Friday, September 30, 2011

Journal:NelsonCalls For Sciorra's Resignation

Art May Need This!

It was bound to happen and Mr. Nelson is assuming a leadership role in calling for Mr. Sciorra's Resignation. Many say it is political but this is what the people want and that is the job of the Mayor and the council. Everyone wants the members of council to make a stand on this issue. This should get interesting as we get closer to the election.

This could lead to a public showdown between City Council and the City Manager.

Journal Article


Steve Rose said...

Rosie says' This should be no contest at all for 2 years at council meetings and in letters to the editor I wanted this manager Fired!!! Anyone - including press - attorneys - pollitical wan a bees - I have a 6inch folder full of his wrong doings. Free to look at. Fire Him!!

Steve Rose said...

By the way people put you name up here if you want to be serious if not hide with the rest of O- Burg. People running for office lets hear from you !!! Sign you name!


Doing the right thing should not be considered political. Let's see how many Councilors will stand up for the people, and how many will take the easy way out and leave the status quo. There may be a surprise for everyone at the next meeting,but my guess is Council will say let's wait for the investigation to end. We have enough evidence to send Art packing on several things. My advice, Councilmen, grow a set.

M. Dolengy said...

I think its time to depower the city manager and any new city manager.. I dont believe in standingover anyone but this guy has power beyond what our elected officsls have and like what has happened if he-she abuses that power it complicats things. Wanna bes like Vaugh that try and hide facts are forced into the open.. We dont have to change the intent ofthe manager form of government but rather use some common sense and put the real power back in the councils hands... Similar to the County manager.....

Anonymous said...

Reading todays journal I notice Skampelele and Vaugh chattering like a couple of squirls...
I totally agree that Mr. Nelsons actions are political but I also believe Mr. Skampereles and Shollettes comments are equally political. I,m immediately think that the City Democrats would prolong this Debacle and too keep this City Manager on the payroll o enhance the chance of defeating Mr Nelson.
The city attorney who is holding his investigation is going to hide behind atty privilidge every chance he gets.. Will he lie.. NO Will he omit tings WHO KNOWS. Who knows what things Art will tell him to omit and what things he might have added..
This situation could have been avoided if the entire council was on the ball. This managers actions towards people and business in this city speaks volumns for his ability as Manager and they as a body should have recognized it.
Nelson has been very weak in his last four to five years but the majority of council has been quick to endorce him.
Now that he shows some leadership they are trying to belittle him.. Unbelievable
Mr Shollette time and time again has promoted firing the manager.
Mr Skamperle regardless of what he says now was a proponent of firing the manager and Mr Woods all during his campaign..
Nicky Vaugh dosnt have any clue what he wants in life outside of being someone people talk about. Politically the Republicans have had it with Nick now he is starting to wear Demo blue on his chest I remember when coucnil considered disiplinary action on Mr Vaugh when he missed too many meetings while running around trying to convince people to vote for another loser.. Mr Doheny
Mayor Nelson did the right thing.. He exercised his right as a mayor, taxpayer, citizen of our country.. He stated his opinion. I agree with it.. I still wont vote for him but I agree with him.. Its time for the other counsilors to do their job and quit hiding behind a charter language, and a lawyer who hides behind his attorney priviliges at every turn.. We need a new manager immediately..

Steve Rose said...

Correct the power and opinion of the council is lost with this city manager. After going to several meetings you will see the manager advoids all council Questions and puts them off. Council never took charge of this manager. Nelson and his group always shunned Morley and Sholette for trying to make Scorria answer Now Nelson and group are paying the price!Scorria will only comply with one person -himself! The council made him get away with it!

Steve Rose said...

I have whitness the way scorria uses the City Attorney for his own gain. He forces council into executive session and Scorria himself brings up other issues then tells the Council hey "WE" discussed that in a closed session and now we have to close our mouths it privilaged information. Its a trick Scorria uses! he's smart for self preservation and injects things into a closed door meeting and shuts up council! and Attorney!

Anonymous said...

Read Saturday's Journal story and it is clear that Ogdensburg City Councilors lack the courage , and foresight to act with dispatch to FIRE this manager.

They are hiding from reality AND THEY the council are" playing politics" YET again and are paralyzed by fear .Once again proving beyond doubt that we need a better more professional council that is acting in the PUBLIC's Interest

IMHO These councilors need to be subject to voter RECALL. They are the WORST set of public servants i've seen in over 6 decades of life.

These councilors are SCARED to DEATH to act. They have action anxiety and will delay , linger and wait and fumble the ball on an OBVIOUS call.

If there is any doubt ( there shouldn't be this mgr, by his own words admitted he doesn;t have TIME to read emails from staff and respond -- ) call in an INDEPENDENT investigator NOT someone on the CITY payroll

Anyone experienced can see that "CEO of the City"dropped the ball . Publically states in the press that he's too busy to read his staff's emails ( what garbage )

I'll bet He isn't too busy to be reading email jokes and/or golfing --but he's too busy to read staff's emails and reports -- !!! --

As the CEO he is responsible for the entire operation, yet he gives the impression that he points out everyone else and accepts NO responsibility HIMSELF . That my friends is NOT leadership, that's cowardice

The behavior speaks for itself , Council find the courage to get rid of this manger.

Taxpayers have LOST both confidence and trust in the City leadership . It has been one fiasco after another AT least GET THIS RIGHT -

Rosie said...

Hey Bill and Hey Jack

PLEASE NO politics again NO Politics . Im a citizen and taxpayer in Ogdensburg. If you both have been campaning door to door. You both have the peoples decision on the Manager! I agree the facts are nice ! but the fact is what do the people of ogdensburg deserve and want! You guys think your leaders then unite to give "US" the homeowners and taxpayers what we want! Then worry about you DAM election.
I will break a deal where you get half interest each! I have heard about these secret pacts.

Sincerely to both Steve Rose
Please do this for US !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

NO Mr Rose the message here is get rid of this manger or face defeat - period .

Don't give ANY of these politicians one inch of latitude to use weasel words or play games .

Be CLEAR , for if you fail to do the will of the people you WILL lose the election --plain and simple.

This message applies to Council , Mayor and any individual seeking office .Get your acts tight and get this mess cleaned up !

Anonymous said...

If Morley and Nelson read the documents and decided to call for Art's resignation seperately, why are they being criticized by Councilmen who have not bothered to do their job? Come on, Dan and Nick, read the e-mails or give up the seat. Better Idea- just give up the seat.

Rosie said...

SCORRIA was asked to resign and All councilors were notified plus the mayor and manager in 1 e-mail on Tuesday around 11 AM. I guess you can say as a Hole body they all knew what was going on! The first to go public was Nelson on Thursday. Notice its all about nelson and the heat is off Art. thats what they think- the public wants Scorria gone) Art got his boys vaugn and skamperele to start this as a whole body crap. (maybe the attorney helped?) look everyone scorria will go !!! The sooner the better ! both parties are playing politics . They could give a dam about us . I've stood infront of these 2 Scorria LOVERS!
At least one is not running and the other will be standing alone with nothing but pictures and fond memories of Scorria!!!

Anonymous said...

Nick has given up his seat and Dans in a couple of years. Nelson gave his opinion like it or not.I think now he will wait until their attorney gives them the facts.
Nelson read some fact and so did morley and now the rest can if they want to do their job. If the facts they read dont come out in the lawyers reports somethings wrong and they still can make an educated decision.
Vaugh and Skamp are balking because Vaugh is under Arts wing and Skamp wants to keep this political... We want whats best for us.. A council that does their job not hide behind closed doors and lawyers priviliges...

Anonymous said...

Is anyone really fooled by Skamperle's comments about Nelson playing politics. Skamperle is the vice-chair of the City Democratic committee. If he isn't playing politics, who is? And one other thing, why is Doug Shollette now against firing Art? He was Art's biggest opponent. Again, politics. Be careful of who they are backing, it could be a rough ride for the next four years.

Anonymous said...

This has NOW gone TOO far -- these people are playing CYA games and playing politics. This entire slate is inept !!

Voters it IS time to initiate a RECALL movement on ALL of them.

- Request that NYS Office of Local Government at the NYS Dept of State implement a RECALL election movement on the entire city council.

Rosie said...

According to what I've read
This is great the public has figured it Out !!!!
Doug has always wanted to get rid of ART and has so many reasons. Sorry Doug you were a good council man. i'm am very diappointed in you - I under stand its politics now with you and you don't have to return my call. I was serious about what we've talked about for the future.I guess good luck,hoplely a friend Rosie
Skamp 'I tried to give you information time after time - you ran to Art for 2 years - gave him every excuse as you would treat a spoiled child. You do not represent the people and have tunnel vision. How do you call this your home town!
Nick -voted for you to give a young Republican a chance- thats my mistake . Told you like it is & wanted your success, my communcation skills must suck. You Hid behind Bill- I wanted you to stand on your own feet. You met and blended with Art - now the imported evil dictator is using you! Get Help I can't do it!
Storm - Your a layed back hard to kwow person - you read a doucmented memo during a council session that proved Arts ways about handling beaverbrook and myself. Thank You ! Your mind is in the right place - the people should know you will do the right thing.
Mike M- your a wild and crazy guy. But you have always championed the underdog no matter what the issue- you take calls and listen- taxpayers get heard & you put it to council. You are for the taxpayer First.
Mike P - I saw you the least of all councilors - you know whats going on! You hung with Bill and Nick! now your probably scratching your head! Your dad told me not to hang with people like this when was bent over his desk! he won all conflicks and I deserved what was due! Ogdensburg needs help !
Bill- holy shit - you have hooked up and praised the manager while I was begging you to listen! RED FLAGS were poping up all over Ogdensburg & City Hall for over 3 years. It was like Flying the 1945 German Flag over City Hall - a what were you THINKING?
I vented a little, Rosie

Anonymous said...

I am also disappointed in Doug, He said Bill is making it polical so is Doug by not voting Art off. Dan has been a fan of Art for years, does he have a clue or is it just Dan.

Be what it is, we elected these individuals to do the right thing and at this time they should fire Art. Doug is moved out of town and will not be back, lets hope he does the right thing before he is really gone.

The Right Thing said...

Doug was always a good representive of the people! In the Past you could not use the names Doug and Dan in the same sentence! DOUG DO NOT WORRY YOURSELF OVER NELSONS RE-ELECTION
WE REPUBLICANS & DEMOCRATS WILL SEE TO THAT!! TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS. "OUT SCORRIA" TWO BIRDS ONE STONE.Its what you wanted for years. Show them what you got Doug!! Rosie

What Cowards said...

The voters were lied to by this council!

Only one councilor Mike Morley has been truthful why ? He is the only man that has been in both parties & dosen't like the view of either! His motto is consistency and do what the taxpayers want. Skamp & Nick actually work for Art - they can't and will never be a leader they follow! Doug flipped political reasons -to hell with the taxpayer - Storm & Powers who knows all , but they want to publically pull splinters out of there buts and ride the rail.
NO control NO leadership NO reasoning and the were elected to watch over us! Call the exterminator! Scorria thrives on confusion and were playing into his hand!

Anonymous said...

Time to sweep these ALL of these bozos out of office. 3 are heading for the exits anyway by their own admission . They undoubtedly know they'd be defeated in any election! ,

Now voters need to get rid of the Manager, the Mayor and start working on getting rid of the remaining incumbents until the political STENCH is totally out of city hall and the city can begin anew with people who are public servants who UNDERSTAND they work for taxpayers .

JAMES R. AMO said...


The Thorn said...

Clue to the puzzel of o-burg

ART SCORRIA - get Grants
James O'Neil $$ Key $$
C. W. Augustine Administration
Jen Ashley Program Delevery

All kept in house and follow the rules - ILLEGAL

James R. Amo said...

Once normalcy is restored to the city of Ogdensburg, we will finally be able to focus on the issues at hand that have been put on the backburner in the past few months. One of the bigger things that come to mind is the amount of property that is not on the tax roll. I believe that we need to re-assess the restrictions regarding businesses wanting to locate to the city. We have gone from a thriving industrial community to a dying ghost town. The taxpayers are fed up with having to absorb all the untaxed property that the city continues to accumulate. As each year goes by, it seems like the taxes are going up constantly and there is no reciprocation. I would like to work on a plan, if elected, to bring new business here and work alongside them to make sure they will thrive in our community. Potential business owners should not be frightened to take the first step in making their idea possible.
People are so afraid to improve the outside or their home because they feel that the “assessment police” are outside their home waiting to reassess them immediately to an astronomical amount. We the taxpayers should not have to feel that we’re being held hostage by the city and it is a shame that nobody can update their property without having to pay a downright atrocious amount of money to do so. We realize that our properties have to be re-assessed after work has been done to it, however, sometimes the amount greatly exceeds what we think is a reasonable one. Remember, a lot of people that I have spoken to are on fixed incomes. We should devise a better system of reassessing properties and give homeowners some incentive to do so.
It is no secret that the amount of crime in Ogdensburg has spiraled out of control. I have complete faith in our police department. We have hired some new officers and Officer Pryce has started a neighborhood watch program that seems to be thriving and she is diligently trying to get the community to band together and be proactive. The community should embrace this idea and expand the neighborhood watch to cover the entire city and if you see something, call the police department. Remember, we only have so many officers on a shift and it is difficult to be at several different locations simultaneously. This is where the public could take a more active role in helping to prevent crimes from occurring.
In regards to the reason why the City Manager has not given an explanation to citizens who were granted money by the city and never received it, an independent state audit should be underway. If there is nothing to hide, why not start this immediately? We would like to know where the money is. I would also like to see a complete list of city-owned properties and know if there are any other families living rent and tax free in the city. With that being said, there is only one way that honesty, trust, and integrity can be restored to city hall and the taxpayers. (Mr. Sciorra, if you truly have the taxpayers’ best interest at heart, the best thing you can do is to resign and not make the city council fire you.) The council meeting on October 11th saw a record-setting attendance. A large majority of the taxpayers in attendance spoke in volumes that you need to go.
We need change on the council to bring a breath of fresh air. I intend to be 100% transparent, openly honest, have the taxpayers best interest at heart, total open communication, and if elected I intend to serve with integrity and sincerity. Vote for James R. Amo on November 8th for Ogdensburg City Council.