Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WDT:Support Shown For Revised Wind Law At Hammond Public Hearing

Wind Power & Hammond
Wind power is back in the News in Hammond. It appears the battle continues, those for and those against. Those that have contracts are fighting for that $900.00/month/windmill check they get for having them on their property. Those against have been unyielding and continue to hold BFW at bay.

WDT Article  


Anonymous said...

The answer is Blowin' in the Wind :>) the truth is GREED is driving this argument always has and always will-- human nature is weak and will always favor that very base instinct .

In spite of what seems to be popular opposition Its the Haves vs the HaveNots -- classic textbook stuff that is ripping a small town apart .

Reason will prevail you say ??
I 'd wager against that happening in this case .

Anonymous said...

A town board that supports it and wants to squash any opponents.. I say do what you want with your land. If these things dont work out as they are presented and you know they wont then anyone with one or mmore on their land have to pay the damages incurred by neighbors.. Damages such as loss of value on your land.. No one ill buy it after these giants are up and the noise after while will dirve everyone nuts... I dont live in Hammond or on the river but take a long look around you.. Theres places that look like shit because of these things... Some people only want to sell the land regardless of how it affects everyone else.... Make wise decisions Hammond.. Once they are here they will be here for ever....

Anonymous said...

These wind turbines are twice as high. They will stand out like a sore thumb and should be set back from the river.
Just what everyone wants to see popping up along the St. Lawrence.

Put them in the middle of a desert.