Monday, July 25, 2011

Seaway Festival A Week of Events
Seaway Festival is here and the weather has been great. The battle of the bands was a great show and it was a great evening. The week is full of events with concerts in the gazebo, a car show, karaoke, kid rides and games, fireworks, and the parade. Click on the event schedule for a list of events on the City's Web.

Event Schedule


Anonymous said...

The one big event in Ogdensburg, take advantage of the summer.

Anonymous said...

Yeah go an watch the "freak show" at the parade, The Festival used to be a wonderful event -now -- NOT SO MUCH

Pervs , drunks and druggies out on the street parading up n' down Ford st with their tramp stamps n' bagged cheap wine and who knows what else -- mingling in with your families and grandkids - what a deal.

UH-- NO THANKS Until the Mayor and council CLEAN UP the BURG's Act

Anonymous said...

The festivle used to be a proud event for the residents of the city.. No longer... Reunions happen and the talk of the people who have moved away is how the city has changed.. The previous commentator decribes this as a freak show... Fairly good perspective.. Nelson and council over his tenue have mellowed out thus the city has become the playground for the manager and his sidekicks.. What they say goes period dot comma exclamation point...
No one has to wonder about the druggies and low lives in this city. They are on full display during the fireworks and parade. Our police force has become fat and layback over the years and chief Polinak runs a on complaint only department on the orders of council.City business is the one prospering the most from the bustling this week but they are the smallest contributors to the spriit of the festivle.. The bands are good for high school level not like the big bands and drum majors of past years... Yes.... Just like the city this yearly event has steadly gone downhill... Nelsons figherprint is going to be left on our city for years to come and its ot a nice one....

Anonymous said...

My children and grandchildren are all home from out of state and while they love the River and enjoy family and school re- unions , they all agree the city is in deplorable condition .

Neighborhoods that formerly were nice middle class areas when they were growing up, appear dilapidated and overrun with undesirable elements .

Their question seems to be where is the leadership and Community Pride that would NEVER allow this to happen ?

Ogdensburg has grown complacent and takes the easy way out and refuses to hold out for more desirable Quality of Life development and or private employment.

Why have those in leadership positions allowed this to happen , they ask ?.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as truthfully and to the point lets take the facts and roll them into a nutshell
Nelson... Merely a puppett for Hepburn Hospital.. Has ambitions beyond Hepubun..
Vaugh... Wannabe politican that hss been an inmature failure.. Spent his entire three and a half years on council trying to promote himself
Powers Same but has ambitions in Corections.. Helped do nothing. Started hiscarreer as a potentially great worker but soon become a puppett
Cilley Party follower very little important input
Morley... Certainly cares about the little guy but presents himslef as a idiot most of the time.. Needs to get off his radical high horse....
Scamperele... Idiot
Shollette Tried but got frustrated and quit...

City Manager.... Power struck
Planner Wants to be manager. His appearance is repulsive and certainly not a good represenative of the city....