Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Burns vrs Flavin for County Legislator

Robert Flavin
Mr. Flavin just finished a run for city legislator and just fell short of getting elected in his first bid as elected official. Mr. Flavin worked at Claxton Medical Center in the Maintenance Department, very active sportsman, and has been involved in the Wally restocking program. He is currently challenging Mr. Burns who currently represents Ogdensburg in District 1. The Burns' name has been synonymous with politics. Mr. Burns has demonstrated concern, insight and knowledge of the issues facing St. Lawrence County.

I have spoken to Mr. Burns on many county issues and he always had knowledge of the topic and responded to my concerns. With little press and very little literature on Mr. Flavin I am not sure what his issues are.

This race has had little press but it should be a concern to the residents of Ogdensburg.
Sam (Vernon) Burns


Anonymous said...

yes, Mr Burns is up on the issues. But look at his spending record and you will see exactly what you are getting. Any union issue will have his sympathy, but he has to look in the mirror a little more to ask if he is really looking out for the whole population he represents. Headlines a couple years ago BURNS WILL NOT SUPPORT SALES TAX INCREASE> Now ask him the same question. There are tough decisions to be made in St. Lawrence County and Sam has not been able to do them.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Flavin is the conservative we need to represent our city. He has never avoided issues and is true to his word.

Poly Information said...

Mr. Burns has always represented the union works. The sales tax increase will be a tough decission. There are only two choices raise sales tax on all or raise property tax on some. Tough question for any legislator.

Anonymous said...

poly you forgot the number one choice. Less Gov't.Do we need a road patrol? How many troopers are here as opposed to 15 yrs age? Do we really need a planning dept? What do they do. There are several more on the list. These are the tough choices raising taxes are the easy ones/

Oburg said...

Good point 7:00 less government. Plus his brother is on the road patrol.