Saturday, September 3, 2011

Journal:Mayor Calls Special Council Meeting

Free Pass for Art
Well Mr. Woods has resigned/fired/buy out/who knows, and with a confidentiality clause in his contract what can  he say...I wonder if this applies to the City Council? If so Art will get a Free Pass on this one and Mr. Woods will take the heat on the Knox St. property.

I would think the City Manager and the comptroller would have oversight when spending all or any grant money. There appears to be no checks and balance on who gets the money and how the Department Heads spend it. Apparently paying taxes, with grant money, on a property owned by the City was a misappropriation of funds. Then add the City's renovated, with grant money, to the house for the tenants, what a deal for the tenants.

If the City continues to buy, sell, renovate, and compete with the private sector they should have created a department to handle collecting rent.  I wonder if they inspected the apartment on Knox Street.  If so that is another $90.00 of grant money in their pockets...then again apartment inspections would not apply to them only the private sector.   

Art proclaimed his inability to do his job to the paper and stated he basically had no idea what his department heads are doing or responded to their emails.  What more does the City Council need to put this guy under wraps. I believe when this comes to a head and the City Council goes into executive session we will never know what happened.  With Mr. Woods as the scapegoat, Art should go unscathed.

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

This is exactly what we cannot allow to happen.. Mr. Rose stated exactly the scenario to follow. Any posturing by Sciorra should result in his firing.. No pact between Woods ad Sciorra should be honered..
Bottom line is Sciorra has admitted he cannot do his job as we expect...
Give him his NOTICE

Anonymous said...

IF the spin cycle whitewash occurs and the Manager is not terminated that will be the end of the Mayor's ability to have any credibility at all.

People are NOT ignorant . The Mgr is the CEO according to the city charter and as such is RESPONSIBLE for ALL city depts .

This is a MAJOR mess, that had the Manager been on top of things would NEVER have occurred.

His self admitted failure to read communications is a weak excuse and not the quality of leadership needed in modern organizations.

Anonymous said...

Nelsons cry for not micro managing has been the downfal of this council... No one on the council including Nelson has the ability to manage any city cept. He embarrased the council into not asking questions and questioning dept heads on things like they should be...THE KEEPERS OF THE CITY KEYS IS THE COUNCIL. The mayor has failed in his approach to the problems that modern America has.. Lost in the shuffle is the little guy who pays the taxes. We dont need someone who orrys only about how he and the city is percieved we need someone to go ou and see that Ogdensburg moves ahead with things other than public sector jobs. We need business and we need private industry. We dontneed a government that wants to compete with everyone who attempts to make a living...

Anonymous said...

The confidential agreement between Woods and Scorria will never be broken and the board had no clue it existed. Tell me who is in the dark? This is a sad state and Art learned a few tricks from his last job, which was half the pay he gets her. He learned how to protect himself and legally bind his employee to a confidentiality agreement that basically stops them from telling on him.

Is this City policy or Art's policy and how many other employees fall under this confidentiality agreement? Bill once said time for a change. It must be.

Anonymous said...

Some other associated costs may be necessary in this scenario.

What is the cost to terminate the MGR ?

How much notification time is required by his employment contract in order to terminate ?

Is there a buyout clause?

What options exist to expedite a leadership change?

What are the cost benefits to various options?

At what point may an interim be required and for how long ?

Is city mgr form of government still viable?

What are the pitfalls of keeping this mgr ?

How will the council function when any leadership change occurs .

Is another charter commission needed to UPDATE the city charter ?

Anonymous said...

346.. Whatever it takes to terminate the manager. Even if it cost us money.. This guy is not doing his job and the longer he stays the more it costs.
Unfortunately we will not get rid of Mr. Nelson until election time but we sure have a golden oppurtunity to start moving ahead in the Maple City...
For once in a lifetime lets get out and vote for the good of th city and NUTS ON PARTY AFFILIATION.

Anonymous said...

Interesting reading in the Journal today. Republican canidates state their positions..Solid positions by all however we cant seem to hold these councilors to their word.
Reminding me of a young council canidate Nick Vaugh coming to our house looking for our support almost four years ago..
We toldhim our concerns which was taxes and the lack of any private industrial jobs coming to our city during Nelsons administration.
Vaugh promised us never to vote for a tax hike... Promise Broke.. Promised to key on industry.. Promise Broke.. Promised not just in it to follow party lines..Promise Broke.. Missed several meetings which pompted another councilman to ask for his dismissal.. Find out he had been working for a failed campaign away frm here.. Hes not the nly one but to keep this short.. Dont promise us things you dont intend to do.. Dont use this position to enhance your notarity nd attempt to use this as a self serving job.. TAKE THIS JOB SERIOUS GUYS WE ARE DEPENDING ON YOU... With your help and some voter interest in the fal we can have a cleaning of the house and the newstart for our City...

Anonymous said...

why would anyone be surprised by the free pass. Nelson has backed, lied for and lawyered Sciorra up to protect him. The sad part about this is that there are councilors who refused to believe how evil Art is. Now the voters can rid this city of those evil people

Anonymous said...

Cilley sttood up for the right thing at first. Morley has sttod up to Art.. Shollette has stood up to Art.. Vaugh is in bed with anyone who he percieves can get him ahead in politics.. Powers worrys only about prison issues and good job guys to the police.. Its Skamperele that shocks me.. He run on ideals where are they?
Nelson has been lying for Artf rom day one and wont stop now regardless of the consequences....

Anonymous said...

Tuesdays meeting of the City Counil was a sad affair and a black day in Ogdensburgs history.
William Nelson slapped the people of Ogdensburg in the face regardless of the consequences. He told them in no uncertain terms he was running the show and that they would have no input into the outcome.
As an investigative body they should not have allowed Sciorra acess to the room or they should have demanded Woods also be present. Woods answers to Siorra says Neslson... Heh... Sciorra answers to the Concil.. The council should have ordered Sciorra to have Woods present and if he wasnt done it would be insubordination on Sciorras part. Nelson seems to have forgotten his place in all of his prestigious fame.. HE ANSWERS TO THE TAXPAYERS... Theres no wiggle room on the logical thing to do so we can expect the Council as a whole to do the right thing even if Nelson is prepared to kep up the closed door backroom policey..
What gaul and arrogance this man has in his handling of this affair.
I would call on the majority of council to ask the states attorney general to intervene in this matter as it appears that much of the taxpayers oney has been misused or worse....

Anonymous said...

I agree that the attorney general should be made aware of all these goings on: misuse of federal grants and the convening to executive session to keep the goings on from the public. Nelson may be running the show for the cover up but VOTERS will run the show come November.

Anonymous said...

Art must go, Nelson will go in November!

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that this investigation is over before it started. Woods has resigned and Scorria/ Nelson/ Powers/ Vaugn Scamperele have to spend more money to prove they are right! Justification in there minds only. The public knows they were wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No Shame on the Nelson Bunch!!!

Anonymous said...

Sept 6 7:21 PM Comment
You are right this Scamperle Dude is something else - when he was running for council- he was all for the citizens and taxpayers ! Now he a pure political nightmare and the taxpayers worst enemy! He should get a Room and live with Art Scorria and Nelson He wins the Flip--Flop award of 2010 & 2011 hands down!

Anonymous said...

To Justin Woods , Actually you were only doing your job. You were pleasing Art Scorria and Bill Nelson your bosses ! But if you think these two cowards are going to take any blame forget! Good luck in your future employment and lose the Scorria & Nelson ways of doing business.

Anonymous said...

Clues to o-burgs puzzel !!!!!!!

James O'Neil $$$ key $$$
CW Augustine Program Delievry
Jen Ashley Administration