Saturday, September 11, 2010

Scozzafava Endorses McGrath

The RINO Scozzafava has endorsed Mr. McGrath for the 122nd Assembly district. Republicans have turned the backs on her and the Democrats have embraced her with open arms. She was a deciding factor in the 23rd Congressional race with Owens and Hoffman.

She is still trying to sway the minds of her loyal followers and they are following her right off the road and into the ditch. There must be a promise in the wind and how will this affect her future. Get the whole speech on You-Tube link.


Anonymous said...

I, for one, will miss Dede. And theren't many politicians I would say that about.

Finally, a politician who does more than just parrot the same old tired party line.

Anonymous said...

Anon keep being blind. Dede is all about dede not party line or off line stuff. She has burnt a lot of bridges now she is calling in the ace card for a nice cushy job for years to come. Some think with Andy boy others think from last year with the congressional issue. Just watch and see.Can't wait to see Dede's next position.

Anonymous said...

Dede is about Dede and she will be rewarded by the Dems. They payed off the indy party, they better win so they can pay Dede off.