Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tax Cap or What?

Silver Against Property Tax Cap
Senate majority leader Sampson has been pushing a property tax cap.....Sampson believes this could prevent the Dems from losing control of the Senate.  The people of NNY have been burdened with the turmoil, corruption, criminal activity, and their inability to pass a budget by the Democratic controlled Senate.  The lack of leadership between the Senate and Assembly is the root of the legislature problem. Speaker of the Assembly, Sheldon Silver has avoided voting on property tax caps....his action would indicate he preferred a Republican controlled Senate. 
Capping property tax, would limit schools ability to spend  and place a check and balance on their budgets.  Since NYS taxpayers pay more taxes than any other state...Looks like we need some control on spending and a property tax cap is a start.


Anonymous said...

Silver is about Silver and the assembly and Addie will do what they are told.

Anonymous said...

silver likes high property taxes because they mean more republican voters leaving the state which in turn means a larger democratic majority in the assembly.

Anonymous said...

He has over two thirds control of the assembly which is part of the problem.
With Assemblywomen Russell voting with this group we have no chance of achieving a balance. Voting for micro-stamping was just one example how Russell is out of touch with NNY.

Anonymous said...

As long as Siver and legislators like them keep getting elected we will always have problems. Get rid of the bums.