Wednesday, June 1, 2011

WWNY:Jude Seymour joins the Doheny Camp.

                JUDE IS MOVING ON AGAIN!
Time for Jude to see the other side of the campaign trail.  Long nights, many miles, many greet and meets, and many tough questions to answer.  Politics is about perception and the game is never is easy to catch a stray shot that ultimately destroys a campaign.  Like one mistaken quote about abortion or a slip of the tongue and you are in a quagmire, This should be an eye opener for Jude, always remember to keep your friends close. 

WWNY Article


Anonymous said...

This will be interesting to say the least.. Dohenys position on cutting Medicare isnt going to inha ce him with upstate voter and his feelings about privatizing Social Security is well documented. Mr Hoffman is already contemplating a run also but ill not make anythng offial yet. Owens has been doing a good job by the North County and will be hard to unseat.
Remember the Owens Pelosie thing didnt work. This time around just try being honest for a change.
Its hard to imagine Mr. Doheny representing anything but his intersts in Wall St but time will tell.
His next correction is not to hire the Preppies he had on last years campaign.. They really hurt more than they help.. Ogdensburgs Nicky will salavitate at a chance to get some recognition but is he really an asset. I dont think so...

Anonymous said...

Yawn -- this guy runs the risk of turning out to be this areas's "Harold Stassen"

Google it. Stassen was "the Perennial candidate " who ran frequently but never won :>)

Anonymous said...

He and his crowd are wannabes. Hes made his fortune much to his credit but he made it on the backs of hard working Americans that now have no jobs. He invested heavily in a drfunk company , revitalized it and moved it overseas. Millions of us have been effected by he and is Wall St. boys wheras our taxdollars are going to bail out these guys so they can make their six million per year. He backs as much cutting of Medicare as needed and h feels social security should be done away with and prvatized..
Yes folks hurry up and embrase him hes all for you, nd will say whatever needed o get elected....

Anonymous said...

i agree he's got zero cred up here . He and His greedy Wall St, Banker, Real Estate ilk are the problem NOT the solution