Saturday, March 3, 2012

Journal:Main Street Money Remains

Line Up - Another Grant
Another grant available for a poorly designated commercial area, along the Oswegatchie River, and the deadline is in two weeks. Call us and we will tell you if you qualify. What is wrong with this picture?

With such a small area you would think C. W. Augustine would target the owners that exist with viable options on the use of this money. Off the top of my head our new marina, the old building supply (Duffy's), Veritas Tools (is it still there?), Fort La Presentation, Time Warner, plus plenty of City owned property exist along the river.

This will be a last ditch effort to throw money at any kind of project just to spend it. That is why we had the Knox Street issue. Knox Street was with the "guidelines of the grant" but was a totally botched process and application of grant money that cost the city more money than it was worth. Time for C. W. Augustine to start earning the administration fee.

I have a good view of the Oswegatchie River, maybe I qualify.

Journal Grant


Anonymous said...

Hosmer got 160k in grants and a 100k loan from the growth fund. Duffy got a 40 k grant. All of the eligible owners in the area have been notified multiple times about the program - cwa

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! Maybe Nelson and Morley can FINALLY bend the rules enough to get some money to pay off the Wades for lying on their behalf during their Kangaroo Court held last November!!!

Anonymous said...

11:25 give it up ....make a point... other than you hate Nelson and Morley. Facts would be nice not crap you want to feed people!

Anonymous said...

Grant Money Available, Oh Boy, here we go! Blue Heron is located on Ford Street, maybe Stevenson, our new City Councilor can work her magic with her best buddies at CW Augustine to get a face lift for her business and then have the City or County pay for her portion from the growth fund or "slush fund." She could then turn around and sell it to a first time home buyer she just "found" from her other friends at St. Lawrence Housing, making sure they get grant money of course so Blue Heron can get paid again and finally she could promise the home buyer that she can get the house/business rehabilitated from one or both of her buddies CW Augustine or St. Lawrence Housing with yet more grant money. Any way you look at it when you are Stevenson and you sit on a board,
Board of Realtors, City Council, Rotary, St. Lawrence Housing, you are entitled to free stuff, I mean income. This is how grant money really works when you have dirty players in the system. So how do you pay your kickbacks out Stevenson, are you and Augustine and St. Lawrence staff working on a cash basis or gift basis?

Anonymous said...

My hopes are that Mr. Hosmer will excuse himself of all coments and voting on the marina distrct! But if he continues he would be no diferent than Counclor
Stevenson ..who is up to her chin in all activities surounding these grants! If this continues.. council meetings will smell worst than a fish market! Mr. Nelson NO SWEEPING under the rug - clean this up ! Ogdensburg Leaders are still bleeding from its last leader (manager) and taxpayers want answers? Not the last five years of hidden agenda

Anonymous said...

12;05...It's not a fact that a kangaroo Court was held last November to bring in "witnesses" for the public crucifixion of Sciorra? And didn't Nelson conduct that "hearing" with his relatives cheering him on, and Morley turning to Sciorra and sayin:"Why don't you just leave?"

You may not like to be reminded of how mean spirited you are, and what you did. But, It is STILL a fact you did it.

And it is STILL a fact that the public has been given NO accounting by anyone in city government as to how much it cost us other than "we were within budget", which is a LIE.

Don't tell us to read it in The Journal. YOU tell us or resign your offices in shame. It's time for a state audit of this whole mess.

Anonymous said...

Correct it is not a fact - it is your opinion ! You sounnd like Art's mother in blog after blog.. Did Art scorria say ever that Mike " I lied to you"? Art was always telling the truth about Justin, Cosmo, Gebo, etc.? In meeting after meeting all counclors asked for an accounting on things and Art never answered. Look at the recordings! You should get togther with Art-Scamp-Nick- Mat and Dick and lick your wounds - its over - cry with them!!! Once again no believes you Except Ripleys.

Anonymous said...

We the public watch the meetings on Wednesday and Friday. Its a public service. But our questions nor anyones that is in attendance ever get answered.. Nelson continuesly tries to sweep the questioneer away by sitting and looking stupid and thanking them for asking but no real answer..
With something like seventy five thousand dollars set aside for legal expenses you would have to be an idiot to beleive they operated within their budget.. Of course Cosmo can juggle the books alittle and the new manager (him) would approve.. Nelson didnt have to remind him who was in charge.. Still nothing done in finding a new manager.. these fools still cant get together of how to start.. I thought that was the managers job.. Dump it on Cosmo thats what they did to the other managers and Nelson saying we cant interfere....
Stevenson has some explaining to do and if she feels she is above any suspicion then she should step down.. Hosmer already has his hand into the till right up to his elbow..

Anonymous said...

O'Neill gets "75 per hour of your tax dollars
so does the reverend Wiesbad but Ron
Williams is less wholly so he only gets only
$60 per hour and Jen Jen gets
$40 per hour, this is per grant agreement
for real....what or who is in your pocket

Anonymous said...

Ogdensburg residents look a gift horse in the mouth. This city should be forever banned from receiving grant money from the state and federal government. People here don't deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mike (4;38): You have pointed out very successfully (mostly through The Journal) that Sciorra ADMITTED lying to you. Very good for you.

However, by pointing out that you believe Sciorra admitted lying to you, aren't you really saying Sciorra told you that truth, at least in that instance? So, that makes Sciorra at least a partially honest man by YOUR OWN admission.

Now that we have established Sciorra has shown honesty, when are YOU going to do the same?

I.E. ADMIT you had no cause to fire Sciorra, which was proven leagally. ADMIT you had to spend hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to get rid of Sciorra because you had no leagal or contractual case against him.

We wonder why Ogdensburg is the joke of the North Country? Look no further than the hypocrites on the city council.

How about it boys and girls. Is there ANYONE on the city council HONEST enough to tell us how much was spent (and is being) spent to fire, and then hire, the city manager?

Or are you ALL going to be part of this coverup?

Right now, the only person who has done a honest thing in this whole mess is Art Sciorra, as Mike was so happy to point out to us earlier.

Of course Sciorra gets fired for being honest and saying he lied to MORLEY. Are you kidding me? What's the message there?

Mike will answer this by calling me another name. So, is there anyone else on the council willing to tell the truth?

How about it Jen, Bill, Wayne, Storm, Dan? Anyone? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap .... get help ... bloger11:17 You could justify anything with that type of reasoning. I will probably be the only one interested in you because of my job at the State Hospitol.
You sound like Nick , maybe he will share his bed with you in Albany! Try ROBO calling! or another vacation with ART!

Anonymous said...

Avoiding the question with name calling won't feed the alligator.

If you are a city councilor, and don't answer the question honestly, then you will be tied in with Morley in the big lie.

How much is this fiasco costing the taxpayers?

Maybe Jen or Bill will tell us. After all, they got on the council after the contrived vote before Christmas where our city fathers got Ashley on the council early to rig the vote to fire Sciorra. Or maybe Dan, who didn't go along with that scheme.

Isn't there one person in city government who will tell us the truth?

Anonymous said...

No Art- he went to Albany!!

Anonymous said...

The only person who spoke the truth and had no hidden agenda was not elected to the city council. Think back people. You all voted for Stevenson, Ashley, Hosmer. The voters of Ogdensburg are like sheep. They voted for the people that Nelson, Bean and few others wanted for the city council.

Now you have live with your choices. What will be really interesting is next year. But that is only a dream. Nothing will never change in Ogdensburg.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Amo - McCoy - Friot arent you glad your not in this mess? Speak up these clowns aren't.

Anonymous said...

Maybe O'Neil and Co. can bring back it's favorite Contractor the registered sex offender and they can rebuild downtown Ogdensburg.

Scoopy said...

Would anyone care to elaborate on the sex offender accusation. That bothers me... Give me a name and it will be checked out..
Name please... We have a web site available to all..

Anonymous said...

Handyman for hire Bruce Gordon

Anonymous said...

We are still waiting for ANYONE in city government to tell us the truth on how much the city manager fiasco is costing in tax payer dollars. As usual, Mike Morley gave a deflective "wise ass" comment. Is he the spokesperson for the entire city council?.If you are hiding behind him, then don't expect any more respect than he gets.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a shame to bash Wayne Ashley in any/all of this. He doesn't have ties to the housing or home buyers programs.

He just got elected and he seems to be asking questions and is reluctant to hop on board with everyone else.

I think we need to give him some time to get us the answers we are looking for.

Wayne went in there looking to make a change. He can't fix it overnight or by himself. But I am sure he will get to the bottom of this as long as no one ties his hands.

If that becomes the case then he can be the whistle blower and bring in the proper authorities. I hope he is as sick to his stomach, as the rest of us are, as we watch these people run around like they are above the law.

There is clearly a Conflict of Interest, Grant Fraud and Misappropriation of funds. Top that off with lying to and pacifying the taxpayers (which should be illegal as well).

Sometimes we are too quick to rush to judgement. He hasn't done anything yet that I find questionable. He hasn't lied or put himself in a position for us to start judging him.

Yes, we are overly cautious right now, with all rights to be. But we need to hold those accountable that were in office when this mess started or that were involved in some fashion, or that benefited directly from these programs.

Anonymous said...

Lots of slanderous comments being thrown around by anonymous people on this blog. I wonder if anyone on here realizes that someone could subpoena their IP address, and that they could eventually face a defamation lawsuit for the things said about the following people on this blog:
Dan Skamperle
Nick Vaugh
Jen Stevenson
Mike Morley
Storm Cilley
Bill Nelson
Art Sciorra
Phil Cosmo
Chris Robbins
Liz Graham
Wayne Oxley
Jim O'Neill
Dave Weissbard
Justin Woods
Andy Silver

None of you posting on here should be surprised if you end up having a summons delivered to your door-step.

Anonymous said...

Scare Tactics! Hog wash!!

There is accountability owed to the tax payers. The answers the people are asking aren't being answered. Go ahead and sue. I ain't got a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of anyways.

Those that don't have dirty hands in this, I feel sorry for them. Yes they may be getting smeared falsely. But those that have skeletons in this mess need to come forward and clear this up.

Answer the questions honestly and give transparency to the taxpayers. That's the only way the people will stop being tough on their local government.

Anonymous said...

Everyone Run !!! Were the hounds and were the one's on your trail ! Scare Tactics is all we can get from our so called PUBLIC SERVANTS ! We are now treatened by bloger 9:31 who's name is on that list! OK then lets Lawyer UP !!! But then you would have to come out of the woodwork ! OH elected one not your style. Stay under your Rock as the weight increases....

Anonymous said...

Everyone Run !!! Were the hounds and were the one's on your trail ! Scare Tactics is all we can get from our so called PUBLIC SERVANTS ! We are now treatened by bloger 9:31 who's name is on that list! OK then lets Lawyer UP !!! But then you would have to come out of the woodwork ! OH elected one not your style. Stay under your Rock as the weight increases....

Anonymous said...

Any thing I say is my opinion and that I,m intitled to. I will continue to blog as long as the author of this site allows it. If my opinion insults someone so be it, if I state something is a fact consider it a fact.
Someone is getting excited about a public forum they dont control so now they are making threats.. This means someone dosnt agree with everyone on here but thats his/her privilige and right.
My bet is that this is Mr. Oneil, or someone who works for or with him . I come to that conclusion because public opinion objects to the way his business has been conducted and to the end results as it has affected Ogdensburg and its taxpayers. This is my opinion and I,m sure you have yours. People who hold public office and work for others holding important positions that conduct public business should be able to realize their actions come under scrutiny and only worsen when they fail to talk to the public..
Whether or not they want to acknowlede this blog or not is their business. Whether or not they want to acknowledge the taxpayers of this city is not just their business but also ours.
This blog and its author have the right to censor whatever they want but have chose not to be real picky as they realize this is a public forum. The city council and or counsilors choose to write anom like we do at times but dont like whats said at times because this is a uncontrollable forum for them. They rather sit at meetings and selectively go through an agenda they announce ahead of time and control the mode of the meeting. they allow people a controlled amount of time and in Biggs and Lafave case the mayor wants to control their message..
Shame on you for this scare tactic. Now it appears that someone has a real exposed nerve and we are probably getting close to some truth...

Anonymous said...

Publishing comments that damage a person's reputation can cost you. There are plenty of examples of people getting the living crap sued out of them. That is why the media actually investigate and interview people before telling a story - because if you're wrong, you've committed an accident that will cost you for the rest of your life. No one who posts on this site is anonymous - you can be tracked using your IP, and if you are posting falsehoods that might damage someone's reputation, say, someone who has a history of hiring attorneys and bringing defamation cases to court like Jim O'Neill, you could end up out in the gutter for the rest of your life.

Anonymous said...

Oh the truth will come out! The players are Known.
Mr. Mayor and Council. You could not find a needle in a hay stack!
First of all you have no interest in doing anything except sweep it under the rug. How is the investagation of the internal leak that 8 people read a document and 8 SWORE TO the PUBLIC that they didn't leak it!
It Vanished!!
Mr. Mayor Nelson !! I saw you in election Mode! Speaking to the public, TV ,and any forum that would listen. Have you had an operatiion since and had anything removed? Are you sick or come down with any type injury? If not speak for US... the citizens, voters, party menbers, taxpayers, will soon demand this... your approval rating is drooopping and the council meeting can fill up again!!!

Anonymous said...

And you need to keep a couple things in mind as well.

1. There is such a thing as the First Amendment.

2. If a suit is brought for slander then it must be proven to have no basis. That means that there will be a forensics investigation. All files will be looked at by both the Plaintiff's attorney and the Defendant's attorney. This would open up everything at all levels. There will be conversations with the home owners and home buyers. Affidavits for sure, photographs, and key witnesses.

3. There might be a couple of things that are questionable on this blog site but for the most part it is people wanting answers.

Anonymous said...

For as big a deal as some on this blog try to make it, most people aren't that interested in this issue. The council meetings have been sparsely attended - the waterfront workshops have better attendance - and most have been happy with the city's housing program.

The assumption that there is some big scandal here is not backed up by the state offices overseeing the housing program.

The assumption that there is some big cover-up is not backed up by the open conversation occurring between C. W. Augustine, the city council, the city manager and the planning department at council meetings.

The truth to the matter is that there are a few business people and contractors in the city who are utterly unqualified for these grant programs who are angry they got passed over, and they are the ones feeding information to the media and posting slander on this website. You are all being manipulated by a handful of self-serving, arrogant individuals.

Anonymous said...

Including Allyson Chadwick, who is using these issues to stir up the pot and smear her competition

Anonymous said...

Rick Badlam also seems to be involved here.

Anonymous said...

Wow! One minute your worried abut throwing people's names and reputations out on a public forum. Nest thing you know a couple more names get put on there. Laughable! Someone is paranoid to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not watching!

Anonymous said...

11:57-12:23-12:38 Thanks again Stevenson , O"neil and Ashley stick together - SPIN and Threaten and Bring in more names... the confusion is still in you camp! I thought you were worried about law suit - until this site debacled your BULL on that! NICE TRY AGAIN!!!

Anonymous said...

2:12 - sounds like someone hit a little too close to home for your comfort.

Anonymous said...

The more that is bloged her - shows the more we need to get to the bottom of this! Our council needs to get Involved ..... come on Mike Morley and Wayne Ashley get some support!!! More Questions.

Storm wantss to sweep!
Nelson wants to forget and sweep!
Scamp who knows!
Hosmer scared to get involved!
Stevenson is in up to her neck!

What can we do next to go forward?

Anonymous said...

Allyson Chadwick a Realtor!
Rick Badlan a Contractor!

Why would they be mentioned and brought into this by the group of three?

These people must be on the "I do not like" list of the group of three!

Good freinds and citizens must ask them why the O'Neil, Ashley & Stevenson group brought them up.
They are probably 100 % clean but the Gang of three blows smoke!

Anonymous said...

Why are certain posters on here so desperate to link C. W. Augustine to Jennifer Stevenson? Can they provide any concrete evidence, or just assumptions and heresay?

Anonymous said...

Why was Allison Chadwick brought up.. I only seen her inf reference to MR. Ma and her sales.
Rick Badlam I have never read about him on this site.. Rick wrote a letter this week that obviously wouldnt please Oneil or Augustine Group..
Rick... Good letter, very detailed and our council should take note of detail...

Anonymous said...

Rick should try to write the next letter sober. All it really did was explain the difference between restoration and rehabilitation. The state knows what it is paying for in this case and approves of the work that has been completed. It is really inconsequential what the city and a few incoherent partisans on a largely meaningless blog think.

Anonymous said...

This is the way the group of 3 attack people! First attack character because they are above being Questioned.(Call someone a drunk and they know he wrote the letter drunk)Shame on you! He is a taxpayer, businessman and knowlegable of this subject!

You say ..The state knows what it is paying for? Jen has there been full disclosure of Oneil Records? Did the State Approved the work ? Only the Realtor and O'Neil Appraised and Inspected the work? Even the homeowner did not give approval! So were all.. the very few ..that Question the group of 3 ....we are incoherent and meaningless...Once we form up
a solid foundation of what went on - the facts will speak for themselves ? Blogs will keep coming. Your arrogance is not helping your cause.

Anonymous said...

This is the way the group of 3 attack people! First attack character because they are above being Questioned.(Call someone a drunk and they know he wrote the letter drunk)Shame on you! He is a taxpayer, businessman and knowlegable of this subject!

You say ..The state knows what it is paying for? Jen has there been full disclosure of Oneil Records? Did the State Approved the work ? Only the Realtor and O'Neil Appraised and Inspected the work? Even the homeowner did not give approval! So were all.. the very few ..that Question the group of 3 ... incoherent and meaningless...Once we (Taxpayers and Concerened Citizens)form up
a solid foundation of what went on - the facts will speak for themselves ? Blogs will keep coming. Your arrogance is not helping your cause.

Anonymous said...

Check out blog 77 in the Last topic Saga Continues. (1 Back)

Anonymous said...

I think 1057 is almost amusing.. Saying the state approves all thats been done.. On the other hand mayor Nelsons remarks about the Federal Government being to fault is amusing... What about our local government.. This work is being done in our Cities name. Dosnt this mean nothing? Quite obvious is the fact that a lot of people are not happy with the work being done.. This program is supposed to help less fortunate people not make the Augustine group and Mr. Oneil rich. If the money was more wisely spent and better work performed then more work could be done for the less fortunate people..
Like I said this is for the less fortunate not the Augustine group and those who control it..
I cant believe that if this program continues the city coulnt hire a person part time to inspect the work. Someone free and clear of the city and Augustine. Someone that would only inspect work done under these grants

Anonymous said...

As far as inspestion on the work !

Greg Mallette was not the inspector as he stated. He is at no fault what so ever!! In front of council he admitted this - yet spoke gingerly on the subject! Not throwing the city manager and planner under any bus , but they were calling the shots. Yet we have to clean up the mess! The mess was made by so called natorious three ... with taxpayer money!

the Board Menber
Delevery Agent
realtor,(for seller and buyer) appraisers
Sitting City Connclor.

Money is paid for these jobs .... but no one is accountable ?

I hear no one saying " give them a 5 star rating "

Anonymous said...

So does anyone have any proof of these accusations they are making, or is this really just defamation of character?

Anonymous said...

No this is one big Conspiracy! All these homes were remolded by evil elves ,all grant money was spent by the Tooth fairy and the taxpayers are giving Houses Away like like Sanata Clause.
Anyone connected wants you to believe that! They want you to believe they are the victums not the dumd ass taxpayers and citizens! This is Ogdensburg's direction of corruption and loss of values.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen and Bill: Have you noticed when the "old boys" are being pressed on how much it REALLY cost the taxpayers to fire and hire the city manager, the subject switches to you guys?

Remember which of your fellow councilors live on this blog.

Hmmm. One has to wonder what they are hiding if they have to throw two of their fellow councilors under the bus.

Anonymous said...

On their website WWW.SLCHC.ORG you can see:
1. A news article confirming the home purchases mentioned above.
2. That Jen Stevenson is a current board member.
3. That David Weissbard is also a current board member.

Also of note: David Weissbard was recently quoted in the Journal,
and the article stated that he was a grant application writer
for none other than C.W. Augustine Inc. HMMMM...

Anonymous said...

Greg issues building permits and is supposed to inspect the work for building, zoning and code compliance and then issue certificates of occupancy - check into how often that happens...

the housing inspector manages the contractor and checks for compliance w/ state and federal housing regs. different inspections for different purposes.

Anonymous said...

Leave Greg outta this! He's brought no shame to any of us.

If you don't tell Greg the work is done then he doesn't know that he needs to visit the property to close the permit.

Sounds like the housing inspector leaves him out of it, hurry's up and does his "housing inspector" inspection so that he can get paid.

Like ya said, it's two different things. Not anything that has a system of checks and balances.

Perhaps and honest "Housing Inspector" would have notified Code Enforcement and asked them to join in the inspections at the same time. Might have saved a lot of issues ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

3:06 and how is any of that even remotely illegal?

Anonymous said...

This isn't legal. There is a rehabilitation officer setup to do the initial inspection, scope of work, ensure there is an energy audit and a Lead Based Paint (LBP)test. The LBP test and Energy audit are mandatory by all programs. This officer of the company is to know the HUD guidelines and requirements for safe affordable housing. Its called HQS Standards. Low and behold there is a checklist from HUD, pre-printed none the less.

Once the scope of work has been approved by the homeowner and the Lead Test and Energy issues have been addressed, a contractor is awarded the bid (through a supposed bidding process), the contractor goes to the Code Enforcement Officer and obtains a building permit.

Yes, HUD has their standards, but the State has their own building codes. But here is where the rehab officer or "Housing Inspector" in this case is out of line: Local municipalities can supersede the State Building Code. So does that bring into question who the governing authority is? It shouldn't! It's the Code Enforcement Officer of that jurisdiction. It is almost impossible for a rehab officer to know the different code ammendments in each town, village, or city.

Most grants require the code officer is involved with the projects. Why? Cause there is a mandatory building permit that must be closed out upon the completion of the project. Only the Code Officer can close the permit.

Only a cocky fool would think he knows more than the code officers. Agency representatives close out these projects without notifying code enforcement that the contractor is finished. Why? So they can ask for their payment, of course.

And that, my dear friends, is how these home owners and home buyers are getting piss poor work performed on their houses.

Anonymous said...

Excellant 8;56 But this NOT what our elected officals want to hear or,ex-Manager & planner, or the O'Neil, Ashley, Stevenson Group. IT is correct as may other points are! But law,accountablly, ethics,and fairplay do not exist with these people! Smoke,Mirrors, and kick the can. Is the quality acceptable by them.
It is sad to see what goes on in Ogdensburg !

I do have to be fair..... Wayne Ashley and Mike Morley have taken interest, visited sites and done some homework. These 2 are trying to start the fight for us but need support! 2 out of 7 are bad odds. We either storm ciy hall as in the past or swallow the crappy medicine that feed to
us..... phone a friend,visit a neighbor,write a letter and go to yhe council as a group to be Heard.

Anonymous said...

8:56 can you explain why 95% of the homeowners C.W. Augustine has worked with seem to have a positive opinion of the firm and the work done on their properties? It seems like you are taking the voices of a handful not-so reliable people, (LeFave, the Gibbs and Mike Morley) and turning them into 'everybody'. That is how lies, spin and bluster are made.

Anonymous said...

If O'neil is a 95% shooter ' why are all his records not with him at aay meetings? Has everyone he worked for been asked if they were satisfied ? NO! Even LaFave signed off ... but not fully! If your in a position to get full disclosure of O'Neils records .... lets do so!!!

Why are the Biggs (Gibbs) and Lafave's (LeFave) not so reliable.
Proof is in the work?

We Know Mike Morley is un-reliable because he ask questions and WILL NOT rubber stamp your work!!!! He wants to get to the bottom of this debacle!!

Anonymous said...

I would have a hard time believing that if a poll was conducted on the citizens just within the Ogdensburg area that you could obtain a 95% approval.

However, for those poking around for some rules and regulations... take a look at the HUD 24 CFR. Look under moderate housing rehabilitation. I think I found a good place to do some reading.

Anonymous said...

C. W. Augustine is a private company and is not obligated to turn over its records to anyone. If you look at the documents from the city's housing program, you'll find that it ran exactly as the government intended it to - dilapidated houses were torn down to prevent them from becoming eyesores, salvagable (and I use that term loosely) houses were fixed up to prevent them from becoming vacant parts of neighborhood blight and sold to in-need families, thus returning to the city's tax rolls. It was an exemplary piece of work by most standards.

There are some extremely conservative people in Ogdensburg who might disagree with the intent of the housing program, and that is fine, but for them to argue that the program was somehow illegal or poorly run is ignorant and ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

The Biggs did the exact same thing 20 years ago in Pennsylvania - they gamed a program out of money and then sued the contractor. They are notorious users.

Spend 5 minutes talking to Eugene Lefave and you'll figure out the kind of person he is.

Anonymous said...

Same old smoke blown time after time by Stevenson,O'Neil and Ashley!1 Attack the people .. and the group is not obligated to the job right !

Love the statement ... "thus returning to the city tax was an exemplary piece of work!!!"

YAH! The city has the money pouring in ..........No Complaints?
S0 95% of Ogdensburg say's great job?

Anyone that is conserative is now the problem? O'Boy!!! Thats a good answer for an elected offical.

Anonymous said...

Well now, I'm sure he is decent person.

Is that how a person is selected for housing repairs? If you like them then you'll do a good job, but if you don't then they get a less than pleasant result.

Sad that someone would even throw a statement like that out there. Awe, that chip on your shoulder starting to shrink? Gonna result to name calling and insults?

I'm so happy that Mr. Ashley and Mr. Morley are starting to dig into this.

Anonymous said...

And what about Shaggy, Scooby, The Flintstones, The Rubbles, Casper the Ghost, Moe, Larry and Curly, Barney and Friends.

Stop the name dropping and do some investigating.

Ask the right people in the right places the hard questions.

Anonymous said...

Again, with the exception of complaints from a small group of people with dubious reliability, there is no record of these jobs not being done right. Wayne Ashley said himself that the work looked good.

Scoopy said...

Even hosmer had some interesting questions the other night.. Nelson and Cilley are quiet and seem to be wishing this goes away.. I ask two mayors that attended Nelsons meetings as head of the mayor conference.. they siad he was anything but quiet... Of course not, we are on to him here but they have to learn that he talks from his butt...
The intent of this program is to help the needy. Making CW Augustine and Oneil prosper dosnt seem to qualify as the intent. Giving people less than good work dosnt seem to be the intent.. Cutting corners and hob nobbing dosnt seem to be the intent.
WLith Oneil your getting all the bad but the city takes the blunt.. Program seems to run to benifit him and whoever involved with him not the needy...
The other thing you want to remember is the fact that if someone poor gets a house for little or nothing they would certainly approve of any work done for nothing and ask few questions.
My only real question is the city and our councilors going to continue this person to work in the name of the city and taxpayers of this city and continue to abuse the intent of this program or are they going to stand up and make a stand.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you do this the easy way and get it over with. Have the senior Code Enforcement Officer go over there and take a look.

If he says all is well then this gets put to rest, right? He is the one that has final say anyways.

Scoopy said...

I remain undecided on the issue of the housing program in the city as of now, but I want tocomment on something I seen happen the other night.
Councilman Skamperele had a couple of concerns about the sale of the house on Knox St.. He expressed his first concern which was about the payment of the house.. Immediately the city attorney run up to the microphone stateing that was of no concern to anyone tonght at that meeting and thats not what that meeting was about... Skamp backed off somewhat when Nelson also stated that fact.. Then he said he had some concerns about if the buyer could afford the taxes again coming under fire from the attorney and mayor that that was of no concern.. Then Jen Stevenson said we had to go to grat mesures to assure privacy..
My take on that is agree or not Skampereld is a council man intitled to express his opinions and have his questions answered. If he dosnt demand those answers or explanations is up to him but in not doing so he is letting down the citizens of Ogdensburg..As far a Stevenson butting in I am in total disagreement with her. This entire affair is a public issue and privacy has been waived in this matter just dealing with the issue as it has.
This emms to have been a problem and seems to be a trend of our councilmen that Nelson and the attorney have been able to control the meetings to their benefit and to answer as few questions as possible.. Its up to the councilmen to ask questions and not be told to shut up and sit down you represent us not the mayor or Andy Silver....

Anonymous said...

You have to understand that Scorria, Silver, Woods and Nelson were part of the Team that gave the OK and started this program. Silver drew up all contracts and agreements with their Directions!
Now only left are Nelson ,Silver, and Cosmo. (Who wants No involvement,wants out and retirement only.) Pretty soon a Gag Order will go out on Stevenson not to defend her position. If Skamp joins Morley and Ashley and Questions Rise..
Houston we got a problem!
Nelson and Silver have to defend themselves! Hey Scoopy your right ..on the replay the Scamp questioning was awkward ! Nelson & Silver wanted it muffed! Come on Hosmer & Storm get involved!

Anonymous said...

What do Nelson and Silver have to defend themselves for? Agreeing to put money into a program that has provided substantial benefit to Ogdensburg? Sounds like they should be taking credit, not defending.

Pat Biggs said...

These are the facts about our home
in PA:

We bought our home exclusively
with a private mortgage. There
were no "Programs" involved
PERIOD. It was a 1008 sq. ft.
ranch house, and not only did we
NOT sue the contractor, we
were delighted with his work.
Whoever posted anonymously at
9:37am either wants to tell lies,
or has been lied to.

Pat Biggs said...

This is a quote from a letter written in 2002 by Jim O’Neill, but handed to Justin Woods with C.W. Augustine’s Proposal for Administration of the City of Ogdensburg’s Housing Rehabilitation Program in 2010. We FOILed it from the City of Ogdensburg last week.

“I am not the first builder to fall prey to the Biggs. With an extensive and expensive investigation I traced them through numerous mail drops and phony addresses and found that they were involved in a similar situation with a builder in the late 80’s, just prior to their move to the North Country.”

I say, with my name on it, that James O’Neill has libeled me and my family for years, and I can prove it. If I have wronged him so badly, why has he not taken me to court? Why does he not do so now? Because his case for slander was thrown out years ago because he chose not to take the stand. Thrown out “WITH PREJUDICE.”

I’m waiting to go to court. I’m pleading that he take me to court, so I can bring my proof. Come on, James A. O’Neill, do it! Put your money where your mouth is. Let’s go! All I want in this world is to get you on the stand!

However, what is of interest to the City of Ogdensburg is that O’Neill used four typed pages of libel about my family and me to help him get his job in Ogdensburg. He gave the libelous statement to Justin Woods, who assured the City of Ogdensburg, “I believe this issue to be completely and openly vetted.”

How could Justin Woods have said that without ever talking to us? Does it make you wonder, Ogdensburg? How does this impact you? No matter how big O’Neill wants you to believe he is, this issue involving New York State grant programs is much, much bigger, and does not impact just Ogdensburg, but possibly the entire North Country. It needs to go to court so that the truth will come out, and I want to go there.

Anonymous said...

Mr. O.Neil Jen Ashley and Jen Stevenson and Justin Woods - How did this get out in the public ? Stevenson stated all this is private info not to be discussed at council meetings? Unless its used by you to slander
people! This is not anoyomous it has a face on it. Silver will have to use a gag order on the council or persons on it not to answer questions? This is what it will come down to. ALL EXECUTIVE
SESSIONS the Ogdensburg Way! There is no way in hell all this is the norm? Since the Scorria & Woods arrival to Ogdensburg this is the STYLE OF GOVERNING in this City ! Please Come clean!

Anonymous said...

Stevenson said the financial records of individuals in the program are private. I don't kno wwhere you are getting the rest of that from.

Anonymous said...

MRs. Biggs

You are correct in that James Oneil liabled you.. Justin Woods solidified the liable.. Justine Woods was an employee of the City of Ogdensburg NY. Employees of the city represent, the city council and work directely for the manager however the council is the governing body who is essance is responsible for the actions of their employees. James Oneil while he is a private businessman, still represents the city of Ogdensburg when working on issues of the City of Ogdensburg.
It would appear that he (oneil_ not only liabled you he violated your civil rights in the matter of the investigation.
Just to sum this up I would believe you would get someones attention at the attorney generals office on the letter to the city from Oneil and remarks of Woods.. THIS IS LIABLE AND SLANDER..
The issue of Civil Rights is probably not a state issue however they would be glad to steer you in the right direction..
No one has the right to investigate you in that manner with out going through the proper authorities. And otherthing is no one had any right to release any information about you with out your legal permission..
I certainly would get an out of county attorney to advise you in this matter. I believe you have a very good defamation suit against Oneil and certaily the city in that Woods and Oneil were representing the city...

Anonymous said...

Oneil obviously wanted to sell a bill of goods to the city about his great managing skills. Justin (god)Woods was just the man to sell it too. Art didnt care enough to really get involved rather chose to sit back and trust Oneil,Woods, Cosmo and Nelson.(Bad Move Art).. They got away with the mirage for quite a few years and only an election and a council canidate that heard what was going on is the only reason its still not going on.. Spending taxpayer money shoddy work, favors for politicans families, conflicts of interest but most of all denying that they lied and decieved people is not what this program is about..
This program is supposed to assist, I say again assist the less fortunate people in this city.. Again(Assist) the less fortunate... The way this was done on these two houses really assisted the buyers whoever they are but certainly benefited Oneil and his Group.. What benefit did the city itself have... Two houses back on the taxroll..
I know William Nelson our mayor would like to stop all coversation about this... Storm Cilley wants the same.. Jeniffer Stevenson seems content to let it die, Ashley, Morley now Hosmer ask questions. Skamperele is strting to get into the mode
Our council needs to get into the bottom line on this issue or get out of the program. Its not being run right period. Our council needs to investigate Oneils records and any records of involvment and see where it broke down and how it can be improved.. Council.. you owe it to us as taxpayers because this program is running in our name.
I know Nelson wants to hide this issue for future political agendas he hopes to achieve and this black mark on his record will kill that. He would love to sweep this issue away forever....

Anonymous said...

The last 2 comments are to the point! What I do not believe is that these public servants are on this blog. What Idiots? They are fueling the fire? Statements made .... are made from Woods & Stevensons stand on the issue Also O'Neil & Ashley! How do people like this run programs.

With me...what broke the straw ...... is the Biggs treatment by our Mayor . They only have 5 minites and he CAN NOT listen to them. We are stuck
with all the properties in this disfuctional program. Now we have another boat load of properties ready and primed for plucking.
If Skamperele jumps on board with Morley Nelson and Hosmer 4 votes will Kill any of Nelson's wishes!
Do not let them sweep this under the rug .... go to council meetings!! Write in the newspaper.....Speak out!

Anonymous said...

Error - Excuse Me - Skamp jumps on board with Morley , ASHLEY and Hosmer.

Anonymous said...

Our Mayor and Council is the power that runs the City in our type of goverment. It is true that if they are not interested in an issue it fades away or gets buried. Nelson got his support from his base and ran as a for the people canidate! Were we hoodwinked? He embraced Mr.Morley and New Bees Ashley + Hosmer. He WON the election now these people are no longer needed. He cuts then out now. Will he retreat back to the Old Mayor he was,then he Embraced and supported this housing debacle? I for one am afraid he is ! Morley and Ashley are still in touch with the voters BUT MR. NELSON IS NOT!

Anonymous said...

Remember if you go to the meetings you must do it properly by Bill Nelsons rules.. You must sign up first with CLerk... You must give him your topic.. That way your less than apt to catch him off guard.. You get to speak for five minutes so dont let anyone cut into your time.. When your done, ask for answers from anyone... Dont expect much.. An answer from the attorney for the city should not be given to anyone, it strictly his opinion and he has no right to answer for the council.. He can give his opinion only..
The questions I am egar to ask is simply
A. Is this program being run fairly in the cities name?
B. This program is supposed to help the needy not set up to benefit a few people on the inside.
C. Are we staying with Augustine and if we are will we put some different rules out there fro them to follow??
D. Does anyone have a conflict??
E. Are we going to continue to allow our mayor to choose what people want to talk about.. Hassigs have talked in the past about cancer.. SMoking groups have talked on their beliefs. People have talked about the four lane highway.. Biggs want to talk about their experience with a city contractor....

Anonymous said...

My opinion of the council is its a weak group of followers that are unsure of themselves on issues. They follow they dont lead..
Hosmer has showed signs of breaking away from what Mike Powers di and that is follow and bow to Nelson every time he wanted something. Ashley could be like his father before him and a very strong force on the council if he puts his mind to it.. Morley is a force that has reporesented people well over the years but has been ineffictive because of Nelsons hold on a majority.. Right now Skamp and MOrley will represent the average Joe well.. I think Wayne will also but I,m worried about Hosmer.. Stevenson I believe has her own agenda and it is becoming more obvious every day. Storm has completely fell to Nelsons spell..
Some more questions that need to be answered are
A. When do we get a new manager.. Quit dragging your heels fellas.. You dont seem to be able to start the process.. But really thats up to Cosmo not you isnt it?? Remember you have preached that you cant intervene in City business over a manager so why hasnt Cosmo started the process..
B. Why hasnt Cosmo got the growth fund in order yet??
C. Why is Nelson still on the committee against STate Advise.. In the Augusitne affair yo say the state knows all and state approves and we should all listen to the state.. Why not now. They say its illegal for Nelson to be on that committee???
D. Obviously no one on council has the guts to bring that up.... Why?

Anonymous said...

Whats the mystic behind this growth fund.. Why is Nelson on the committee against the wishes of the State . Why hasnt there been an audit..
I dont know much about the committee but I think I heard its handpicked by Nelson himself..
I can only vaugely remember Flynn questioning the growth fund use and wanted to know more about it and nelson just laughed at him openly at a meeting.. I remember his saying he fixed it so no politics could enter into it but what the hell does he consider himsef..
CAn someone put a light on this fund how it works and wht its for...?????????

Anonymous said...

I'll believe in this Mayor when he calls for a full audit of the housing program, how about instead of O'Neill getting $ 400.00 for an interview with a grant prospect (he calls it intake, I think) we have the Mayor do a free complaints intake from all of the people who have gone through the grant program to see the quality of the work performed and if the dollars spent on these projects reflect the quality of that work. We have by news accounts the fact that the Board of Assesment Review was baragged with complaints about shoddy let me get this straight..O'Neill gets $ 400 for a one hour (mnaybe) interview with grantee [who he has Jen Ashley do @ billabel $ 40 per hour:see above rates] and that way he gets another
bundle of money by billing Jen when he was supposed to do the I can see how this adds up. When can we just get an honest person to help these less fortunate innocent people, instead of providing crappy work for top dollar that ends up in the Group of three's pockets? Come on Nelson call for an audit and not from Cosmo or anyone else connected to the City about you let Mrs. Biggs do it....sure she would be willing to make sure things were right as she has a special interest in housing.

Anonymous said...

How about Kathie Wade? when she speaks the people in Ogdensburg listen!

Anonymous said...

You can get a cheap one. SLCHC has a whole bunch of banker's on their Board of Directors. I'm sure they would know how to do an audit.