social Security_. Think about how ahard it is medically to get along without having to fight with a private insurance company and be told what doctor yu can go to, when you can go what they will pay and why they wont pay what your claim is.. Oh yah hire an attorney if you can afford one..
Doheny and Romney want to lead us back into the administration which started this freefall.. They want to deregulate wall st, the very scource of the problem we now suffer.. They want to voucher medicare, they want to privatize social seciurtiy as we know it.. They dont want the rich to be burdened with the same taxes we pay and the percentages we pay..
Think before filling in your ballot today folks.. Do we want to keep this conty moving forward to step back into the George Bush days>
As far as Patty Ritchie goes, I,ll vote for her today but shes been very ineffective as a Senator and I,m looking forward to 2014 hoping someone else steps up..

Anonymous said...

Ritchie.... Ritchie.. Are you kidding me... She will win because she had backing by some richies in her district and can advertise.. Her acomplishments are zero.. Her backing her home county is zero... Her helping her friends is zero...
She was going to do some things when she got electied.. She forgot...
The expensive prision system was going to be cut back.. What happened?? Commissions and authorties were going to be cut.. What happened??? She brags about a budget on time.... Can you imagine someone taking credit for doing their job as they were elected to do... She voted to balance the budget on the backs of the state workers and then turned around and asked them to work for her reelection.. The prisons up here helped her.. Why>>> So they can still operate and suck our money up for their babysitting duties..
The poor slobs in the state wanted a minimum wage hike but shes against that.. She dosnt want any new taxes.. What taxes are new.. Oh I forgot the Governor and President asked the wealthy to contribute the same percentage as the rest of us fdo but Patty is against that also..
Oh , she will get reelected this year without much problem but hopefully in 2014 someone else with some backing can run and get rid of her...

Anonymous said...

Romney is so clueless, we'd better hope to avoid having to deal with him in the White House. He doesn't even know the Cold War ended 20 years ago.

Anonymous said...

The Cold War still rages as long as Putin is in power. You must live under a rock.

Anonymous said...

No he lives in a box of rocks that you are as smart as..

Anonymous said...

Getting back to the subject of voting and Patty Ritchie..Blogmaster please tell us why you support Ritchie and what has she acomplished?
She hasnt done much in my book but vote with the Republican majority in the Senate..
Please Blogmaster tell us....

Anonymous said...

Blow out !!! Republican Party by its catering to angry white guys and other extreme factions is NO LONGER RELAVANT . They got blown out by the demographic wave and now must redesign the party to more inclusive and start to marginalize the extremist element. This is what happen when people listen to idiots like Limbaugh rather than taking a serious look at the demographic data and just how to address the concerns and needs of the MAJORITY rather than the centrist elements .

The GOP will no doubt have an internal civil Watson to determine the New soul of the party. Snything less than a centrist party will slam the door on the future and relegate the GOP to the minORITy party it demonstrated it was in yesterday's election .

This will be interesting to watch and hopefully the GOP can get its act together and marginalize the extremist elements within its ranks .

Anonymous said...

This is an internal civil war not Watson , ;) damn iPad doesn't like what I typed hehehehe

Anonymous said...

Patty Ritchie promised to keep the prisons open. She promised not to raise taxes.
That's why she won.
In St. Lawrence County, she got 78 percent of the vote. That's over 4 to 1.
You have attacked her every day for two and a half years. It's clear no one pays any attention to your lies, smears and mindless rants.
A year ago, no one paid attention to you on Mary Lou.
I see a trend.

Anonymous said...

She promised Grover Norquist she would not raise any taxes on his billionaire friends thats all..
She promised to keep prisons open.. I didnt hear that one.. I know she promised to make a case for local prisons to stay open, and she voted that way but prisons still closed..Thats fact. So its no me telling lies its you.
She promised to help eliminate commissions and authorities a boondagle around taxpayers heads and voted to keep them instead.. Thats fact
The poor working slob making minimum wage looked to her to give him a hike in pay so he/she can enjoy the American dream and she voted against it.
Of course now that shes elected she will vote to give them a raise in minimum wage..
She promised our star rebate but didnt deliver.. ONly after the budget passed did the Senate vote to give it back to us after they knew there was no way for the State to pay for it.. Thats fact
We will get the star rebate soon but it will be the Assembly Democrats that will get it for us..Thats fact..
You say I lie.. which one do I lie on... You say I smear.. Why because I want a Senator that does something You say I rant.. Its my right isnt it or are Ritchie followers only allowed to praise..

Anonymous said...

Karl Rove and Grover Norqist are toast. Time for Patty to break her pledge, and save St. Lawrence County before she follows them into the nowhere land of Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

Not only will the extremists be purged from the GOP if it wishes to actually be competitive in the future , Another potential speed bump may ensue .

Democrats MAY be taking over control of the NY State Senate .

When and if that happens Ms Ritchie get s back benched and will probably lose committee chair roles and suffer diminishing influence . IF is a small word with BIG implications , watch and see .when and if this happens .

Anonymous said...

Well said 1154.. Thats the way politics play out.. She has served Skelos well not us.. We will see if Skelos will have any influence on the Senate and to what extent. Democrat control gives Cuomo a real problem as the Assembly becomes the main focus. Addie Russell will be more influential than Ritchie and may well be groomed along with Aubertine to replace her in 2014.. Dont forget the longshot out there in DeDe Scozaffavi against Ritchie.. Interesting two years in store.. Any more prison closings are coming from Ritchies district I,m afraid and rumors has the Perv unit being consoladated elsewhere.. Our Star Rebate is history now because Ritchie let us down however home rule might get the go ahead without her. Really interesting year or two ahead for all of us... Anyone at OCF interested in a carreer in a day care center.. Your trained arnt you.

Anonymous said...

Perv palace consolidation is long overdue for the hyper costly , ineffective boondoggle . NYS has a structural deficit looming once again and the expense of opening these labor intensive , low value added operations continues to be an Achilles heal financially . othe rumored cost effective approaches need to leveraged

Anonymous said...

Grover? What about Ernie quitting in scandal? Big Bird save us!