Saturday, March 31, 2012

Journal:City predicts fuel prices mean budget crunch

Gas Prices, Up UP UP and UP
Gas keeps going up up up and up.   Lucky for the City they only plowed a few times this year.  This should help to offset some of the costs.  This looks like a good time to look at the Friday local grass pick-up again.  Pick-up twice a year or when large trees are taken down. Then we can let the private sector take care of the rest.  Same 50 people calling the City every week to pick-up a bag of grass, something has to give.

Journal Fuel


Anonymous said...

How about metered water rather than all of us having to SUBSIDIZE pool owners.

THAT would have MORE financial impact than what you are suggesting .

I'm tired of paying WAY TOO MUCH to subsidize SWIMMING POOL OWNERS WHO do not pay their proportional fair SHARE ACCORDING TO ACTUAL usage DATA

Anonymous said...

Let's get back on the topic Buddy. Let's GAS this guy so I can continue to have free water for my pool.

Anonymous said...

No lets NOT avid the water cost issue pal ! You are subsidized by the rest of us

Bitchin about gas when U can AFFORD a damn pool is over the top. It has been minor compared to the Water subsidy in this town.

Anonymous said...

I love it...Zero-burg . Article talks about gas prices and the blogger issuue is water in swimming pools! people in O-burg have the attention span of a waterbug! Then it goes national issue of crime and its a local politicans fault? What about the monkey on the bloggers back? This person that wants to be blolgmaster is a total fool!!!This site sucks because of this idiot.

Anonymous said...

No 7:41 its about cost containment AND offsetting revenue generation and alternative to current policies in the OGDENSBURG city BUDGET that is REALLY being analysed.

So engage your Brain for a change and think beyond TODAY and be willing to break through the STATUS QUO here in the Burg