Sunday, September 26, 2010

County Deficit $8 Million?

The race in district 1 has been low profile and not much fodder.  You would think Mr.
Flavin would be hammering Mr. Burns on the deficit the county is facing next year.  Mr. Burns is looking towards a sales tax increase instead of property tax increase.  Some say cut services, 8-10 million are a lot of services but the money has to come from somewhere. 
I see they both have signs out but it will be hard to pick between the two candidates with little to nothing in the paper.  I would like to see the candidates that represent Ogdensburg debate the issues and explain their way out of next year's deficit.    Where are our representives, what are their issues, what are their answers to this deficit?
Journal Article


Anonymous said...

Mr Burns has done a great job. There will be tough issues this year and he has the exp.

Anonymous said...

Everybody stop spending! Why is that so hard to understand?

Anonymous said...

I wish they would debae.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Flavin what is your take on the deficit are you even campaigning? I see a few signs when I come into Ogdensburg is that all these guys got.

Anonymous said...

mr. burns has the experience alright. All union. Could not cut a union job if he had to. Never had to worry about a paycheck for the union took care of him. New blood. Mr burns is the reason with his buddies that we are in this mess in the first place. Mr Flavin does not seem to be out much but enough of what has been there already.

Anonymous said...

Burns has had his day - the situation in Canton is out of control -- He has lost 2 votes in this house . STOP the SPENDING