Friday, November 30, 2012

Journal:Ogdensburg comptroller says council’s budget goal far-fetched

It appears the council is looking for every means to stay under the 2% tax increase. Hats off to the councilors that believe that is possible.

We should be looking to our State Senator and Assemblyperson to carry the increase in sales tax. The properties owners bare the burden and at this point and it is forcing people to sell their homes and move out of NYS.

Journal taxes


Anonymous said...

You can't just cut your way to fiscal health - you have to have programs, you have to have a community. If Ogdensburg cuts much more, there won't be a city there anymore. They need to do something to stop the population drain, and cutting programs and services is not the way to make it happen. Most people would be willing to pay for a slight tax increase than lose plowed streets or fire and police protection.

Anonymous said...

Well that is such a great idea, but there are no jobs here. The perfect storm, no jobs, fort drum expansion, urban renewal, and we get the scum...more programs means more scum.

Medicaid is better than most private insurance. Work fare is a joke, show up with a half a sheet of paper with a couple employer names and you are extended.

The roads will continue to get plowed and the arrest rate will stay the same. If it goes to court it will be let go untimely like the last major case or plead down to nothing. DA needs to go, no time in St. Lawrence County so why not sell drugs.

Anonymous said...

I disagree with mayor Nelson on many issues but he hit the nail on the head the other night. We have to look at possibly having a volunteer fire dept either in whole or partially. A questionaire should be sent to all city taxpayers to
A. See if one is warranted
B. See if enought people are interested in volunteering
C. Is the County willing to help in any manner
D. Is the State will ing to help.
I know Senator Ritchie would drag her heels and balk at the idea but Ms. Russell should be able to help a little.
This same service could be given to the police dept.. The same service the Sheriffs dept had with some volunteer seniors helping in many areas such as parade traffic, paperwork at the office possibly dispatching at times generally doing duties they could be trained for and would allow the officers to attend to more important issues.
These programs could work if the council could get some interest in them. The biggest thing they would help with is overtime which is a killer to us taxpayers.
Ive been advocating this on this blog for over a year and I know councilors read the issues so I doubt this draws enough interest but again I throw it out to see if anyone wants to pick u p the ball and run with it...
Theres certainly enough COs who benefited from community support for them two years ago that could give a little of themselves as volunteers...

taxpayer 76 said...

The days of 20 year retirement are over. They were negotiated over time,but time has proven they can not be afforded. All new hires have to work minimum 30 plus years if they want the benefits and guaranteed salary. I like the idea of paid drivers for fire for the rescue squad does most of the response for all other calls. The same with police. When they take 20 year retirement then work as court secutity they are taking from someone that needs a job with good benefits. Have to get a grasp on this double dip crap.

Anonymous said...

Merge police and fire service and hire a civilian Commissioner to run this new dept . fire the chiefs . Other municpalities did this years ago .

cross train firemen to do. Police dispatch and traffic control .