Friday, September 30, 2011

Journal:North County Public Employees Receive Layoff Notices

PEF Said "NO" to Contract
PEF (Public Employee Federation) represent the professionals employees that work in state agencies. They would be the physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, teachers, engineers, lawyers and others that did not feel the contract was worth ratifying. Nearly 70 percent of the membership voted, resulting in a “No” vote by a count of 19,629 to 16,906. Taking zeros for 4 years and getting furloughed for 5 days this year and 4 days next year; plus increases in all healthcare costs was not appealing to most of the members.

This was same contract that CSEA ratified last month which prevented layoffs for their members. PEF members felt this was not a fair contract and they were shouldering an unequal burden of the State's financial problems. Coupling this with the Governor's "NO" vote on the millionaire's tax, this contract was a slap in the face of the working class and deserved the same "NO" vote.
I spoke with a friend of mine that works in corrections and they indicated only 3 individuals lost their job. She did not know their names or positions but was relieved she still had her job. The DOT and OMH was not as lucky.I have to believe each and every PEF member that voted "NO" expected the layoffs. With a 70% turn out they got what they wanted. CSEA had less than 40% of the membership vote, that is sad solidarity.


Anonymous said...

Lay them off start here with the SVP resort > Close the place !! It cost 250 Thou per yr per pervert and the research shows without reservation that they can NEVER be "cured " -- so put them in Prison NOT that damn country club on the river

Anonymous said...

. The thing that bothers me is if Cuomo can lay them off it means we can get along without their positions and they are expendable. The CSEA positions he was going to let go before the contract must have been expoendable. Why did giving them a small raise make them necessary>>
Cut them all next year.

Anonymous said...

This is a ploy be the governor, most agencies are running bare bones. He may save it in the short run but OT and burn-out will be the result of this power play.

NYS has to stop mandating costly programs to the county and get rid of the fines, fees, charges, and co charges on everything that moves and does not move. That is the relief we need.

Nothing is this state will change until those that receive public services stop getting services. Then the governor would be concerned.

This is just the beginning and part of the Governor's plan to run for president. Cutting OMH will have a direct on patient care and all the DOT members will be hired back first snow fall. Life is a cycle and so is government.