Sunday, March 25, 2012

Journal:St. Hilaire denies Hassett hearing

Resignation is Not an Option!

Just goes to show you, DO NOT QUIT OR RESIGN, LET THEM FIRE YOU! Mr. Hassett should of talked to our City Manager before he resigned his position, lol.

Journal St. Hilaire


Anonymous said...

Did he not get fired before his resignation took effect? Maybe I read it wrong but I thought that was what I saw. Legal loophole? I'd like to see him challenge her on this.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I read it wrong he was trying to rescind his resignation and then she fired him. My bad, I'm bad. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

He was his own worst enemy with the resignation..
Check out what the Sheriffs Union really got for a contract.. Over ten percent in raises.. Well kept secret isnt it.. Hid it mostly in longevity and hazardous which is a second longevity they didnt want the CSEA to see... Thank Boulia from personnel and Forsythe the GOP legislator who run for assembly.. Glad hes not there anymore we would go broke...
Why do they lie to us about contracts and benefits.???

Anonymous said...

Think you got it wrong 10:25 show the 10 percent. At least you spelled Forsyth right this time. I wish he were there, kind of made things interesting. Dont read much about what goes on any more but sure he would not vote for a raise. Does not look like he has gone broke yet.

Anonymous said...

If I spelled Forsythe correctly and you think I am wrong then why dont you spell it correctly and prove me wrong... He didnt vote for the raise in fact he voted no.... However his unfair tactics at the bargaining table led to an unfair labor charge and a contract we as taxpayers will pay for years...
Money and two seperate longevity raises built into the wages add up to ten percent in fact ten point something...
They screwed the CSEA but got screwed by the Sheriffs...

Anonymous said...

This is 620 waiting for a reply.. Guess Mr.Forsythe supporter had his cat get his tounge... Actually its probably his staff at the insurance co.

Anonymous said...

Seems like the cat got Forsythes toung. Addie got his xxxxx and the cat got his tounge..