Saturday, July 16, 2011

Capital Tonight:Cuomo Announces Tentative Contract Deal With PEF

Public Employee Federation Contract?
The Public Employee Union (PEF) is following the footsteps of CSEA. It appears they have made the necessary concessions to prevent their members from receiving pink slips. PEF represents the professional employees at state agencies...nurses, physicians, councilors, engineers, and teachers started receiving layoff notices and may have a second chance if this contracted is ratified.

There are approximately 60 PEF employees at each correctional facility and many at the SLPC. PEF's and CSEA's ratification could cost jobs at local facilities once employees start bumping employees with less seniority. It appears this is the best contract either union will get and it will start with 3 big zeros and 9 furlough days.

Times are tough and everyone should sacrifice. Last year the County Legislature approved a contract that gave county employees raises for the last two years. I bet, they wish they had that money now. As for the teachers in the Ogdensburg school district 2.75%, 2.85%, and 2.95%, not bad when they are letting teachers go.

Capital Tonight


Anonymous said...

You again show your Republican roots with your comments.. County workers gave a lot in return for a contract.. Times are tough and people like the editor feel the municipal employees should be the scapegoat and work for nothing.. This is the Republican way obviously.
With people like Matt Doheny working the Republican pocketbook for Pat Ritchie last week and ready to spend another 3 million of his own money next year for a run at congress I dont understand how any Republican can be beat.. Where do they get this money? Oh yes of course on the backs of their workers and employees.. Ritchie wont even help her home county legislators get home rule for a possible sales tax increase

Anonymous said...

sounds like littl sammy whining that he can't get any money so he might actually have to make a tough decision. St lawrence county needs to make cuts bottom line. Get rid of what is not mandated and will hurt for a bit but will not skip a beat in the long run. Meantime quit giving the big raises.8:09.Doheney is living the American dream, You are the American nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Doheny is the AMericab dream.. A wet one.... Anyone that uys up companies lays off workers to give himself a two to six million dollar bonus is a dream.. his is tyopical Republican standard. Glutton for the top and famine for the workers..
I however do agree. Budget crisis or not SLC needs to lay off t least fifty people and cut some services. The Sheriffs dept is a prime example of what can be cut.
Jail personnel are trained to transport prisoners to and from court so they should be doing it all once prisoners are incarcerated. Towns that want the police protection should be paying for the service like Norwood, Ogdensburg, Massena, Gouverneur, Potsdam Canton.. These taxpayers are paying double for this service now.... All equipment including cars should be bought from drug seizures.. No seizures no equipment period .... Planning board d we need it??? Hwy should be cut further... Doss has many jobs not necessary and hours could be better sutied for the public.. All accounting should be under the treasurer no servaral seperated accounting depts that get us ito messes....
DAs dept has too many non attorney positions... Unless Sheriff is done away with DA should not ned their own investigators.
I agree with the previous commentator on these things but not about Doheny.. He would be a piss poor represenative of us in Washington.

Anonymous said...

Legislators need to QUIT crying and man up and Cut The County payroll and balance the budget .

This is not the time for ANY new taxes for ANY of us .

Anonymous said...

Yah it is.... Sales tax increase and a Senator that will help it pass..........

Anonymous said...

Tax us any more and you WILL be voted out of office next election - It is that simple

Anonymous said...

10:22 This is the deal. Guys Like Doheney don't break these companies they are mismanaged. Guys like him go in fix or break up and try to make attractive so banks can recoup losses. Yes they probably get paid on this basis but that is how it works. Now you think the same mentality is true to lay off all these positions at the county why? Is that not the same arguement you make with Doheney. These are the type of people in my mind best suited to fix an broken system. These people can make decisions of what services need to stay, go, or be tweeked.

Anonymous said...

The sales tax increase proposed by the county was a back door deal. Did they just find out the last week of the legislative session they were short 15 million? Then ask Ritchie to carry it in the Senate, before the county legislature voted on it, sounds ass backwards.

The legislature never approved the increase until 3 days after the session was over. The dems on the county legislature need to get their sh*t together. Last minute of the last hour is a play by Mr. Burns and Sally baby to take a shot at Ritchie.

The democratic controlled county legislature approved the last 2 years of raises for county employees. Now they want to lay 90 employees off, maybe forgo a raise in tough times to keep people working.

Anonymous said...

This school board and the legislature is out of control and has no grasp of today's reality for families . CUT your budget and staff to balance the budget , quit whining and act like adults for a change .
Every family has had to cut "programs and activities. "

The case of many seniors who haven't had a SS increase in 3 yr is deplorable they are eating Dog/CAT FOOD or other low value food substitutes and must limit their prescriptions to what they can afford rather than what they need , so that teachers and county and state workers can have raises -- ENOUGH .

Boards and legislative reps need to Be responsible forget greed get real and CUT staff and do it now.