Saturday, July 30, 2011

Journal:Founder's Day Draws Largest Crowd

                  SEAWAY FESTIBLE
Great Days for all involved in the reenactment. Considering the heat, Founder's Day was a great success with a record crowd attending the event. The parade is today and hopefully it will have the same turnout as Founder's Day.

The weather has been very good and today looks like another hot and sunny day.  Have a great day and remember to keep hydrated.
Seaway Festible Parade Today

Stopped by the Dirty Gringo and have to say, the Marley was a meal and was very good...added some tortilla chips and guacamole to round off the meal. It was busy and the tables were full so we got our order to go.

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

The event is always refreshing as it brings back people... Some of the people that got fed up with local politics years ago and left. Our children who have to leave because of the lack of oppurtunity. The Anti business atitude of city hall, the tax tax agenda of the Republican run city hall.. The Ogdensbug Bridde and Port authority has been the one bright star in our lives here in this city and has now turned chicken shit alsol..
Yes the festivle is great as the memories of a great river city live strong with us.. Election time could change all of this but it wont as Nelson wll still be around doing what Heburn wants. Sciors will be around doing what Nelson wants and enough councilors nodding in unison with Nelson like Vaugh and Powers did for the last four years... The good represenatives quit after one term out of frustration at the lack of community backing when they atempt to do the proper things..
Yes the festivle is good to tell our children, this is what we had and look and see wha we have... Yes folks you did the right thing, you moved away......

Anonymous said...

No wonder you are Republican.. Your spelling is horrible like mine... You would be good in the legislature. You could write up a resolution then say you dont understand it..
Lightfoot and Akins will begin grandstanding this week.. All the alledged cuts in the County didnt happen and wont.... St Hillaire musty go folks before the Countyis broke...

Anonymous said...

I agree with St. hillaire going that is long over due. The problem is the legislature has no clue what happens in each department.

They hear what she tells them, as a county employee I know.

Anonymous said...

The county is out of control because the legislators are inept and too weak knee'd to do the right thing, which is to balance the budget without ANY new taxes.

Anonymous said...

I work for the County also. This board of legislators hasnt a clue what goes on in individual departments. They are strictly at the mercy of the honesty of the head of that department.. Think about it for a minute.. Who wants their dept cut....
Take a figure for insstance 15 percent.. Have each department ead cut that figure from their own budget with no exceptions..
Fill no jobs for at least one year no exceptions.. None....
Cut at least one half of all non mandated jobs.. Period no exceptions... Do like Mr. Regan and cut all non essential personnel and have a cost saings we can all see.
I use him as an example as Ms Rupp let one employee have a leave of absence and they worked without her and then she was let and that dept is running top notch.. We need more deptheads that work for us not the unions....
Why does the legislature get mileage at all... Employees dont..
Why do they get pension credits and meal allotments.. Employees dont..
Why can they be eligible for any benefits? Other part time or non full time employees have to put a certain amount of time in before they get any benefits..
Follow this type of guideline and they can make the budget pain less for all...

Anonymous said...

Heh meathead.. I think you mean partime employees dont get the bennies like pensions..
I dont think legislators should get mileage and I agree on your belief.. Other employees dont get mileage or the use of county owned vehicles.. Why does anyone??
Every legislator should apend at least two days in each department and see how they run.. I know it would take yrs of experience to have the knowledge needed to run one...
I agree that the Governors appointing of Gavin Regan was a godsend to us.. He (according to his employees) is doing a great job and with less personnel than Pat Ritchie.. He made some hard choices and they benifited us. Why cant the other department heads make these choices.
Mr Regan obviously seen that Ms Ruppps position was fluff and unnecessary thus her termination. The other emplyee was a leave obviously given by Rupp herself without any thought of consequences..
Cutting the Sheriffs Dept half a million could be done without much disrutption to the law enforcement department but the chances of that will be slim. Im convinced the Sheriff will cut where it hurts us the most just to show the legislators the consequences
My idea would be to do away with the Investigators from the Dept and put them back in uniform. Let the State handle all felonys..
Keep the extra staff on writting tickets and make it mandatory to cover their own wages in tickets and arresyts.. Let the jail staffhandle all prisoner transports. Period no exceptions
Get rid of the bigger cars on the road and the SUVs.. We dont need the boat partrol and the snowmovile patrol in these times...