Saturday, June 11, 2011

Journal:Nelson Announces Another Run

Another Run for Mayor
Looks like Mayor Nelson is going to throw his hat into the political ring again.  He waited for sometime before announcing his run for Mayor. Is he up to the challenge and can he bring some new ideas to the table?  Those that condemn the current council members should either register to vote or get out and vote!

It appears Councilman Sholette has decided not to run for Mayor or re-election.  He was the top vote getter when he did run and that could be one of the contributing factors to Mayor Nelson's late announcement.  Councilman Sholette stood firm on many issues and will be missed on the City Council next year. 

Petition are on the street! I take my hat off to the grunt work these people do for the political process.  Remember DO NOT COMPLAIN IF YOU DO NOT VOTE!

Journal Article


Anonymous said...

Its obvious Shollette is frustrated. He did his part and stood tall on many lone nay votes. The three amigos Nelson, Powers, Vaugh stood together on all issues save a few and Cilley was pressured by the Party and Bean to join ranks.
Its obvious that Mr. Shollette wanted change and we as an electorate let him down. We stood behind him but so far behind him he never seen us... He did hear us however and he brought our message to the table more than once only to get the negative of the statis quo council..
My hats off to Mr. Shollette and please reconsider.. We are doomed without people like you thatthink outside of Party affiliation Prisons and institutions. We need people like you that care about individuals

Anonymous said...

Ogdensburg NEEDs CHANGE !!!

If you always do what you've always done , you'll get what you've always gotten . ....AND that my friends is NO LONGER GOOD ENOUGH !!

Time for NEW BLOOD to step up to the plate ..... we've seen this ACT before and frankly it's not up to making significant quality of life improvements for the citizenry.

The current CITY political REGIME, Hasn't solved ANY of the following long standing problems :

the property tax issues , the crime wave , the drug problem ,the murders, the lack of private sector employment , deteriorating neighborhoods ,over-dependence on prisons and the creation of a very strong pro- business climate .

ZERO , ZIP, NADA: a blank scorecard on all of the above

So IF YOU want and expect things to improve for YOU WE NEED NEW LEADERSHIP.

RUN < Get involved or the DECLINE will only get worse.

Anonymous said...

Nelsons running for one reasn only. If re-el4cted he becomes NYS mayors organizations president for this year. He wants the statewide attention. He has plans to oppose Addie Russell in 2012 or their is a n outside chance if Patty keeps going the way she is he will oppose her in a primary that year.. His interest dont include Ogdensburg as a whole. Hes addressing the greenbelt issues but nothing else.. Hes the reason Nicky Wannabe is going to try and move on.. After three and a half years of politics Ogdensburg style Vaughs chances of getting re-elected were zero plus some so hes going to try and get a real job and move on.... Look for Nicky to attempt to hook on with some other politican in thefuture.

Anonymous said...

Look all that is fine BUT we NEED New Leadership .

Frankly i don't CARE about Nelson Vaugh , Powers, Scholette or ANY of the existing politicians -, either where they are going or what their aspirations are . They have FAILED

Ogdensburg is an economic SLAG heap and desperately needs some seriously talented leadership to pull the city thru the next decade .

The entire team has proven time and again that they are unable to get the job done . When in blazes will folks get a clue about this and ACT and demand change ?

I can't believe the level of apathy and the defeatist attitude that seems to pervade the voting age group in THIS city .

Why do they accept mediocrity in this city' administration?

Why is the city a run down crime addled , economic wasteland with a drug culture and unsolved murders? Why do people want this city to STAY this way ?

I do NOT get it ? What is wrong with people here ?

It is pathetic that NOTHING has been done to solve the long standing serious issues that have been continually holding this city back.

PLEASE :SEND US A FEW GOOD PEOPLE WHO WILL run FOR OFFICE . Our children's future is at stake

Anonymous said...

The one thing that needs to change in Ogdensburg is the use of the word Micro-manage... Nelson introduced the word to the council a few years ago. Powers Vaugh picked up on it and now its the trend.. Its a dirty word... Dont and cant micromange....I,ve heard it dozens of times at council meetings....Our manager does.. Hes on top of everything in this city much to his credit.. The problem is our leaders arnt... Asked any question they will ask Art and get back to you.... This is wrong and until it changes people like Art and Justin run this City and no one else has any say at all... Oh they make you think you do but you really dont..... We need change at the polls is the start.. Then we need leadership and accountability from our employees and our elected officals....

Anonymous said...

We also NEED RESULTS not EXCUSES . The MGR need to have the freedom BUT also the consequences for performance or LACK there of .

Anonymous said...

Its offical Shollette joins Vaugh in the not returning status. ALso it seem Powers interests are elsewhere but personlly I see no loss there.
After years of playing with the Sales tax issue SLC legislature took a stance recently to apply for home rule from the state. Our Icon CLerk Senator refused to help her constituants.. seems like summer break was more important than giving her home county a little assistance.
I dont blame this on her alone as this legislature and the previous three both Republcan and Democrat have failed to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Another issue the city council has let slide also rather than support such an issue they run and hid. No its too late

Anonymous said...

Its never too late as you say. Ritchie dosnt want to give the appearance of being for tax raises. She supported this sales tax issue for years but now that she could help the home county she is voting with Skelos on this one. If this was a Republican controlled legislature her vote would be different. She sure has been a pathetic represenative for the North Country... Oh well we still have hope in Nov of 2012

Anonymous said...

A couple of days ago the issue of the sales tax came to a head.. Lots of comment being made about it but Ritchie let her home county down big time..
Now that the name calling and rebutting has started do you all take notice that every one has something to say but her.. Senator Griffo, has made some stupid remarks not woarthy of a Senator but Patty is being Patty.. Just sit and look stupid and smile. Sciora comments were right on Griffo was an asshole to even mention cutting Ogbers rates. Screw the burg to help the County dosnt cut it... Patty wasnt against this idea either.

Anonymous said...

Most Politicians pander .

The local variety is particularly "challenged" and can't abide any criticism. Together with the local media any opposition to most anything has been marginalized for yrs.

Prisons, SVP'S and in Massena Nuclear Waste facilities were/are readily accepted and today we suffer from the social decay and the drug culture that resulted from those actions

Local politicians have continually been delusional relative to their so- called records.

They fail to recognize or admit the associated problems that came as a result of multiple yrs of poor decisions relative to the Quality of Life concerns.

As a result the Burg is a social and economic slag heap.


Anonymous said...

Your right on target... People here have had so many years of this shit they feel its the way it has to be.
Politicans that pat themselves onthe back for decay. Thanking the police for good job boys.. What? Look around. Juviniles running the streets, crack houses everywhere, ciggerettes being sold out of at least a dozen city homes. Burglaries up, violent crimes way up and no direction for solving them when our local justice system wont allow anyone to be put in jail. Cops sitting around on duty talking to girlfriends or wannabe girlfriends with no fear of retribution from their superiors.
Ordinances not being enforced so why bother making them... Sidewalks shoveling is a joke in this city. Litter filling the streets even though its against the law and our public works picks it up with no retribution to the violaters. Apartments and housing is an eyesore and nothing is done about it...Why? Ask this question and keep the answer in mind. Its because the dept heads arent doing their job, and the manager isnt doing his.. Call it micro manageing but council dosnt hold the manager accountable..
Of the new canidates I see only one I believe may try and make a difference. The rest will be like Vaugh and Powers and now Cilley and follow Nelsons every whim...
We have a manager with little or no people skills and a planner who uses his position to treat people with arrogance and dispite and they need to go or be put in line with what should be in this city.

Anonymous said...

Ogdensburg can do a lot better than Bill Nelson -- Just open up the phone book and close you eyes and point . Yes it would be a better Mayor than what he has done with his buddies Poweres - Vaugh -Scorria and Woods. They all need to go!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ogdensburg's got micro- manageing Nelson plus we get - EL SUPREMO DICTATOR SCORRIA! with an Arragant & Rude Planner WOODS. Why would people visit us much less live here.