Sunday, March 25, 2012

We Care!
Mr. Ladouceur has brought Christmas joy to the community but was robbed of much of his decorations Thursday night. Forty to fifty holiday-decorated pieces of plywood were stolen from his home. Who would and what would anyone do with that many pieces of plywood with decorations on the side? Hopefully they will show up before the next holiday season. Many people enjoyed the display that was erected by a group of community minded volunteers.

Thursday was also a bad night for the skateboard park and Kids Kingdom.  The skateboard ramps were flipped over, a fire started, and the chain link fence cut. Kids Kingdom also had some minor damage but it all adds up. Mr. Curatolo believes that there could be over $2000.00 in damages. The skateboard park has been closed and the kids who use the park are paying the price of the vandalism.

There must be some talk on the street and hopefully the police can handle these crimes against the community.

Journal Ogdensburg skateboard park closes after vandalism 

Journal Ogdensburg Christmas display robbed


Anonymous said...

Too many lowlife scum in this town !! We need neighborhood watch program in EVERY neighborhood and a justice system that will NAIL these scum

Anonymous said...

To 9:18......AMEN!!

Anonymous said...

I only say this.. I have suggested someone looking into a volunteer police force to work with the regulars. I know this idea has been put to good use in hundreds of communities throughout the US and been instrumental in cutting crime and saving taxpayers dollars and freeing up officers for more important duties. To what degree we get into this is up to us , our council, and the chief of police.. Its an option that I think would work... Look under volunteer police on the computer or auxillary police to get and idea as to how this works.. Its not a neighborhood watch program its volunteer actually working for our city in whatever capacity assigned to them.... THINK ABOUT IT.

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome idea!!! I see South Carolina has a program like that right now. I'll donate my time if this can happen.

Anonymous said...

The best solution is to move out of Ogdensburg - crime and corruption run the city.

Anonymous said...

The Sheriffs had this program for about three or four years and it really was sucessful. On ly after an accident and the pending liability litigation did it end... In the end the County was exonerated but the program never took off again.
These programs usually are shunned by police as they feel threatened and in come cases they have a right to be...
I know councilors read this blog so I was hoping at least one of them would suggest this program in some manner.. they have lost their ass in housing programs for the less fortunate and are still involved in a controversial program for housing so alitte effort on their part to help the citizens of this city in the crime prevention effort wouldnt hurt...
Also.. We had a volunteer force back in the sixtys....

Anonymous said...

This is 9:18 pm again and actually the very best decision is to MOVE OUT of Ogdensburg since there is ZERO will and leadership here to do the RIGHT things they ONLY care about PYA and CYA at City Hall and Council Chambers

Anonymous said...

I would be willing to sign a liability release if that would ease concerns. Maybe others would as well.

Anonymous said...

Theres less liability with volunteers than with regular employees.. No compensation involved. Also grants can be obtained for training and expenses plus taxpayers would benefit if run properly...
I am no expert but I expect if set up properly it would work a world of good.. The following is an idea list of jobs they could perform after training by our locals
Report typing
Computer entry
Traffic Control at events
Handicap parking enforcement
Assisting in schools
Traffic presence on the streets
Help patrol high crime areas and report to the department if trouble is noted
Assisting in restricted parking areas
Assisting dispatchers
The personnel would have to be schooled and trained by the regular force however the expense would be minimual.
Each person could volunteer about eight hours monthly or as many as wanted..
Another idea other departments have implimented is using idle patrol cars in areas with speed problems such as school zones.. The presence of a marked police cars has the effect of slowing down traffic.. If an car was put in the vicinity of a know drug dealer at times I,m sure it would have the same effect...
Again I am only speculating..
I do know this, this idea has been out there for some time but no one seem interested.. THAT I CANT UNDERSTAND.

Anonymous said...

This was with the Senior Citizens Patrol, yes? I'm not yet in that age group (yet) but I would like to help make a difference. They might also be able to open this up as an internship for college students headed into criminal justice. Great eye opener for the up and coming.

Anonymous said...

IF you want a senior citizen group thats what you ask for.. My self I,m more apt to want a volunteer group probably from thirty five to seventy five...
There are some risks but most of the expense could be covered with grants.. Canidates would have to go through pysc tests, fingerprinted, background check etc etc.. the initial checks would be by the police the rest could be handled by the first hires to the positions.
Its a plus plus for this city and the taxpayers and cannot by any means of the imagination understand why someone hasnt approached the councilors.. Some of the canidates and Mike Morley acknowledged during election time it sounded good.. Why dosnt Morley or Skamp or Ashley bring it up and look into it..
No attorney would ever give his blessings and I dont think Silver would but I would hate to see this be the reason why it didnt get looked at... Again we had this in the sixtys for some time.

Anonymous said...

City manager fired...mayor out of town...Morley in charge...connect the dots boys!!!

Anonymous said...

Blogger 837 Has the same answer for everything....Art Scorria and Nick Vaugn are gone!! Scamp is still here with their memories to proceed. So go back to your coloring book because connect the dot it to advanced for you!

Anonymous said...

Your right this person pops up with the same comment on any subject. It would be nice to stick to an issue as everyone else does but.... he has to get attention like a spoiled child.
He probably spent all his allowancesaitham nedues on Robo calling.

Anonymous said...

In reading the local paper and this blog over the last year or so; I've come to the following conclusion:

Anonymous said...

Yepper...Look at 7:25 and 7:35...That's Wannabe Mayor Morley trying to show how clever he is...Meanwhile, You are right 8:29, the city is becoming a cesspool under his watch. This particular blog is about the vandalism in the city...Now that he is in charge, which Sciorra and Nelson gone,what is he doing about it? Other than trying to control the conversation on a blog.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Folks but this idiot 8:58 ,fresh out of the funny farm thinks this blog is part of his rehab homework! One objective only is to try to ruin ogdensburg. He listens to the little person talking to him anoymous, of course. Can not wait for his responce!